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Apple "Console" coming soon....

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My personal fantasy would be for Apple to buy the Atari name and assets and release a console with an Atari nameplate. :)
Actually, that's a really good idea. They certainly have the business sense to make the Atari brand successful.

Apple does have great business sense. that's why they would never buy Atari! :twisted:

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I actually do not like apple products at all..they just seem i don't know..a bit boring for me...I mean yay?An mp3 with a touch screen hurray!..no thats just not me..its okay but apple never interested me


I suppose you'd rather have an mp3 player with mechanical switches?

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I actually do not like apple products at all..they just seem i don't know..a bit boring for me...I mean yay?An mp3 with a touch screen hurray!..no thats just not me..its okay but apple never interested me


I suppose you'd rather have an mp3 player with mechanical switches?

I sure would! :D


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This issue goes back to the early days of personal computing. Apple has been trying to get people to take it seriously since 1976. Apple has avoided the gaming market (especially in the early days) so it's machines weren't seen as toys.

Funny... Commodore tried to do the same thing with the Amiga. These days, most people's fondest memories of the Amiga are of the games.



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Funny... Commodore tried to do the same thing with the Amiga. These days, most people's fondest memories of the Amiga are of the games.


Yeah, but the fact that things like demos were so pretty on the Amiga and Atari ST compared to CGA/EGA PCs, black and white Macs and Apple II's meant business people didn't take them seriously.

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Apples new friendship with Sega suggests that rumours of an Apple console might be true.




I wouldn't be surprised if the games will only be available as downloads, kind of like iTunes.

Yea, Sega is the company I would like to work with to release a new console! :roll:


Bill Gates should convince Steve Jobs to buy Atari. That way Windows can get 100% of the OS market! ;)

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Yeah, but the fact that things like demos were so pretty on the Amiga and Atari ST compared to CGA/EGA PCs, black and white Macs and Apple II's meant business people didn't take them seriously.


That was definitely a sign of a past era that has long gone, when business were brainwashed into thinking computers had to look like dumb terminals to be "serious".

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Apples new friendship with Sega suggests that rumours of an Apple console might be true.




I wouldn't be surprised if the games will only be available as downloads, kind of like iTunes.

Yea, Sega is the company I would like to work with to release a new console! :roll:


Bill Gates should convince Steve Jobs to buy Atari. That way Windows can get 100% of the OS market! ;)


Oh lord... like Windows doesn't cause enough problems with 89% of the market... :roll: ;)


Apple does have great business sense. that's why they would never buy Atari! :twisted:


Seriously though, Apple's business trademark is it NOT doing things.


:?: :?: :?:


Yeah, but the fact that things like demos were so pretty on the Amiga and Atari ST compared to CGA/EGA PCs, black and white Macs and Apple II's meant business people didn't take them seriously.


That was definitely a sign of a past era that has long gone, when business were brainwashed into thinking computers had to look like dumb terminals to be "serious".


Well, back then the personal computer industry was in it's infancy. Businesses wanted things that looked like business tools not games. Computer vendors were still learning how and to whom they should market their products.


Every new industry goes through this period of establishment... television, automobiles, cell phones, etc...

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It'll be interesting to see how Apple fairs with a console system. I've always liked MAC computers, and I am a fan of the IPOD, so I'd be willing to give this new system a try (if it ever surfaces). Apple's relationship with Sega could also be a good sign... but please, Apple, don't place Sega at the helm of marketing! They're great at developing games but lousy at marketing hardware. People felt shafted after Sega ditched the Saturn, so naturally the Dreamcast suffered despite being the better machine. Most gamers jumped ship and moved on to the Playstation 2 just to spite Sega. The poor Saturn wasn't even 3 years old and it was pushing up daisies. The Dreamcast later fell to the same fate, proving that if you screw your user base one too many times, you'll get screwed yourself.

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Apple and Sega sounds like a winning combination if it's done right, so I agree, retro. As dorky as they are, those Apple commercials are eye catching and funny (the I'm a PC... ones). I'll definitely give it a chance, more so than I have given the Wii (seeing as how I haven't bought one yet). A Sega console backed by Apple advertising? Sounds good to me! The two worlds can come together well. Sega knows games, but Apple can push millions of boxes out the door. They kinda compliment each other.



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Apple and Sega sounds like a winning combination if it's done right, so I agree, retro. As dorky as they are, those Apple commercials are eye catching and funny (the I'm a PC... ones). I'll definitely give it a chance, more so than I have given the Wii (seeing as how I haven't bought one yet). A Sega console backed by Apple advertising? Sounds good to me! The two worlds can come together well. Sega knows games, but Apple can push millions of boxes out the door. They kinda compliment each other.




I agree Nate; Apple and Sega working together on a game system would be a very exciting prospect. Just as long as they don’t mimic Panasonic’s 3DO or Philip’s CD-I with untouchable hardware prices, and mediocre 3rd party support, they should be fine. I’d love to see a new Marathon game for the system if it becomes a reality! I don’t know if I like the idea of having the content downloadable though. Nothing beats holding an actual game box in your hands with a printed manual. Call me old fashion but that is the way I feel.

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I can't understand why anyone would get exicted over a Sega console anymore. While I love my Dreamcast and Genesis, this company is nothing like it was during those years. Their games lack creativity and management is so bad that they are actually losing money during a time of record hardware and game sales. I really doubt there is anyone left at the Sega who could design a worthwhile console. Apple would be better off hiring some people to suppliment their hardware team and going it alone. The Apple name has a whole lot more respect today than the Sega name.

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I can't understand why anyone would get exicted over a Sega console anymore. While I love my Dreamcast and Genesis, this company is nothing like it was during those years. Their games lack creativity and management is so bad that they are actually losing money during a time of record hardware and game sales. I really doubt there is anyone left at the Sega who could design a worthwhile console. Apple would be better off hiring some people to suppliment their hardware team and going it alone. The Apple name has a whole lot more respect today than the Sega name.


I'm just excited over the possibility of a new console system.


I picture Apple designing the console and Sega producing some of their classics for the system.

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I'd rather have "Atari" and Apple make a console together.


It can be argued that the new Atari probably doesn't have anyone left that could design a console system either. Like Sega, some of Atari's recent games haven't been very good.


Edit: Regardless of what happens, I hope this new system has decent games.

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I'm just excited over the possibility of a new console system.


I picture Apple designing the console and Sega producing some of their classics for the system.


If Apple does go through with a new console, I wonder what they'll have to make it different from the pack? A sensor controller with a touchpad? Another thing is what will they charge for it? Apple likes to charge a premium on a product just because it has Apple on it. If you thought the PS3 was expensive, just wait for an Apple home console!


As far as Sega publishing classic games for a new system, what system hasn't Sega whored themselves to? You can play Sega games on every modern platform known to man. From cell phones to Gametap (PC) to hand-helds to console downloadable games. Having Sega games on it won't make an Apple console special.

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