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Why do you see murder in GTA as okay, yet rape or child abuse wouldn't be?

Ross PK

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Why do you see murder in GTA as okay, yet rape or child abuse wouldn't be?

I think the short answer is that when you kill someone in a video game, it's usually just a generic person, or else a 'bad guy', so it's not really very personal and therefore not very taboo. But a game involving killing people *can* be taboo, though, if it gets too personal. For example: Super Columbine Massacre RPG, or JFK Reloaded.

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Well, simply put, technically you're killing things in most video games, even since the early days. In Space Invaders, you were shooting at aliens that were trying to invade our planet. In Zelda, you kill strange creatures with a sword. In Super Mario Brothers, you jump on turtles and mushroom creatures. It's been like that for years. Yet, the characters aren't really dead, they're just being 'removed' from play, like a piece being captured in chess. Sure, the body may remain there, but it's not permanent. If you turn off the game and turn it back on, you'll find that the creature/character/whatever is alive again.


But raping someone? That's not even remotely entertaining. Whoever made Custer's Revenge should be tied to a cactus and left there to rot. And don't even get me started on child abuse.

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A videogame that would allow you to commit every form of violence imaginable with excruciating detail would be catharsis on one hand and deeply disturbing on the other. It would make the latest version of GTA (still a game series I wouldn't play) seem like a harmless child's scuffle on a school playground with adults watching.

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  • 2 months later...
Or to put the question another way, why do you feel okay with killing people in GTA but would not feel comfortable with commiting rape or child abuse in the game?

My question is; Why does the question assume I wouldn't be ok with rape or child abuse in the game to begin with.


Personally, I'm sick & tired of morality limitations in open world games. I want to be able to do whatever I want, as is possible in real life. Whether one approves or not is really irrevelant, just like real life. Feel free to play however you want, but "I" want play as a twisted demented evil psychotic in the safe enviorment of a GAME, where no one is actually being killed, raped, abused, whatever.


A videogame that would allow you to commit every form of violence imaginable with excruciating detail would be catharsis on one hand


You've just described my dream game.


(Still waiting for someone to write/release "Virtual Real Life")

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