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Battlezone help needed


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Here's a theory to be considered by those of you with the know-how:


In the arcade the missile would collide with you. On the 2600 you cannot crash into any enemy, they all stop short of your tank. So did they change the missile into a plane for technical reasons?

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Here's a theory to be considered by those of you with the know-how:


In the arcade the missile would collide with you.  On the 2600 you cannot crash into any enemy, they all stop short of your tank.  So did they change the missile into a plane for technical reasons?


That would make sense, because even in the arcade game you cannot be destroyed simply by colliding with a tank. If the 2600 had the "fighter" collide with you, that would be an extra routine that the program would need to perform specifically for that object (since the tanks still shouldn't destroy you just by bumping them). Dunno how well the 2600 BZ cart did with memory-management, but it may have been a compromise?

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  • 4 weeks later...

All I do is drive backward constantly (since the yellow tanks will try to sneak behind you and shoot you in the back). Once you get them in front of you, use diagonal motions to keep them on the edges of the screen while continuing to drive backward. Wait until they fire, and allow their missile to cross partway into the screen, then swivel quickly, fire off a shot, and swivel back and continue to drive in reverse. You should be able to squeeze a shot in before they can fire at you. Keep a close watch on any additional tanks sneaking behind you as you do this.

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Hi there!


Swivel = turn while not moving forward or back.  You can get the tank in your sights quicker that way.  Just don't swivel at the wrong time (when a shell is due to be fired at you by either tank).


Ok, thanks, got it now. I still suck at the game though. I fear I'm just lacking the required reflexes :)




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