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Just got a 5200


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I got a 5200(2 controller port) from my uncle and some games, Dig Dug, Pacman Ms Pacman, Robotron 2084, Breakout and Qbert. he gave me some 2600 controllers and the paddle controllers, but no 5200 controllers. i bought a RCA Phono Plug to F Jack adapter, and it interrupts the tv channel when i turn it on but no picture, any thoughts on why this would be? maybe the connectors were the cartridge goes are really dirty and not connecting?

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cleaning would be a good place to start. also, i think some (if not all) have a channel select switch on the console. i think mine has a circle on one side, and a square on the other. each figure is for a different channel on the tv. i'd try that first too.


oh ya, the rca to f adapter should work

Edited by opeygon
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i tried both square and circle, on channels 1-4 on different tvs and doesn't work. i cleaned it but still nothing... :(

sometimes when i go up or down a channel it gets a staticy green thing in the middle.

so i have no idea.


been a busy week for me. i'm suprised no one else has replied.


well... does the red light come on when you push the power button? i had a 5200 once and i could not get it to work no matter what i tried. turned out that the fuse inside the power pac had blown and thats why i wasn't getting any response

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  • 2 weeks later...
sorry for the no response been working a lot lately, the power light comes on, idk whats wrong with it i have almost given up


Download the 5200 Field Service manual from this page.




It gives a walk through of problems and what to replace. Even if your not able to solder at least you may figure out what is wrong.


What are you seeing on the screen? Are you seeing a green screen or a black screen or are you getting no signal at all?



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