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POKEY MSX+DIGI while loading...


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Yes, for now I figure on 4 KHz samples until we can tweak stuff.


Have a wrap-around buffer from $4000-$4FFF. Read in 2K of data to get things started.


Main Loop:

Then start the digi-play. Grab a sample, split it into the 4 values that need to be stored in AUDC. Poke the first one in.


Wait for VCount to bump (processing so far would probably waste 2 lines anyway), then store the next sample.

Wait for VCcount to bump twice, store third sample.


At this stage, more work to do. Increment the sample pointer, check if it needs to be wrapped back from $4FFF to $4000.


Wait for VCount twice again, store fourth sample.

Near end of loop now. Check flag to see if SIO operation has complete. If Yes, then request the next sector to be loaded to RAM.

End of loop, jump back to top.


"Get sector" routine should merely set a flag to request initiation of a read sector command. Seperate routine elsewhere to "Increment Sector" bumps sector number, wraps it back from XXX to start sector to repeat song.


VBlank routine: check flag to see if SIO op in progress.

Branch to different areas dependant on what part of the operation is happening.


Initiating I/O operation, Command frame send, waiting for Ack, waiting for Complete, transferring Data Frame.


Not sure on Timeout just yet - might be easiest to just use one of the OS countdown timers.



Got about 200 lines of code - unsure if I'll have anything of substance before bedtime, less than 4 hours away.

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Forgot: back to the samples.


Yes, 4K. From memory, the standard 1050 reads floppies at almost exactly 1K per second, so that syncs well with 4 KHz, 2 bit sample data.

Of course, we can always try later for 4-bits, higher sample rates etc.


The Rick-Roll thing I did the other day is that rate/resolution, but no so crash hot quality-wise. Maybe the quality could be improved with "oversampling" ie- interpolation between successive samples.

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Do you want what I have so far? Doubt I'll have it ready within the next 16 hours, kinda doing other stuff too, then sleep-time.


It's barely a skeleton of a program at the moment though.

Had to use MAC-65 too, I don't have any PC-based assemblers installed, and not sure I have any MADs doco.

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here is my adapted energy irq loader done years ago... found it on my old webspace...


* IRQ-SIO Loader
* for ENERGY-zin

;opt 5+32

bufor equ  $680 ;$bc40
;* es wird direkt mit SERIN,SEROUT mit dem seriellen Bus
;* kommuniziert. DCB = Device Control Block
;* DCB
;* DCB +1 = disc command
;* DCB +2,+3 = sector lo,hi
;* der irq loader lädt dos 2.x kompatible disk sectoren + file header

dcb    equ 0
cksum  equ 4
xdone  equ 5
lindex equ 6
stcnt  equ 7
adr    equ 8
end    equ 10

org $1000
ins 'tmc.fnt'

org $2200

start  nop
loop lda 53770
    sta $d01a
    lda 53279
    cmp #6
    bne loop
jsr del
stx $d40e
; stx $d400
lda #$fe
sta $d301
mva #$10 $d409
mva #1 dcb
lda #$52     ;read sector
sta dcb+1
lda #4
sta dcb+2
lda #0
sta dcb+3
lda #$28
sta $d204
sta $d208
stx $d206
stx xdone
lda <irq
sta $fffe
lda >irq
sta $ffff
jsr set

bne *

init jmp ($2e2)

del lda #$34
sta $d303
ldx #0
stx lindex
bne *-1
set lda #$23
sta $d20f
lda #$10
sta $d20e
lda #$31
sta $d20d
sta cksum
rts rts

irq2 cmp #$20
bne irq3
lsr @
sta $d20e
inc lindex
ldx lindex
cpx #4
bcs oi1
lda dcb,x
sta $d20d
adc cksum
adc #0
sta cksum
bcc irqend
oi1 bne oi2
lda cksum
sta $d20d
irqend pla
oi2 lsr @
sta $d20e
bne irqend

irq3 lda #$13
sta $d20f
sta $d20a
lda #$20
sta $d20e
lda #$3c
sta $d303
lda #$fe
sta stcnt
lda #0
sta cksum
beq irqend

