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ACCC To Revoke Immunity For EBay's PayPal Only Policy


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News just in the ACCC (The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ) is proposing to revoke immunity for eBay's PayPal only policy.This is great news and a victory for consumers.The ACCC have not yet made a final decision,but have asked Ebay to delay implementing their Paypal policy until a final decision is made.

But the war is not won yet,im sure that Ebay will lodge an appeal to this decision.



Edited by pangasinan
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Good... maybe.


This will be an acid test of the ACCC IMO. So far, they've just proven themselves to be a WOFTAM organisation that costs us lots of money so they can state the bleeding obvious, but do nothing about it (e.g. constant rants about petrol pricing, bank fees, telco practices).


I'm sure other people everywhere will follow this with interest - after all, eBay probably chose us as a test market for this policy.


As it is, people are talking about leaving in droves. If it does go through, I'll definately be thinking twice before buying through them again.

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