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Kjmann's RMT Music


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alright everyone. I have updated my website with a new version of AXK8. This one uses gen2 with 1.79mhz as the main instrument. let me know what you think. =)

IMHO this version sounds better :-)



Thanks for the complement pseudo. Glad you liked it.


In other news, I setup my website for a SAP file to play while you're visiting. you have to get the plugin for your browser. i have it for download on my site under "Players".


Back Later y'all

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Hi kjmann. I was brows'in and stumbbled upon this thread. I just downloaded some of your tunes to listen to later when I come back home from work. I first listened to the elephant walk and was very impressed with it. I happen to be looking for a tune to include in a hack me and some other friends are workin on; Click here to see the thread. I have one song in mind but must find the title so I can send you a short sample. I'll check in later --gotta run now and thanks for sharing your work :) .

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alright everyone. I have updated my website with a new version of AXK8. This one uses gen2 with 1.79mhz as the main instrument. let me know what you think. =)


The high notes are really better now, not yelling though.... and the notes are correct.

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Another update! nothing major though. I changed some of the instruments in The Mono version of battle squadron. i think it sounds better.


It's also what is playing on my web page. remember you have to have the plugin for your browser to hear the music on my page.

I have it for download on my site under "players"


Later All!

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Alright Everyone. I updated R-Type and Added Outrun's Splash Wave.


Check'Em Out!


Don't Forget to hit Refresh on your browsers! =)

This new Outrun tune is really good, I think your best so far :-) I'd only slightly decrease the volume of hihats, as currently they seem to me a bit too loud (though this could be my equalizer setting, which stresses higher bands).

You could also start to experiment with the multispeed instruments (2-speed or more), which can help create some really fresh sounds, try them for improving percussions first. Check my Lotus and Somewhere remakes for example:

doublespeed - http://asma.atari.org/asma/Various/Eisenha...Challenge_3.sap

triplespeed - http://asma.atari.org/asma/Various/Eisenha...k/Somewhere.sap

I can send you RMTs of these SAPs if you want.

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Alright Everyone. I updated R-Type and Added Outrun's Splash Wave.


Check'Em Out!


Don't Forget to hit Refresh on your browsers! =)

This new Outrun tune is really good, I think your best so far :-) I'd only slightly decrease the volume of hihats, as currently they seem to me a bit too loud (though this could be my equalizer setting, which stresses higher bands).

You could also start to experiment with the multispeed instruments (2-speed or more), which can help create some really fresh sounds, try them for improving percussions first. Check my Lotus and Somewhere remakes for example:

doublespeed - http://asma.atari.org/asma/Various/Eisenha...Challenge_3.sap

triplespeed - http://asma.atari.org/asma/Various/Eisenha...k/Somewhere.sap

I can send you RMTs of these SAPs if you want.



I would love to see the RMT's If you don't mind. I'll send you my email in a PM. Thanks pseudo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone.


I have working hard on some original work for a couple of projects so thats why i haven't done much else. so i took a break and did some other songs and uploaded them.


the new ones are:


Crocketts theme

Every breath you take

Mega man III - Title Screen Music


I also Finished R-Type


Check'em out. and don't forget to refresh your browsers. =)

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Ok Folks! Here's another Work in progress that I uploaded to the website. If anyone would like to make some suggestions on this one it would be appreciated. this one has been difficult for me. there are no note references in existence for me to look at so I've had to this one by ear completely.


ladies and gentlemen, Obliterator!




Don't forget to refresh the page when you get to it.


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Alright Folks, Obliterator is all but finished. I still have some tweaking to do at the very end of the song. haven't quite got the chords correct yet. they're close though.


I revamped the instruments and fixed several harmony problems.


Tell me what you all think.



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I like your songs !! But I would like to have them in original *.RMT format to play them with the A8 RMT-player...

greetings, Andreas Koch.

Thanks for the complement. Sorry, but the reason I don't release the RMT file is so that someone can't Take the song and Manipulate it just a bit and claim that it's their's. I may not have wrote these songs but on almost everyone of them I have Put the songs into RMT note for note by Ear or by Staff Reference. The two times I've tried using the Import Feature the song has come out so sloppy and the song configuration ends up so disorganized that it's not worth messing with. By that time I could have put the song in myself like usual and it would have taken the same amount of time. So ultimately I end up with a better result by inputing the notes by ear or reading the staff rather that trying to import the song.


So to make a long story short (Too Late!) It's for security reasons that I don't release the RMT file. =)


BTW: The XEX files run directly on an 8 bit. hope that helps. =)

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It's for security reasons that I don't release the RMT file. =)


That's not a problem. We could rip it. I hope we'll see rmt files in one of the next RMT relases.


Keep working and release RMT files by yourself. We DON'T steal covers. We can do as good as yours by ourselves (right Miker ?).





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Good one. Still i found your drum-instrument weird (maybe because of my dunk-hit-habit) but overall this one looks very promising (as well as Shadows one). Greetz!



Thanks Miker, I like where shadows is going for me. I'll keep at it. I have a new version of hybris to release. I will put it up in a couple hours. I think my concerns for the security of my song are valid. people used to do it all the time with MOD files. responses like samurai's statement are exactly why (QUOTE SAMURAI: That's not a problem. We could rip it.). threats like that just make me not want to release anymore music. I'm tempted to pull down my website now after getting a statement like that. if people want to learn about how to use RMT Then I'm more than happy to help. I would also be willing to release all my instruments in a zip package. not that they're anything special. =)


I may not have written most of the songs I have done But they are my renditions of them. if someone wants to do those song then they can input the notes to the songs themselves. The best way to learn is by hands on experience. =) If anyone has any questions about how I use RMT, Then by all Means, Please Ask. I would love to help. =)


Take Care Everyone. you all know my email address if you want to chat more about this. in the meantime the music on my site will be taken down for a bit due to Samurai's threat.

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Take Care Everyone. you all know my email address if you want to chat more about this. in the meantime the music on my site will be taken down for a bit due to Samurai's threat.
Man, I'm sorry to hear that Kjmann :sad: . I just visited your site yesterday and I liked it and was going to bookmark it because of the awesome links you had posted there. Then again, I don't blame you. I would'nt take threats like that ligthtly either if it were my own work I were sharing.


Thanks alot samurai for spoiling this thread with your stupid comment. :mad: What a ding head.

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Take Care Everyone. you all know my email address if you want to chat more about this. in the meantime the music on my site will be taken down for a bit due to Samurai's threat.
Man, I'm sorry to hear that Kjmann :sad: . I just visited your site yesterday and I liked it and was going to bookmark it because of the awesome links you had posted there. Then again, I don't blame you. I would'nt take threats like that ligthtly either if it were my own work I were sharing.


Thanks alot samurai for spoiling this thread with your stupid comment. :mad: What a ding head.



thanks for the vote of confidence espire, The site isn't down though. I just took the music offline. the page is still there. with all the links in tact. maybe someday I will put the music up again. but for now it will stay offline.

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Fair enough. Fun while it lasted! It's a bummer I did'nt get to hear all your most recent music samples when I had the chance last nite, but I was quite impressed with the earlier stuff I heard like the 'elephant walk' which is my favorite. Perhaps your list of unfinished songs will be completed by the time if you decide to put your music back up again. :)

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Alright everyone. I'm going to put the music back up on the webpage. but the songs are going to be in MP3 format from now on. Which means I have to find more webspace somewhere to store all of them. so It will be a little while before they all get back online. in the meantime if you want to download a specific song email me and i will put it on the page for download. I will leave it there for 2 days for you to download it.


Thanks for everyones support.



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