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To NEG or not to NEG... that is the Question


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On eBay, I won some atari stuff. There were several issues, all small, but add up to being noteworthy.


A) a week to ship

B) smell was horrible

C) double charged (actual postage $14, paid $28)

D) items chucked in box from across the room (including manuals) all jumbled in a big wad.


As many of you may know when I note my displeasure with things like this via email, I'm looking to TEACH new sellers, and obtain an apology when they realize that there is somebody on the other end who sees the mess they made. Often times I will ask for the shipping overcharge back, but I'm not going to quibble, and generally don't do that upon first contact of a bunch of crap like this. I did mention the shipping overcharge, but don't think I asked for it back. I left it in their court what to do about all of this.


A week goes by, the guy never replies. He leaves me a positive (I guess because he can't neg me) that says I "blow monkey balls". Now, I'm not sure if this is some sort of reference to the game SUPER MONKEY BALL, or if the guy actually just insulted me with a sexual reference to primate testicles.


Should I neg this dude?




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I don't know if you should neg him or not but I have one comment on the shipping issue. I have skipped a lot of auction because the shipping was crazy... but as long as the shipping is listed up front I don't think its an issue after the fact. The bad shipping price generally brings down the price they are going to get anyway. I just take the shipping into account when bidding, figure the highest I will pay, then subtract 10% if the shipping is crazy (I don;t like to support that type of behavior).

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WOW! So that is how ebay is going to be now. You will get a positive feedback, yet it will say something to the sorts of adding peanut butter to your body so the dog can enjoy things more.


That's how negatives will come about?! Doesn't that basically make positive feedback pretty much worthless.

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I don't know if you should neg him or not but I have one comment on the shipping issue. I have skipped a lot of auction because the shipping was crazy... but as long as the shipping is listed up front I don't think its an issue after the fact. The bad shipping price generally brings down the price they are going to get anyway. I just take the shipping into account when bidding, figure the highest I will pay, then subtract 10% if the shipping is crazy (I don;t like to support that type of behavior).


I agree, the shipping is stated beforehand and you don't have the right to ask for a refund because the actual cost was less. Take the price of shipping into account before bidding next time. Now don't get me wrong there are some cases where the shipping is way too high and I won't bid at all (like a 29 dollar shipping fee and 1 cent bid please). That said, the monkey balls thing is uncalled for. He could easily block you if he feels you are annoying but to me the big mistake he made was not mentioning the "smell." That is certainly something I would want to know and would feel obligated to list in an auction! So while I don't feel the shipping is an issue, the rude comment, lack of communication and smell add up to negative feedback in my opinion.

Edited by Warriorisabouttodie
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He did write me back tonight.


The line "you knew what the shipping was before you bid" came up, and a few of you mirror that.


For $28 shipping I expect a purchased box, packing materials, and a general PACKING JOB.


Thrown at a used box from across the room with no padding = $14 handling.


In this case I paid for a service, $14, that was not provided to me. It isn't the MAIN issue, just one of many.


I think Ive left a total of two negs in my life time. The person who said I should leave a negative, so that others know he is a bad seller, so they don't deal with him, has a very valid point. I guess that's why eBay changed the feedback. Honestly I want his positive removed (without a mutual removal mark). I'm contacting eBay about it. I really don't WANT to leave a negative. Other than the one valid point, it solves nothing for me.


By the way, paypal DOES have an option on the resolution form for "overcharged shipping". That I'd file just to give him the hassle of responding to it. If he had just said something like "yo sorry about the smell, and general NON-packing job" and not left a jerky feedback, I'd have asked for nothing more.



Edited by the.golden.ax
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The line "you knew what the shipping was before you bid" came up, and a few of you mirror that.



This is particularly frequent in international sales (my case, always as a buyer).


I think there are lots of sellers that want to make an extra profit inflating the taxes (embeded under the general name of Shipping and HANDLING).


Since the feedback hostage situation (for the buyers, at least) ended in May, 20th, i would do the same think i told in the topic about feedback changes:


Let him burn in hell...negative him for sure!! :x :x :x

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He did write me back tonight.


The line "you knew what the shipping was before you bid" came up, and a few of you mirror that.


For $28 shipping I expect a purchased box, packing materials, and a general PACKING JOB.


Thrown at a used box from across the room with no padding = $14 handling.


In this case I paid for a service, $14, that was not provided to me. It isn't the MAIN issue, just one of many.


I think Ive left a total of two negs in my life time. The person who said I should leave a negative, so that others know he is a bad seller, so they don't deal with him, has a very valid point. I guess that's why eBay changed the feedback. Honestly I want his positive removed (without a mutual removal mark). I'm contacting eBay about it. I really don't WANT to leave a negative. Other than the one valid point, it solves nothing for me.


By the way, paypal DOES have an option on the resolution form for "overcharged shipping". That I'd file just to give him the hassle of responding to it. If he had just said something like "yo sorry about the smell, and general NON-packing job" and not left a jerky feedback, I'd have asked for nothing more.






