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atari800 win v 4.1

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I have an issue with this version of the emu and win xp x64


it many relates to 2 sound issues, firstly you can't select 8bit resolution using direct sound (sound options) it comes up with an error...I don't know if it's just the emu, my sound card (or drivers) or win xp x64


The other issue regarding ths sound is that after a few uses of the emu, you start getting some 'crackle' over the sound channels, the only way i've found to curing this is to reinstall the sound card drivers (don't remove them first) then removing the atari800win folder from the windows registry editor and reinstalling the emu...that seems to cure it for a while


I've also noticed a 'bug' regarding the 'disable basic' option, it mainly relates to the loading of binary executables (exe/com/xex etc), sometimes once you've loaded an exe etc (with basic disabled), if the press the reset and it coldstarts...sometimes it will jump to the basic cartridge, not the self test (which is the default for basic disabled option)


Also, i notice that on restarting the emu, it only seems to remember the last ATR file you tried to load...surely it should be able to remember the last of any type of file you tried to load upon restarting, what's so special about ATR's..it shouldn't be too much hassle to get the emu to remember the last binary exec. or cart/cas image you tried to load upon restarting the emu

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Well... the last stable release of PLus is still 4.0.


4.1 is (although based on newer Atari800 core, 2.0.2 IIRC) only fast recompilation, and yes, it lack some features.


You can try to ask Jaskier about new stable version but he seems to be very busy lately... Or wait to the new Atari800 release, which may have all the PLus' features built-in.

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