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Rock Band on Atari!


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OK, so here's the idea...


I haven't looked into this at all, it's just an idea that occurred to me, and I am completely non-technical as to how to get it to work (disclaimer out of the way ;)).


Using the USB cartridge that is available from AtariMax, and a (possibly already written?) USB joypad driver, would it be possible to write a game that was able to be used something akin to Rock Band/Guitar Hero? The XBox 360 peripherals are obviously all USB, so if the cart could be used to interface these then I think it might be possible!


The idea would be to take classic Atari tunes in SAP format and create a file format that contained all the drum beats in a tune similar to how the real thing is done. Get the Atari to read the beat file in time with playing the SAP file, display it on screen, check for the right buttons being pressed, and presto! Rock Band on the Atari :D


The programming is beyond me unfortunately, but could any of our enterprising A8 programmers shed any light on how feasible this might be?


Personally I think it would be awesome :)

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Indeed yes. it was mentioned here a while ago.



That makes for interesting reading. I think the USB cartridge plus driver if available might be a better way to go though rather than a PS2 adapter, simply because the hardware and software is already here for making the controllers work. There's a video on one of the Polish sites from the thread linked above, which is DDR on the Atari. I can't tell if it was mocked up or done for real though, as I don't read Polish :)


With some visual alterations, might it be possible to graft the USB driver into that software, if it is real? Of course, slotting in recognition for standard keyboard or joystick would be required too for those not in ownership of a USB cart :)

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It's certainly real as far as the c64 project, you can actually check out Shredz64 being demoed by the author on youtube. It's impresive. Similar could be developed software wise for the A8. I seem to recall that it was being done or that there was interest to do it.. I've not heard about it since then however

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