My opinion: if you pay double what it costs to ship an item, you have every right to bitch.

It is BS having to pay double the shipping when it is not warranted. People claim all kinds of crap, shipping, handling, tape, cardboard, gas prices, ink from the pen that wrote the address on the package, paypal fees, ebay fees, cost of rental space in the person's trunk, etc etc.


It is all bs. The seller knows what it costs to ship items. Don't make your profit there. Just because your item went lower than you thought it would, don't tack onto the shipping to make profit.


Now, I say that, but I also see a different side of the coin. For instance look at my cakewalk auction on CtCW. It is a single cart with the manual. (Great condition I may add... go look at it and bid!). I quoted $7 for shipping. But, I plan to do extra things to protect this cart. It is in beautiful condition. I plan on sending it priority, in a box, placed in a ziplock, wrapped in bubble wrap. The manual will be placed in one of those comic book boards/bags for extra protection. Then I'm shipping with insurance and del confirmation. I probably will go over the $7 quote for that one cart. I can justify that, and I think the new owner of that cart will appreciate that extra service and attention to detail. What I can't appreciate is buying a cart off of ebay for 30 cents. Then get slammed with a $5 shipping charge, and the cart is thrown in a bubble-lope with less than a dollar of postage being used. That is what really really irks me.


Give me that option. If I want the cheap wrote, let me pay the cheapo route. If I want priority mail, insurance, etc... give me that option. If I am paying over $10 to ship 5 loose atari carts, I better have damn tracking of my package so I know whwere it is. Not like a recent ebay auction where I won something going on 3 weeks ago... and still have not seen my 5 loose carts that I won for less than $2 total (but was charged over $10 for shipping).


Now my package is 'gone' no tracking, nothing.


Go figure.


/end rant

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Give him the negative, file the complaint about the overcharging on shipping through PayPal, and finally, report this chucklehead to eBay, because his feedback comments violates eBay's policies.



eBay does not allow the use of profanity or patently vulgar language in a public area of the site. This includes the use of language that is racist, hateful, sexual or obscene in nature.


eBay will permit media titles and descriptions (such as a CD name and track list) that contain profanity on the main site and in Mature Audiences. This profanity is only permitted if the original production company title or description contains the profane terms. All other profanity is prohibited. This exception applies to media items and does not apply to any other items.


Sellers should carefully review the 'Some Examples' and 'Additional Information' sections below before listing and adhere to all the policies outlined.


Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:


  • Listing cancellation
  • Limits on account privileges
  • Account suspension
  • Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings
  • Loss of PowerSeller status

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yeah just report him to ebay for the inappropriate feedback comment.


They got rid of the mutual feedback removal when they went to the new system, so you can't do that, and I would neg him for the comment on your feedback, and for a poor packing job. the $28 was stated, but if he's being belligerent when all you wanted was an explanation or to help him with future sales, he deserves it.

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Why are ebayers hesitant to give a neg???? The majority of sellers I've encountered give good service. I gave a few negs to those who tried to screw me and were nasty when called out.


Giving negs weeds out the bad sellers quicker. Ultimately it's good for our community.

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"Buyer positively BLOWS monkey balls!!!!!!" gee, something tells me he's not referring to super monkey ball game! :lol:


yeah i would Neg him!





This seller has proved himself to be an idiot. I'm certainly not claiming to be an expert on monkey intercourse, but I don't believe that balls themselves can actually be blown, per se. I believe the proper term for what this seller is referring to is teabagging. I think I will send the seller an e-mail informing him of this.


As for you, GoldenAx, maybe leave him some feedback saying that You won an Atari, and he shipped a Cleveland Steamer, and this is deceptive.

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I sort of had a similar problem when I bought NES pin connectors. I paid around $8 for the shipping and they came in an envelope with $1.80 for the shipping charge on it. Also, the shipping date was a week and a half after the day I bought them. 2 weeks later one of them stopped working in an NES that I sold to another ebayer (said the connectors they sold were the "best" on ebay)!!! Luckliy, the buyer was kind and shipped it back for me to fix.


Anyway, you should neg that guy definitely for the shipping trouble and name calling. Since he only has 15 feedbacks, one negative would drop his score from 100% to 93.8% :twisted:

Edited by SEgamer
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He deserves a neg for the shipping alone. The cost was NOT stated up front. An amount was stated up front, but not the actual cost. Anyone who says otherwise is either full of shit or a seller who pulls this stunt himself.


I may be full of shit but as someone who both buys and sells all the time I don't have a problem paying twice what it cost the seller to ship as long as I know before I bid. If I have a problem with the cost, I don't bid plain and simple. I bet some of the stores like best buy and the like overcharge for shipping.


That said, when I do pay that much for shipping I want it to arrive with a great packing job with no odors and everything sorted out. The seller is a tool and needs a good kick in the mouth.

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