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Can anyone on eBay pack?


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Bubble packaging(at least what we use) has gone way up as it is another petroleum based product.

Ah c'mon. I use crumbled sheets of newsprint from the flyers that come free in my mail. Cost is zero and it works great for cushioning. I also tie the items up in a free plastic shopping bag in case moisture gets into the box. Cost of the packing materials is zip, and it works great.

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Yeah, the $9.99 BIN didn't enter into his thought process at all...

What is it you're getting at? You seem to be suggesting that the high shipping costs are copasetic because the low BIN evens things out for the buyer and its only ebay getting the shaft.


Well, duh.



Thanks... now I have 'They Might Be Giants' stuck in my head.... and I don't really know the words...


Anna anna we still haven't walked in the tone of each other's majestic pleasure...


You're right.


"Ana Ng and I are getting old and we still haven't walked in the glow of each other's majestic presence"

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Bubble packaging(at least what we use) has gone way up as it is another petroleum based product.

Ah c'mon. I use crumbled sheets of newsprint from the flyers that come free in my mail. Cost is zero and it works great for cushioning. I also tie the items up in a free plastic shopping bag in case moisture gets into the box. Cost of the packing materials is zip, and it works great.

We are a business and cannot do that

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Yeah, the $9.99 BIN didn't enter into his thought process at all...

What is it you're getting at? You seem to be suggesting that the high shipping costs are copasetic because the low BIN evens things out for the buyer and its only ebay getting the shaft.


Well, duh.

I caught your sarcasm, lemon. I was actually playing along. Evidently, you didn't pick up on that.

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Yeah, the $9.99 BIN didn't enter into his thought process at all...

What is it you're getting at? You seem to be suggesting that the high shipping costs are copasetic because the low BIN evens things out for the buyer and its only ebay getting the shaft.


Well, duh.

I caught your sarcasm, lemon. I was actually playing along. Evidently, you didn't pick up on that.

Oh, okay, be less subtle next time! :D

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I'm not happy with the DSRs either. I'm currently sitting at 4.6 on S&H charges and I always try to keep my prices at cost. If anything I'm underpricing shipping. I state the shipping in my auctions as well, so no surprises there. I'm not sure if it's buyer's remorse in the fact that they wished shipping was cheaper than what it is or what. But it is irritating as a seller to see the low DSRs when you are charging actual costs.

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I'm not happy with the DSRs either. I'm currently sitting at 4.6 on S&H charges and I always try to keep my prices at cost. If anything I'm underpricing shipping. I state the shipping in my auctions as well, so no surprises there. I'm not sure if it's buyer's remorse in the fact that they wished shipping was cheaper than what it is or what. But it is irritating as a seller to see the low DSRs when you are charging actual costs.


don't feelbad my first 6 auctions under the dsr were all free shipping auctions and I had less than perfect scores on shipping and handling charges.

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It's not a question of feeling bad with the DSR's. Sellers are supposed to get their fee's discounted for good DSR's, hence the rate hike... they said "OH it's going to be okay that we are raising prices, because if you are good little children and have a nice DSR, the rate will stay the same for you" and then, you get a crap DSR.


Anyways, the guy with no padding and $42 shipping, told me that he couldn't afford padding because he doesn't have disposable income!? WTF!?!(@$%&@ Went on to say I should pay more if I want padding in the future.


Apparently the only thing disposible is the system and games he threw in the box. The 2600 four switch had the switches busted off and there were several shattered plastic bits from controllers and what not.



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I'm not happy with the DSRs either. I'm currently sitting at 4.6 on S&H charges and I always try to keep my prices at cost. If anything I'm underpricing shipping. I state the shipping in my auctions as well, so no surprises there. I'm not sure if it's buyer's remorse in the fact that they wished shipping was cheaper than what it is or what. But it is irritating as a seller to see the low DSRs when you are charging actual costs.

I feel your pain. My S&H DSR ironically dropped below 4.6 right after I stopped charging any handling, just because the item I was selling a bunch of was so heavy it cost some buyers as much as the item did. (Around $20)


Things improved after I sent all the ones that hadn't left feedback a mass email pointing out that I had left them feedback, would they please do the same for me, and by the way I didn't charge handling in case they hadn't noticed. I guess in the future I could help them notice by telling PayPal to print the amount on the postage label (I was used to having them leave it off).

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There's always just gonna folks who, pretty much no matter what, will never give you a 5. It's the Platonic theory of feedback rating: No matter how good your service was, it was merely a reflection of "the perfect transaction" which only exists in some ethereal Realm of Ideals. :ponder:


IMO, eBay's user ratings should probably be mathematically weighted, the way the IMDB does with movie ratings to attempt to compensate for fools who feel it's necessary to vote a 1 or a 10 just to try to unduly influence the overall score.

Sure, the system would still suck, but it would probably suck just a teeny tiny little bit less.

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I guess the ebay god (or devil would be the correct word) is ignoring me when it comes to buying since I've never really had any problems with packages not being packed properly. Most of the problems are sellers who wait nearly a week to ship an item.


