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Atari A/V mod update

Longhorn Engineer

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Boards and the new CD4050s came in. I accidentally ordered 75 of these new chips (instead of 35) so everyone that ordered a Bare PCB will receive these special CD4050s as they are allot better then the old ones.


Oh Btw the kits will not include the socket that the CD4050 is in on this pic. It is just there so I could test the old CD4050 and the new one without having to swap out boards.


another edit// So far testing with the boards has gone off without a hitch. Working great so far.

Edited by Longhorn Engineer
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Ok these new CD4050s are really awesome. Before the composite image had some red bleeding but now its just about perfect. Not as sharp as the S-video but defiantly much better. I will post pictures later on both LCD and CRT and in both composite and S-video mode. Oh and old CD4050 vs the new ones.

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Uh oh. I assumed there would be mounting holes in the corners. I think I see some places where I could drill my own. My intention was to epoxy or bolt some threaded standoffs to the inside of the chassis.


I was going to supply double sided sticky tape foam stuff like I did for the V1 kits :D

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Uh oh. I assumed there would be mounting holes in the corners. I think I see some places where I could drill my own. My intention was to epoxy or bolt some threaded standoffs to the inside of the chassis.

I was going to supply double sided sticky tape foam stuff like I did for the V1 kits :D


Ah... :ponder: I should have thought of that. Could you add holes to the artwork for the next time you send out for boards?

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Uh oh. I assumed there would be mounting holes in the corners. I think I see some places where I could drill my own. My intention was to epoxy or bolt some threaded standoffs to the inside of the chassis.

I was going to supply double sided sticky tape foam stuff like I did for the V1 kits :D


Ah... :ponder: I should have thought of that. Could you add holes to the artwork for the next time you send out for boards?



Could but it would make it bigger ;)

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Ok got some comparison pictures on the LCD. I will have to dig my CRT out tomorrow for the next round


First we have the old CD4050BE with its slow 160ns gate delay.




This is its S-Video output. Looking pretty good eh?




Ohhhh man that composite image doesn't look so hot now does it? Has some red bleed all over the place. Picture is a bit more fuzzy but that is to be expected from composite on a LCD.



Now in the other corner we have the new CD74HC4050E with a blazing fast 6ns gate delay.




S-Video output looks about the same as the slow CD4050BE. There is some minor improvement if you look at the brick areas.




This is where the CD74HC4050E knocks out the CD4050BE. Composite has practically zero bleed.


Tomorrow I will have pictures on a CRT.


edit// opps looks like I goofed my color pot lol. Oh well.

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Thanks, I will get the guides up this weekend and ship out the Unassembled kits and PCBs next week. Assembled kits will take a wee bit longer. The 7800 mod is shaping up nicely. I still need to test it out. I will post the schematic for it next week (V2.1) even if it sucks haha. I do not know how the 7800 chroma is going to react to the 2600 circuit so a little bit of experimenting is in order.

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Uh oh. I assumed there would be mounting holes in the corners. I think I see some places where I could drill my own. My intention was to epoxy or bolt some threaded standoffs to the inside of the chassis.

I was going to supply double sided sticky tape foam stuff like I did for the V1 kits :D

Ah... :ponder: I should have thought of that. Could you add holes to the artwork for the next time you send out for boards?

Could but it would make it bigger ;)


There's plenty of room in a pre-junior to accomodate a couple few more millimeters. Not sure about the junior, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt.

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Ok I modded a 6-switch and Junior today. Need to do the 4-switch and upload everything onto my webserver. Oh and make the guide on putting the thing together for those that bought Unassembled kits and PCBs.


Trying to get the S-video jack and 3 RCA jacks into the Junior was a stretch but it fit.

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Sorry about not getting the guides and boards ready to ship. I have been fairly busy with school work. Bare PCBs and Unassembled Kits will ship this Friday. I will build the assembled kits over the weekend and ship them out sometime next week.


Oh and I ordered some parts for the 7800 mod. Maybe I will have a prototype 7800 board ready if I make it to the MGC ;)

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Forgive my newbie question, but is there an alternative for the FMS6400? I'm having a hard time finding it for sale in the Netherlands, or Europe for that matter. Mouser and other US stores kinda ask rather high shipping costs when I only need 1 or two of those chips.

Edited by Tempy
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Forgive my newbie question, but is there an alternative for the FMS6400CSX? I'm having a hard time finding it for sale in the Netherlands, or Europe for that matter. Mouser and other US stores kinda ask rather high shipping costs when I only need 1 or two of those chips.


Any member of the FMS64xx series should work. Like FMS6410 ect ect. Just have to make sure the pins line up. On the 6410 one of the inputs is different.

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Forgive my newbie question, but is there an alternative for the FMS6400CSX? I'm having a hard time finding it for sale in the Netherlands, or Europe for that matter. Mouser and other US stores kinda ask rather high shipping costs when I only need 1 or two of those chips.


Any member of the FMS64xx series should work. Like FMS6410 ect ect. Just have to make sure the pins line up. On the 6410 one of the inputs is different.


Decided to go with mouser.com anyway; I saw they also had USPS shipping, which should be much cheaper than a courier :P


Anyway, when building this mod, is there anything else I should modify on the Atari board itself?

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