irq pha
ldx #0
lda $d20e
stx $d20e
and #$30
cmp #$10
bne irq2

asl @
sta $d20e
lda $d20f
sta $d20a
bpl error
and #$20
beq error
ldx stcnt
bmi getsum
mva #0 $d018
lda $d20d
sta bufor,x
sta $d018
adc cksum
adc #0
sta cksum
mva #0 $d018
inc stcnt
getsum cpx #$80
beq ii1
inc stcnt
lda $d20d
cmp #$41
beq endirq
cmp #$43
beq endirq
error jsr del
jsr set
endirq pla
ii1 lda $d20d
sbc cksum
bne error
stx lindex
lda bufor+$7e
sta dcb+2
lda bufor+$7d
and #3
sta dcb+3
ora dcb+2
beq l7
lda #$34
sta $d303
l7 sta l8+1
l1 lda bufor,x
ldy xdone
beq l2
sta adr-1,y
lda <rts
sta $2e2
lda >rts
sta $2e3
inc xdone
cpy #2
bne l4
lda adr
and adr+1
eor #$ff
bne l3
lda #1
bne l6
l4 tya
sbc #4
bne l3
l6 sta xdone
jmp l3
l2 sta (adr),y

lda adr
cmp end
lda adr+1
sbc end+1
bcc l5
inc xdone
stx cksum
jsr init
ldx cksum
l5 inc adr
bne l3
inc adr+1
l3 inx
cpx bufor+$7f
bcc l1
l8 lda #10
beq *+5
jmp error+3
jmp ($2e0)



as it stands now you have to point to the right sector where a file starts with the header... it's adapted from the energy irq loader... but need to check later if it was done via $ff,$ff or the small header...

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I just tried a quick & dirty program in BASIC + Asm.


VBI to force enable DLIs.


Screen constructed of DLIs every 8 scanlines, normal Gr. 0 other than that, DLI plays back a small waveform in memory.



It works fine. Funny thing though - if I turn off "Noisy IO" by POKE 65,0 - you hear next to no sound during disk I/O without the routine.


With the digital playback happening, you hear the I/O - it's even a little obtrusive.


I'll get this uploaded shortly, if anyone wants to check it out.

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Try this. Mount the disk on Drive 1 in APE.




Run the program - it generates a sawtooth wave in RAM, uses VBI to keep DLIs alive. Waveform played back by DLI on blank lines, and Gr. 0 lines.


Program then just recursively opens itself for read to generate disk I/O.


Try POKE 65,0 before running to do quiet disk I/O.

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ok. as Rybags... i played around with the energy loader... i have comment it little bit so it is far more understandable


maybe some of you can help here...


* IRQ-SIO Loader
* for ENERGY-zin

;opt 5+32

bufor equ  $bc40 ;$680 ;$bc40
;* es wird direkt mit SERIN,SEROUT mit dem seriellen Bus
;* kommuniziert. DCB = Device Control Block
;* DCB
;* DCB +1 = disc command
;* DCB +2,+3 = sector lo,hi
;* der irq loader lädt dos 2.x kompatible disk sectoren + file header

; Communication
; First, the computer sets the COMMAND line at the SIO connector.
; Then sends the command block (4 bytes + checksum)
; Then waits for a response (1 byte without a checksum):
; $41 (A) = Acknowledge, the command is valid and will be executed.
; $4E (N) = Negative, the command is invalid.

; If the device responds "N", the transfer is aborted.
; Otherwise ("A") the data block is transferred with the checksum.
; Now the computer waits for a final acknowledge (1 B without a checksum):
; $43 © = Complete, operation completed successfully.

dcb    equ 0
cksum  equ 4
xdone  equ 5
lindex equ 6
stcnt  equ 7
adr    equ 8
end    equ 10

;	org $4400
;	ins 'tmc.fnt'

org $2200

loop 	lda 53770
     sta $d01a
     lda 53279
     cmp #6
     bne loop
	 jsr del
	 stx $d40e
	; stx $d400
	 lda #$fe
	 sta $d301
	 lda #$44
	 sta $d409
	 lda #1
	 sta dcb
	 lda #$52     ;read sector
	 sta dcb+1
	 lda #4		;sector 4
	 sta dcb+2
	 lda #0
	 sta dcb+3
	 lda #$28
	 sta $d204
	 sta $d208
	 stx $d206
	 stx xdone
	 lda <irq
	 sta $fffe
	 lda >irq
	 sta $ffff
	 jsr set
	 bne *
init: jmp ($2e2)

