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Hey everyone, I got a question. On April 3rd I bought a Parker Brothers lot from a seller on ebay, who is also a member here. As of today all I recieved from him is excuses on why he hasn't sent the items. He claims he will be able to send in the next few days which I only suspect more excuses. Me and my wife are now tired of this and want to get advice on what to do.


1. Give him a few more days

2. Do a paypal dispute *and lose money when it is decided in my favor*

3. Do a credit card chargeback *fortunately I paid with cc*

4. Just go ahead and file mail fraud charges.



What do you think? Thanks. Kevin and Kaydee




Edit: Almost a day after opening the paypal dispute games were finally sent with tracking number. Got them on Monday. Too bad they were too late for the ccasion they were going to be given as a gift for.

Edited by Headfamily
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Well, if I bought something and it still hadn't arrived after a month, I'd be getting my money back.


Actually - for something domestic, I'd be spitting chips after 2 weeks.



I was trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, but dang it got old.


1st excuse: Family emergency *I can understand this*

2nd: Post office was closed on Saturday and I'm going to mail it Monday *ok*

3rd: I had to open up a new bank account and won't get my debit card until so and so day. Then my wife asked him why he couldn't just go into the bank. His response was I opened the account online since I don't have a drivers license so I can only access the money from a debit card.


Well there ya go, all the excuses. I just hope he doesn't do this to some other people who just bought from him on this board.

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"Family Emergency" always a classic :roll:

"Postal problems" another tried and true excuse The USPS currently offers more options than ever including home pickup

"Bank Problems" I actually haven't had that one used yet but it is creative.


I would go ahead with the Paypal dispute it may get his butt in gear.

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"Family Emergency" always a classic :roll:

"Postal problems" another tried and true excuse The USPS currently offers more options than ever including home pickup

"Bank Problems" I actually haven't had that one used yet but it is creative.


I would go ahead with the Paypal dispute it may get his butt in gear.



Thanks. Thats what I had my wife start. I also warned someone else who just did a transaction with him to be careful.

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"Family Emergency" always a classic :roll:

"Postal problems" another tried and true excuse The USPS currently offers more options than ever including home pickup

"Bank Problems" I actually haven't had that one used yet but it is creative.


I would go ahead with the Paypal dispute it may get his butt in gear.



Thanks. Thats what I had my wife start. I also warned someone else who just did a transaction with him to be careful.


I agree opening a dispute it might get him in line. I am currently having a similiar problem with another seller. It blows. I know which lot you bought and I was going to bid on it, but I got stuck at work that day. I'm glad now I didn't... I hope it works out for you. Let us know what happens.


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