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Cartridges Won on Ebay Smell Bad - What to do?


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I have over 200 - loose Atari 2600 VCS cartridges, most were bought off of evilBay. :twisted: They have a funny smell too.


What is it with people bitching and complaining about loose & used 30 year old Atari cartridges? I have two questions for them: Did you get the damn cartridges? Yes? - OK good. Do they still work, after more than a quarter century? Yes!? - OK great!


Feel lucky the seller didn't toss them in the garbage, if the seller was a woman you can bet she would have.


Leave the cartridges out in the open in a dry environment for a week, the black mold will die, the cat piss smell will fade, and if not and it's actually male cat spray - then wipe them down with Armor-all or the like.


What in the world are people expecting to get from the late seventies & early eighties games used extensively by a bunch of kids with gunked-up hands(probably)? :P


As long as you got 'em and they work that is all that matters. ;)



If someone is stupid enough to breath in, and smell something with mold spores on it then they deserve to get sick. Didn't anyone take biology? Don't people know that if they take a loaf of bread and throw it under the counter until it molds up and then eat or breath the spores they will get high but sick also. :|



Edited by ovalbugmann
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