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Wow! A sealed Wiz Math for the Colecovision

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Hey Zwackery - I noticed your name - do you like the game or something? Something you may be interested to know--ChaseTheChuckwagon.com will be announcing shortly a very special lot of auctions featuring the games owned by the man himself - the Creator or Zwackery - among others. One of the games going up for auction from his personal collection is his actual Zwackery game.


I thought you would like to know about this. Keep watching the Chuckwagon for further details.

Yes, I am a fan of that rather quirky (and somewhat obscure) arcade game. Actually got a chance to play it a bit back in the day in an arcade (actually that was the only unit I ever have seen), and it stuck with me ever since. Thanks for the info, I'll definitely be looking forward to the listings.


You can expect a formal announcment soon :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to bump this. I won the threshold boxed and first he said he could not find it then he found it and said it was a little damaged, then he mailed it and I still have not received it. He mailed it media mail :x and USPS has no tracking only that a label was made. I think i am about to file a paypal claim

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I wanted to bump this. I won the threshold boxed and first he said he could not find it then he found it and said it was a little damaged, then he mailed it and I still have not received it. He mailed it media mail :x and USPS has no tracking only that a label was made. I think i am about to file a paypal claim

That sucks man...that was a good price too.

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I wanted to bump this. I won the threshold boxed and first he said he could not find it then he found it and said it was a little damaged, then he mailed it and I still have not received it. He mailed it media mail :x and USPS has no tracking only that a label was made. I think i am about to file a paypal claim

I bought an Atari 2600 game from the same seller, paid on 5/7, still have not received the game, but I was going to wait until tomorrow (being 2 weeks then) before I asked the seller what was going on seeing as how he shipped it via Media Mail. I bought another game on 5/18 from the same seller. In both cases, I paid via PayPal, and I received a "Track & Confirm" USPS email from PayPal, but basically all that says is that the seller hit the print shipping label button in PayPal. The seller still has quite a bit of stuff for sale (but only a few Atari items left) and thus far this month has received only positive feedback, including on many Atari, and several pricey Colecovision, items. I'm not in panic mode yet, but I am attentive to the situation.

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I wanted to bump this. I won the threshold boxed and first he said he could not find it then he found it and said it was a little damaged, then he mailed it and I still have not received it. He mailed it media mail :x and USPS has no tracking only that a label was made. I think i am about to file a paypal claim

I bought an Atari 2600 game from the same seller, paid on 5/7, still have not received the game, but I was going to wait until tomorrow (being 2 weeks then) before I asked the seller what was going on seeing as how he shipped it via Media Mail. I bought another game on 5/18 from the same seller. In both cases, I paid via PayPal, and I received a "Track & Confirm" USPS email from PayPal, but basically all that says is that the seller hit the print shipping label button in PayPal. The seller still has quite a bit of stuff for sale (but only a few Atari items left) and thus far this month has received only positive feedback, including on many Atari, and several pricey Colecovision, items. I'm not in panic mode yet, but I am attentive to the situation.

I won the CV games Campaign '84 and Omega Race from this seller. I received a parcel from him around a week ago and it contained two Intellivision games!!! The guy who bought the Intellivision games called me in a bit of a panic as he'd paid around $260 for these two games. Turns out he received my Campaign '84 but NO Omega Race. The seller said he would refund our shipping costs if we sent our parcels to each other - I've now sent mine but have not yet received the $30 for this from the seller. He has also not responded to my questions regarding the whereabouts of my Omega Race game. Not overly concerned just yet as long as I receive my Campaign '84 and the $30 shipping (only paid $15.50 for Omega Race).

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I won the CV games Campaign '84 and Omega Race from this seller. I received a parcel from him around a week ago and it contained two Intellivision games!!! The guy who bought the Intellivision games called me in a bit of a panic as he'd paid around $260 for these two games. Turns out he received my Campaign '84 but NO Omega Race. The seller said he would refund our shipping costs if we sent our parcels to each other - I've now sent mine but have not yet received the $30 for this from the seller. He has also not responded to my questions regarding the whereabouts of my Omega Race game. Not overly concerned just yet as long as I receive my Campaign '84 and the $30 shipping (only paid $15.50 for Omega Race).

Hmmm, this does not inspire my confidence in the seller.


edit: Just got the mail today, no game from the seller, 2 weeks since payment, and I am roughly 4 hours driving distance from where the seller is, so I'm going to send a message and ask for an update.

