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Does anyone have the Atari Program Editor manual?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you get a copy?


I have the manual. Unfortunately I don't have the tools (or the time) to scan the whole manual. If you want me to scan the quick reference (I believe there is a reference card), or lookup something specific, then I'll gladly do it.


Btw, I loved that Editor, used it a lot.

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Nope - Haven't got a copy yet.


If there is a quick reference I'd really love a scan of that. I basically just need the list of commands.


I'm not in a hurry, and appreciate it is your time and effort. If you can scan a copy any time I'll be very happy

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OK, the AsmEd manual and 6502 reference card are now in that thread.


That's nice Rybags, thanks. But he was asking about the editor included in AMAC (Atari Macro Assembler). That's a different product than AsmEd, or Atari Assembler.

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