del: lda #$34 
 sta $d303 ;portbctrl
 ldx #0
 stx lindex
 bne *-1
set: lda #$23 ;
 sta $d20f ;skctl
 lda #$10 
 sta $d20e ;irqen
 lda #$31 ;device D1
 sta $d20d ;serout
sta cksum
rts: rts

irq2: cmp #$20 ;serin?
 bne irq3
 sta $d20e ;irqen
 inc lindex ;send dcb block to disc station
 ldx lindex
 cpx #4 ;4 bytes 
 bcs oi1
 lda dcb,x
 sta $d20d ;serout
 adc cksum
 adc #0
 sta cksum
 bcc irqend
oi1 bne oi2
 lda cksum ;and now last but not least the checksum
 sta $d20d
irqend: pla
oi2 lsr
 sta $d20e
 bne irqend

irq3: lda #$13
 sta $d20f ;skcntl
 sta $d20a ;reset bits 7,6,5 of skstat
 lda #$20 ;enable serial interrupt
 sta $d20e ;irqen
 lda #$3c
 sta $d303 ;pia port b control
 lda #$fe
 sta stcnt
 lda #0
 sta cksum
 beq irqend

irq: pha
 ldx #0
 lda $d20e ;irgstat
 stx $d20e ;irqen
 and #$30
 cmp #$10 ;serout?
 bne irq2 ;no then serin
 sta $d20e
 lda $d20f
 sta $d20a
 bpl error
 and #$20
 beq error
 ldx stcnt ;byte counter
 bmi getsum
 lda #0
 sta $d018
 lda $d20d ;serin
 sta bufor,x ;write byte into buffer
 sta $d018
 adc cksum
 adc #0
 sta cksum
 lda #0
 sta $d018
 inc stcnt
getsum: cpx #$80 ;128 bytes read? (125 + 3 bytes)
 beq ii1 ;yes? then setup next sector and move data to memory
 inc stcnt ;no? read next byte
 lda $d20d ;serin
 cmp #$41 ;$41 (A) = Acknowledge, the command is valid and will be executed.
 beq endirq
 cmp #$43 ;$43 © = Complete, operation completed successfully
 beq endirq
jsr del
jsr set
endirq: pla
;sector read (128 bytes)
ii1: lda $d20d ;serin - read checksum
 sbc cksum
 bne error ;read error?
;qqqq  jmp qqqq
 tax ;0
 stx lindex
 lda bufor+$7e ;next sector
 sta dcb+2
 lda bufor+$7d ;
 and #3
 sta dcb+3 ;sector hi
 ora dcb+2
 beq l7
 lda #$34
 sta $d303 ;portbctrl
l7 sta l8+1
l1 lda bufor,x
 ldy xdone
 beq l2
 sta adr-1,y
 lda #<rts
 sta $2e2
 lda #>rts
 sta $2e3
 inc xdone
 cpy #2
 bne l4
 lda adr
 and adr+1
 eor #$ff
 bne l3
 lda #1
 bne l6
l4 tya
 sbc #4
 bne l3
l6 sta xdone
jmp l3
l2 sta $d018
 sta (adr),y
 lda adr
 cmp end
 lda adr+1
 sbc end+1
 bcc l5
 inc xdone
 stx cksum
 jsr init
 ldx cksum
l5 inc adr
 bne l3
 inc adr+1
l3 inx
 cpx bufor+$7f
 bcc l1
l8 lda #10
 beq *+5
 jmp error+3
 jmp qqqq
 jmp ($2e0)
qqqq	 lda $d40b
 sta $d018
 jmp qqqq

run start


so... my question is as I can not as Jaskier... as it stands now... how I understand the loader... starting sector is 4, format for the file is adr lo, adr hi, end lo, end hi...


but when following and making some tests...the loader does not handle multiple segments, not the 6 byte header and where does the loader jumps after the file has been loaded?

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You mean disk boot header?


First byte = doesn't matter

Byte 2 = number of sectors in boot segment

Byte 3,4 = load address

Byte 5,6 = init address (gets stored in DISKINI ($C,$D))


Byte 7 = start of boot continuation code. Normally, this loads extra segments if needed.