Edited by Zwackery
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You guys might want to file a claim because if he has any money left in his PayPal account it is first come first serve. Once the money is gone you probably will have to file a chargeback to get your money from PayPal should your items not arrive.

What? People actually try to deal with PayPal before filing a chargeback with a CC company? :ponder:

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This was the seller's response to me when I inquired about the shipping status of the game:


"The game was shipped and taken to the post office. In general, I double box most games so they don't fit in a mail box slot and I have to take them to the window. I will have to go in tomorrow and try to figure out what happened. This happened to me at Christmas time and the person told me they had a computer crash and lost a few days of data. I have also seen it take 2 weeks for them to update their data. At this moment, all I can say is that I mailed the game promptly and the post office is having a problem. "

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You guys might want to file a claim because if he has any money left in his PayPal account it is first come first serve. Once the money is gone you probably will have to file a chargeback to get your money from PayPal should your items not arrive.

What? People actually try to deal with PayPal before filing a chargeback with a CC company? :ponder:


If you didn't recieve it then a paypal dispute is an easy win IF he has the cash to cover it.


I error on the side of caution these days. I'd file a dispute asap. You can ALWAYS cancel it if the item shows up.

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Here's the latest message from the seller:


"I just got back from the post office.


A number of packages I took into the post office on May 8, 2008 have not made it into the system.


The problem is that I have been using PAYPAL shipping and carrying the packages to the window clerk. They take the packages, they put them in a basket, get sent to a postal hub, get scanned in there and everything works o.k.


At this very moment, it appears the packages were never scanned into the postal system. So, I have no proof that the packages were ever taken to the post office other then the fact that I created the shipping label.


I have had some success in the past doing a trace when this happens, but they will not allow me to put this paperwork through until the item is 30 days old. (It is currently 14 days)


The people at the post office said your package would be covered because I paid for insurance, but I am not sure if this makes sense to me.


Believe me, I will follow up on this. This is a show-stopper. I may have to stop doing eBay if I can't get this resolved. Between this and eBay's new hostile policies toward sellers on eBay, it probably is not worth the hassle for me.


At this point, I am asking you to bear with me another two weeks. This happened last Christmas and all the packages eventually showed up, but the tracking information was never updated until after the people received their packages.


Tomorrow I am talking to the main post office in the area and will try to get in touch with the local postmaster in the area.


I apologize for this problem, but it's not my fault. I would appreciate your patience for a while longer."

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Well my game (Campaign '84) is now in transit to me from the buyer who received it in error and I have sent his games that I received. This morning the seller refunded the cost of this extra shipping + $5 as well as refunded the cost of the Omega Race game that has vanished. He does at least seem to be trying to rectify the problems.

Edited by Ikrananka
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Here's the latest message from the seller:


"I just got back from the post office.


A number of packages I took into the post office on May 8, 2008 have not made it into the system.


The problem is that I have been using PAYPAL shipping and carrying the packages to the window clerk. They take the packages, they put them in a basket, get sent to a postal hub, get scanned in there and everything works o.k.


At this very moment, it appears the packages were never scanned into the postal system. So, I have no proof that the packages were ever taken to the post office other then the fact that I created the shipping label.


I have had some success in the past doing a trace when this happens, but they will not allow me to put this paperwork through until the item is 30 days old. (It is currently 14 days)


The people at the post office said your package would be covered because I paid for insurance, but I am not sure if this makes sense to me.


Believe me, I will follow up on this. This is a show-stopper. I may have to stop doing eBay if I can't get this resolved. Between this and eBay's new hostile policies toward sellers on eBay, it probably is not worth the hassle for me.


At this point, I am asking you to bear with me another two weeks. This happened last Christmas and all the packages eventually showed up, but the tracking information was never updated until after the people received their packages.


Tomorrow I am talking to the main post office in the area and will try to get in touch with the local postmaster in the area.


I apologize for this problem, but it's not my fault. I would appreciate your patience for a while longer."

This was the same email he sent me! By the way people are getting wallets and playing cards from the seller after just a week or so. Look at his feedback.

Edited by Trade-N-Games
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  • 2 weeks later...

My game came in the mail today. It arrived safe packed in a box. It was mailed Media Mail. The package was mailed 5/8/08 and arrived 6/5/08 it was less than 200 miles away. He had it double boxed and both boxes were opened by the postmaster and I had to add postage to receive it. Games cant be mailed by Media Mail! This was the reason for the delay. I need to go cancel my Paypal claim now. I am happy now but the wait sucked.

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