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Speeding up AtariWinPlus on laptops?

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Hi all,


I'm trying to run AtariWinPlus 4.0 on my two laptops, but it runs slowly... about 35% on my Toshiba P150 MMX laptop and about 75% on my AMD Athlon 1600 laptop. I've tried decreasing the display size and other tips via the Help file without much success.


Any thoughts? Are there other Atari 8-Bit computer emulators that might run better on older machines?



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There's an option to use MMX - that might help.

Playing around with advanced graphics options might help too.

I'm not sure you'll ever get it at 100% on a lowly P150, you might have to resort to frame skipping or something.

There's also stuff in the sound options - I think turning down the sample rate can help.


As for the Athlon 1600, it should have no trouble running full speed, in fact it should be able to do warp speed at something like 800% at least.


However, lowly integrated graphics chipsets might be reason for slowdown.

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"Run at High Priority" is another one to try.

Although that will only help with preventing other processes causing temporary glitches in speed, won't increase the running speed of the Emu by any great amount.


Also probably a good idea to run the Desktop at 32 bits/pixel. Despite using more memory, it usually performs 2D stuff quicker in Windows.

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