In a single-stage boot, code should just store RUN address in DOSVEC ($A,$B), then CLC, RTS


OS will then call Init routine, expecting it to RTS. Then, if no cartridge is present it jumps through DOSVEC (no return is possible)



I was amazed that the quick one I did before worked. It even works fine if you generate a full display of 4-blank lines with DLI each time.

Based on an SIO rate of 19,200 bps that should peak at 1,920 bytes per second I/O rate. Which on PAL averages to 38.4 IRQs per frame (or one every 8.125 scanlines).


So, I guess the system isn't too "busy". The thing with SIO is that you must read SERIN before the next byte is completely loaded into the shift register, else SERIN changes and you get overrun.


In theory, that would mean you could endure a worst-case scenario of about 15 scanlines between reads - which leaves a fair scope for doing intensive processing.

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Rybags... I ment when looking into the loader code I have posted... but i thing i screw up some bits and pieces...as when started and inserted back the energy #1 disc it does lload until sector 169 and do not start the intro while the original source does...


and the sio loader is interesting as i now understand not only the "load while msx" thing but seven cities of gold...(but not sure if dan bunten used a custom loader for streaming the data or the basic OS functions)

Edited by Heaven/TQA
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You mean binary file processing?


Point "Init" $2E2 address to an RTS.


1: Read "Start". If Start = $FFFF then repeat.

2. Read "End".

3. End - Start + 1 gives number of bytes in segment needed to read.

4. Read data

5. JSR indirect thru $2E2. Point "Init" $2E2 address to an RTS.

6. Back to (1)


7. At EOF, JSR thru $2E2. Jump indirect thru $2E0.

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Fetching data while game action continues.


Not 100% here, but doesn't 7 Cities do that?


Normal SIO just sits in a loop waiting for a flag to trip signifying end of transmission. A custom loader would allow games to access extra needed level data, whilst still continuing to execute.

Of course, some tricky programming using Imm. VBlank which forces DLIs enabled can allow the same thing, but you then have to be very careful so far as how much each NMI routine does.

Custom routine allows much more flexibility since the mainline code can continue to execute.


In theory, all the scheduling of I/O could be done by the VBlank routine, so all the main routine would have to do is setup a control block when it needs data, then just periodically check a flag to know when the data has been fetched.

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is there any logical reason why this works:


bne *-1

init jmp ($2e2)


and this not?


; bne *-1

main ldx #0

main0 lda 53770

sta $bc40,x


bne main0

beq main0


init jmp ($2e2)


the first one loads & starts the energy disc mag intro while by entering the 2nd dummy code writing random chars to screen the intro starts with depacking but not the intro itself?

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holy sh!t that's fascinating...


I haven't understood everything yet here (esp. the $d303 stuff in the DEL and the SET section) but here is a nice test...


please boot IRQ1.ATR into atari800win or on real machine (not tested yet...), when screen is flashing insert EMPTY.ATR into drive 1 by ALT+1 (so only mount the disc, do not boot that).


after that press START...the IRQ loader is loading 16k of data to $4000-$7fff (00,01,02 etc...) into memory and plays back the space harrier get ready sample while loading... that's really cool...


in atari800win you should disable SIO-patch, enable the sector counter (VIEW menu) so you really see that the data gets loaded...


random char is the byte which is read from the SIO bus and written to the memory, while the white player is moved in the IRQ and the sample is played back from main loop, not interrupt.


i personally found that cool as there is not any trick here... (thanks Jaskier for the IRQ loader source... ;=))


on EMPTY.ATR i have simply written a file with turbo basic XL which contains 16k (132 sectors) of dummy data but in dos 2.5 format...so that is the reason why the loader stops after loading the 132 sectors as there is no INIT or RUN adress defined.


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Not quite the way I was planning to do it, but works.


Now, can we use Channel 4 only (8 bit mode) for the baud rate to free up ch 3 for other stuff? Or is the resolution too poor to get the needed frequency?

Thinking 3-voice music type stuff here.


Also, for digi stuff you should be able to use AUDC4, since forced volume doesn't affect the freq/counter/serial function of the particular voice.

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$D303 stuff - that controls the COMMAND line on the SIO bus.


It's in the OS/Hardware manuals. SIO devices will only listen when COMMAND is low.


Then, any attached devices will accept the command frame. Of course, only the identified device then procedes to participate in the I/O operation.

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