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TooManyGames - October 18th - Reading, PA


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It's with a heavy heart that I have to announce we're postponing TooManyGames 7 until next year. I'm having some personal issues which are preventing me from getting any necessary convention work done. My crew has tried convincing me to continue planning the show for this fall, but in all honesty I just don't have it in me right now. I would much rather put on an awesome show next year than a half-assed and forgettable event this fall.


We will make an annoucement about the next event as soon as I have a new date scheduled. I apologize to anyone who already made plans to attend the event and I hope no time or money will be lost as a result of the postponement of the event.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Introducing TMG FANels!


What's a FANel? Well, to put it simply, it's a discussion panel held by the fans! Any TMG attendees or vendors can sign up for a block of time to hold their own discussion panel! You can talk about anything dealing with games, the history of a character, game development, getting into the gaming industry, video game blogging, you can do a skill demonstration, show off your fan videos, anything you want (doesn't include running a tournament tho')!


TMG will supply the tables, the chairs, the space, and a TV or projector, you just bring anything else you need!


Stop by www.toomanygames.com for more info on TMG FANels!

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  • 4 weeks later...

We've made a couple news updates, first we have an official TMG Twitter! It's at http://www.twitter.com/toomanygames So make sure to add us to your list of updates!


Second, we have 5 bands signed up to play in our Video Games ROCK! concert! Temp Sound Solutions, This Place is Haunted, Pieness, Ultraball, and Cryptorchid Chipmunk will all be rocking your 8-bit socks off!


Make sure to keep hitting up www.toomanygames.com for more info on the show, and while you're there sign up for our forums and say hi! 8*)

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  • 1 month later...

Just in case no one's been watching the vendor list, 2600 Connection got a table at the show, so did AdventureVision.com I know as the show keeps growing it seems like we're losing our classic gaming base, but without more classic gaming community participation we can't attract more people to classic gaming!


We hope that more folks in the classic community will come out and support the show as vendors, or attendees, or sponsors, or anything really!

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Anyone who needs a copy of the Phosphor Dot Fossils DVD needs to swing by the Next Level booth at TMG this weekend - they'll have them well stocked, and at the usual "show special" price that's just a smidge cheaper than buying them from my site. ;)


Have fun there, folks!

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Obviously, on the off chance anyone went looking for the PDF DVD, there was a hiccup in getting it to the show; nobody's fault or anything, it's just one of these things that happens. But! Here's the good news - I'm offering a special discount at this page, especially for anyone who missed picking it up at TMG; the discount splits the difference between the "show price" that the DVD has sold for at OVGE, CCAG and other shows this year, and the usual price tag for anyone who orders direct. The only catch is that the discount goes away after the 22nd of October (hopefully enough time for everyone to recover from dropping mad amounts o' cash at TMG :cool: ).


Hope everyone had a good time - what, no eyewitness reports!?

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