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Atari USB Project Wiki is back online again


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after some hard work, the content of the Atari USB Project (SIO2USB and Atari USB Cart) is back online again at http://microusb.org/




Cool! Thank you.


I have just noticed that Dealextreme sells piles of USB gadgets, including more than one model of the USB VGA card. Might be worth checking.


Hi Pepax,


I have the USB VGA Card on my Desk for more then a year, I need a shop to buy more time or fellow hackers that start help coding...



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  • 4 weeks later...
I have the USB VGA Card on my Desk for more then a year, I need a shop to buy more time or fellow hackers that start help coding...



I know and I'm sorry I can't help you as I'm not a programmer. Testing is all I can do now, unfortunately.



Hello Carsten and Josef


Since you'll meet again at the Fujiama '08, you can work on this together. :D





Now I know we won't meet there. ;) :party: :thumbsup:


I have just noticed some news.... I wonder what chip is inside and if they release a Linux driver soon... (No driver download on EVGA's site yet AFAIK.)

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