Right now it seems that ebay hates me as a seller more than a buyer, but that's a different tale to start another topic on why ebay sucks.

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Anyways, the guy with no padding and $42 shipping, told me that he couldn't afford padding because he doesn't have disposable income!? WTF!?!(@$%&@ Went on to say I should pay more if I want padding in the future.


Apparently the only thing disposible is the system and games he threw in the box. The 2600 four switch had the switches busted off and there were several shattered plastic bits from controllers and what not.




That's just unacceptable -- especially when just about any locale is awash in FREE "padding." One can go down to any supermarket and grab a bunch of the weekly sales circulars and classified-ad fishwraps, and use those to pack items. (They get thrown in the dumpster at the end of the week anyway, so why not?) FREE plastic bags can further protect items, if needed. They'll also give you all the free boxes you want... I've never paid a penny for boxes and packing materials, and I've still never had a complaint about a poorly packed item.


I'm in the pizza business, and the cardboard boxes we get our thin crusts in are quite good and sturdy... they ship safely, and the price is right (free!) So there's really no excuse -- anyone who wants free packing material can get it. The only explanation for what happened, is that the seller was too f***ing lazy to pack your stuff properly. (Or maybe he's really too stupid to know that stuff WILL get banged around in shipping.)

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I received THAT several weeks ago:




The 2 boxed games in the box was naturally totally crushed. They wedged somehow between the console and the Joysticks.


I get often badly packed items. Even if I tell the sellers to pack the items well, they do it not.

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You know what's wild? A lot of you on this topic have openly considered whether or not the seller is retarded, evidenced by their failure to pack things properly. But I have bought numerous items from www.shopgoodwill.com, where its a pretty safe bet that the people there packing actually ARE retarded, and these folks are the masters. They pack things so well, that if I buy something from them once every couple of months, I will have MORE than enough packing supplied for my other sales!

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I received THAT several weeks ago:




The 2 boxed games in the box was naturally totally crushed. They wedged somehow between the console and the Joysticks.


I get often badly packed items. Even if I tell the sellers to pack the items well, they do it not.



OMG I would be so pissed if I got my box system with that shipping label on it. Isn't the person smart enuff to know the box is probably whats most wanted in that auction?

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You know what's wild? A lot of you on this topic have openly considered whether or not the seller is retarded, evidenced by their failure to pack things properly. But I have bought numerous items from www.shopgoodwill.com, where its a pretty safe bet that the people there packing actually ARE retarded, and these folks are the masters. They pack things so well, that if I buy something from them once every couple of months, I will have MORE than enough packing supplied for my other sales!


That is actually very true. I have bought several items from them also and have never had a bad packing job as far as I can remember. There shipping is sometimes a little higher than I would like, but its always done right.

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OMG I would be so pissed if I got my box system with that shipping label on it. Isn't the person smart enuff to know the box is probably whats most wanted in that auction?


I wrote him several times to pack the Ataribox well. The shipping label is not the problem, I removed it. The damage on the box by transport is worst. The seller sent the box first to a wrong address, then the box went back to him and then I got it. The box looking good in the auction, now is it one of my worst.

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OMG I would be so pissed if I got my box system with that shipping label on it. Isn't the person smart enuff to know the box is probably whats most wanted in that auction?


I wrote him several times to pack the Ataribox well. The shipping label is not the problem, I removed it. The damage on the box by transport is worst. The seller sent the box first to a wrong address, then the box went back to him and then I got it. The box looking good in the auction, now is it one of my worst.




He probably made sure it was noted in the auction that the Atari was in the original box and everything. And hell, you paid for DHL to ship the thing, which is almost as expensive as me buying a round trip airline ticket to Berlin, and dropping it off at your house, then fly back.

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The 2 boxed games in the box was naturally totally crushed. They wedged somehow between the console and the Joysticks.


I get often badly packed items. Even if I tell the sellers to pack the items well, they do it not.


That is so wrong. If you buy a boxed item sellers should know the box is part of the value. I had a 800xl shipped to me in its box. The only thing covering it was brown paper. So I knew the box got some damage in shipment, but not as bad as that.


Some sellers do not care if the product is damage. I hope that the changes ebay made will weed out these people.

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Along with my being banned from Goodwill stores, I have also been banned from ShopGoodwill.com (it would be easy enough to fudge a new account on their system) They knew me from doing local pick-ups, my store ban included a site ban because they knew who I was.


On the topic of their packing. It's hit or miss depending on the location. Some of them are super packers. Others (one in MI) Sent me a swept up dust pan full of garbage along with my order, containing but not limited to all the kind a crap you would find in the back room on the floor of a thrift shop, bits of wire, dust wads, link, snips of paper, a very dirty latex glove (no I'm not making this up) a FULL dust pan worth.


In the immortal words of Matt Dillon with regard to "retards" :

"Those goofy bastards are just about the best thing I've got going in this crazy world."



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