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approximate cost of a 5200 collection?


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I counted the 5200 games i have in my collection = 123 total. i counted the list i have for pirates, homebrew, rumors,reproductions,and non releases = 80 games. some of these are now being offered at high prices on Ebay. example "KLAX" for $129.00. i have 45 doubles or extra games.this comes with the territory, when collecting. For years i thought that the only game ,i was lacking was (yellow submarine demo). Was i wrong.

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Be prepared to pay way too much for BBSB if you can find it. I was going to sell $30 reproductions of it but Bob said he'd rather I didn't so its still extremely over valued.


I wouldn't mind updating the 128-in-1 to do BBSB one of these days, but I think people would be a little peeved about having to upgrade just for one game.



I would upgrade either way. Whether it be sent in to modify or buy a new one. I could always give my old one to my sis whose been hinting she wants a 5200 for over a year now. Maybe an xmas gift one year and my old multi would be the perfect touch to make it a really nice gift for her. She dont even know what BBSB is and she wouldnt have to buy another game. So yea, make em up and I will be 1st in line to buy one. Then eventually if I get a BBSB complete, it can stay intact on a shelf whilst I enjoy it on my Multi. I would buy one from 8bit but I do not trust himm and I like Steves work so Steve, if this is a possibilty, please make it hapen or atleast take a poll of who would want to buy one and see if it makes sense for ya. Cheers :)

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