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Does anything good run it's course on ebay anymore?


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I'm not, i was merely pointing out that a lot of items end early, i don't think i'll bother next time.
...and a lot don't. This particular example isn't something to cause alarm. At least in the quarters of eBay that I watch with any regularity, I actually see fewer transparently fishy early endings than I did going back a couple years. Still happens, and still sucks when one has a bid on the table, but that's eBay.
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I'm not, i was merely pointing out that a lot of items end early, i don't think i'll bother next time.
...and a lot don't. This particular example isn't something to cause alarm. At least in the quarters of eBay that I watch with any regularity, I actually see fewer transparently fishy early endings than I did going back a couple years. Still happens, and still sucks when one has a bid on the table, but that's eBay.



I would be worried about that seller anyway a 2 user rating and he used a stock gallery photo, I am always a bit touchy when one picture shows a boxed game and then you look at the auction and it states game only. That should not be allowed. Its like showing a picture of a ferrarri for sale and then when you arrive your taken to the back and theres an engine stacked on cinder blocks. Oh did we forget to mention that was a stock photo and this is engine only, sorry.... :x :x :x



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I'm not, i was merely pointing out that a lot of items end early, i don't think i'll bother next time.


Yeah I got pissed off a few monthes ago, someone was selling a fairchild system with 10 games and a demo cart. I had a bid in for 150.00, two days before the auction ended the seller ended it early and the bid was still at 25.00. I emailed him and he said he sold it to someone that messaged him and told him the lot was worth about 30 bucks but he would give him 40.00 to end early. I promptly explained the demo cart alone was worth 100.00, he got very pissed but it was too late he had already sent the item.... :x :x

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I would be worried about that seller anyway a 2 user rating and he used a stock gallery photo, I am always a bit touchy when one picture shows a boxed game and then you look at the auction and it states game only. That should not be allowed.

To the seller's credit, and I don't him from Adam, the listing was very up-front about the nature of the stock photo and all that. As to minimal feedback, we all have to start somewhere, and I've been cheated with greater frequency by high-feedback sellers than low (likely because those starting out tend more often than not to want to make a good impression lest they get flushed out of the system as a cheat). Anyway...

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I would be worried about that seller anyway a 2 user rating and he used a stock gallery photo, I am always a bit touchy when one picture shows a boxed game and then you look at the auction and it states game only. That should not be allowed.

To the seller's credit, and I don't him from Adam, the listing was very up-front about the nature of the stock photo and all that. As to minimal feedback, we all have to start somewhere, and I've been cheated with greater frequency by high-feedback sellers than low (likely because those starting out tend more often than not to want to make a good impression lest they get flushed out of the system as a cheat). Anyway...


Good point, I seem to be getting the blunt end of the stick though lately from all sides on ebay, new or old. But thats life, get over it or die.

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