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Private auctions on eBay?

Captain Beard

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I think they cancelled that feature. Not sure why.


The only workaround I can think of is to list the item as only available to people in a small foreign country, then whitelist the intended buyer. But I don't think it's possible to block your own country from bidding so that wouldn't work.


2nd chance offers are restricted to one person, but I assume you're not in a "2nd chance offer" situation.


For really expensive items they do have some preapproval process, but I don't know how that works.

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I think they cancelled that feature. Not sure why.

I heard that criminals were using it for money laundering.


And, since they did remove that feature, it means that when some lowlife talks some ignorant seller into a lowball BIN, they can't get them to make it so they're the only one who can bid. I've seen it happen where some other buyer swoops in and nabs the BIN before the sleazeball. Gotta love it! :twisted:

Edited by lemoncurry
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Looks like they removed the link.


"Pre-approved bidders


Occasionally, for certain high-profile listings, eBay will allow a seller to create a pre-approved bidders list to restrict their listings to a specified group of buyers. Here’s what you can expect if you bid on a listing that has a pre-approved bidders list:


* If you are a pre-approved bidder: The bidding process will proceed as usual.

* If you are not one of the pre-approved bidders: You’ll get a notice that the item is restricted, and you will not be allowed to bid on the item. If you are interested in the item, contact the seller to request being added to the pre-approved bidders list."

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Thanks for all the help, folks.


I ended up setting up a pre-arranged time with my buyer and just doing this:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=300235680696 :)


I figured, worst-case scenario: Some idiot would click the BIN and I'd have to sell them 5 carts for $8.00.

I can certainly spare them, and since I'd get to choose the carts... :twisted:

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Looks like they removed the link.


"Pre-approved bidders


Occasionally, for certain high-profile listings, eBay will allow a seller to create a pre-approved bidders list to restrict their listings to a specified group of buyers. Here’s what you can expect if you bid on a listing that has a pre-approved bidders list:


* If you are a pre-approved bidder: The bidding process will proceed as usual.

* If you are not one of the pre-approved bidders: You’ll get a notice that the item is restricted, and you will not be allowed to bid on the item. If you are interested in the item, contact the seller to request being added to the pre-approved bidders list."

I knew I'd seen this sort of auction still going on! But it's just for, like, front-page charity auctions, where they can be sure it's not something nefarious.

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Thanks for all the help, folks.


I ended up setting up a pre-arranged time with my buyer and just doing this:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=300235680696 :)


I figured, worst-case scenario: Some idiot would click the BIN and I'd have to sell them 5 carts for $8.00.

I can certainly spare them, and since I'd get to choose the carts... :twisted:

Obviously you were not one of the ignorant sellers I was talking about, nor was this the kind of deal someone would swoop in on! ;)


But now I'm curious if your deal was actually for $8... :ponder:

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