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I love this controller!


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I recently got a boxed system and a very unusual controller was with the lot. The description said an arcade style controller and I looked the best I possibly could and binned the lot. This controller to me hands down has been the best controller I have used so far. All the buttons work great and it moves smoothly. I have used the wico before and I have to say I like this one better. Whomever made it knew what they were doing and wanted a controller that made gameplay a breeze. It's obviously homemade but Here's a pic.



Edited by ninermaniac
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It centers itself. I opened this baby up and the controller has four little springs in a cross like pattern with a small ring around the center of the inside of the stick that makes it recenter. The person who made this did their homework. I'm impressed. When I get a chance I'll take a pic of the inside. It's pretty complicated and looks time consuming unless you are very good at electronics. :cool:

Edited by ninermaniac
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Very cool, but it looks like it only has one fire button?
Yeah, were's the second fire button? Some games need it.


Otherwise pretty cool, although I'd prefer a real keypad.


I would definitely like to see pics of the joystick's centering mechanism. :cool:

Edited by Prodos8
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What kinda nut builds their own controller for a 5200? :ponder:


Seriously, you have to appreciate the effort involved, if not the aesthetics.


I'm very interested in hearing how that self-centering joystick works out for you, ninermaniac. Specifically, does the mechanical centering correlate to centering of the player or represent an actual neutral position in game play? Have you noticed if there's some way to adjust the centering?

Edited by BigO
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What kinda nut builds their own controller for a 5200? :ponder:


Seriously, you have to appreciate the effort involved, if not the aesthetics.


I'm very interested in hearing how that self-centering joystick works out for you, ninermaniac. Specifically, does the mechanical centering correlate to centering of the player or represent an actual neutral position in game play? Have you noticed if there's some way to adjust the centering?


There is no way to adjust the centering. It's just four springs and a small washer around the center stick. It brings the joystick back to center and let's say like Super Breakout, it brings the playing disc on screen back to center. I am thinking of taking it out actually. :cool:

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Probably one who desires to have a better controller for the system, perhaps?


Is that a rhetorical question?


Yes and yes.


As v.g.a. implies I was just joking, having myself made one controller by modding a trackball (avatar)

and one from scratch (prototype)

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