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How in the world do you reassemble a 5200 cart?


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I took apart my Vanguard cart to clean it, and now I can't seem to get it back together. Every time I think I have it, the spring pops out and then I'm back at square one. How do you guys do it?




Take the label part of the shell with the label half facing down and put the two end pieces in the right positions on the end. Then take the two rounded ends of the spring and put them in the long slot of the smaller plastic end piecees and the other end of the the spring (the circle part) over the stub that comes out of the center of the label part of the shell.(The shell half with the label). Then take the cartridge circuit board and put the connector end into the bottom of the cartidge with the chip facing down. When you are doing this line up the hole with stub and push the top part of the circuit board under the plastic lip on the cartridge shell. Then put the top/back part of the shell on.


I know this is very worded but it's hard to describe. Pictures would be better. If you are still lost I will post some pics.



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Is there a specific way of putting the spring back on? I'm putting it back together correctly yet the spring still pops out.


Is it popping out after you put the circuit board in or before? If you put the two-part end in first and then the circle end in and then put the board in, it should stay in place as long as you keep the cartridge horizontal. Then once you put the back part of the cartridge shell on and snap it in, the spring won't move.







Edited by Allan
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