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more auctions rooked


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Gospeedee... I don't know you. I don't really care. DO NOT EVEN question my 'morals' or 'integreity' because of an atari deal on ebay. I know all about morals and integreity. So don't jump in here and question me, EVER, on something like that. It is a fuckin' game. Big Deal.


And as people said earlier, you would have known later when I showed a picture of my collection or something. But yes, to put things in perspective, the number of people that do not play by the rules in the Atari community really do outweigh those that do. I've seen it for years. In my opinion, an auction is an auction. The seller has the right to pull an auction if it is not within a certain time limit of it closing. Same thing in real auction houses. They reserve that right. An auction is also supposed to be something where, you bid, and bid and bid. If the seller does not know the value of what he is selling, he doesn't need people emailing him to say "Hey that's a $40 game" or whatnot. Let the market value decide it. If the market value is decided by an email that said, "Hey, I'll shoot you $500 for that auction right now".... then so be it.


The seller is happy. I am happy. And no, I did not offer $500.


This will be the last I discuss of this in this thread after being insulted by someone questioning my morals. Someone who obviously does not know me.

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Gospeedee... I don't know you. I don't really care. DO NOT EVEN question my 'morals' or 'integreity' because of an atari deal on ebay. I know all about morals and integreity. So don't jump in here and question me, EVER, on something like that. It is a fuckin' game. Big Deal.


And as people said earlier, you would have known later when I showed a picture of my collection or something. But yes, to put things in perspective, the number of people that do not play by the rules in the Atari community really do outweigh those that do. I've seen it for years. In my opinion, an auction is an auction. The seller has the right to pull an auction if it is not within a certain time limit of it closing. Same thing in real auction houses. They reserve that right. An auction is also supposed to be something where, you bid, and bid and bid. If the seller does not know the value of what he is selling, he doesn't need people emailing him to say "Hey that's a $40 game" or whatnot. Let the market value decide it. If the market value is decided by an email that said, "Hey, I'll shoot you $500 for that auction right now".... then so be it.


The seller is happy. I am happy. And no, I did not offer $500.


This will be the last I discuss of this in this thread after being insulted by someone questioning my morals. Someone who obviously does not know me.


At least he fest up. I thought that was cool. A lot of members wouldn't have. All is Fair in Love, War and Ebay. :D

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if only ebay would make it where sellers can't end their auctions early, we wouldn't have to worry about all this would we?

I suppose, but sellers would be in a bad position if they needed to end an auction early for another reason.


I once had to end an auction on a laserdisc set because my cat managed to knock it off the shelf. It landed edge on, splitting open the box on two corners and shattering two of the discs. Auction ended.

Another time (again with a laserdisc -- I used to sell a lot of LDs back in the day...) a customer e-mailed to ask if a particular disc featured a commentary (apparently, there were some pressings which had it but were not labeled as such.) When I popped it in to check it started playing side two. Confused, I flipped the disc over and... side two again. Now that ain't right. Auction ended.

I'm sure others can share similar stories.


However, I have never ended an auction early because of a side deal (and I've certainly had my share of offers.) Apart from alienating potential future customers, it's pretty much a guarantee that you'll end up with less money since nobody offers'em for worthless crap.

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It's always fascinating to see someone rationalizing a slip in morals. Everybody cheats on their taxes, everybody sends stuff parcel post in inside out Priority boxes and the like.


eBay ought to be more strident in the text they add to all messages: besides the warnings about dealing off eBay, Western Union etc, they should first say that offers on collectibles are almost always an attempt to take advantage of a seller's ignorance.


A completely moral person would have emailed the seller to inform them how collectible their item was, explain how collectors wait to bid and snipe, and let them know that if they ignore such offers (or in this case, relist) they would surely do better than any offers they may have gotten or will get. I have sent such emails probably a hundred times.


Finding a good deal in a Buy It Now, or at a thrift store, or a garage sale is a legitimate thrill. Conning someone ought not to be.


I just hope that side dealers feel a big burst of pride every time they see that rare item they actively suckered a seller out of.

Edited by lemoncurry
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I think I was unclear. I meant to only question what you SAID, not what you DID. You made it sound like you had previously been opposed to side deals on principal and then decided to do one anyway because everyone else was.

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It's always fascinating to see someone rationalizing a slip in morals.

Do you really see this as a moral issue?

I mean, just 'cuz somebody does something you don't like or wouldn't personally do doesn't automatically make it immoral.


Asking a seller of goods if they'll make a transaction for an amount both parties agree is reasonable hardly seems to qualify as immoral to me. I mean, I am personally very unhappy about garage sale early birds (both because they swipe the good LPs before I politely arrive at the scheduled time and because they annoy the piss out of me when I'm the one having the sale) but I wouldn't go so far as to say ithey're immoral. Rude and annoying, maybe, but immoral? Really?


Wheeling and dealing is the nature of the game when you're talking about collectibles.

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Morals ain't black and white. I was describing a slip, where one goes from thinking, acting and even talking one way and then rationalizes doing the opposite.


And when I have a garage sale, I will be taking pictures of early birds and letting them know that if they don't leave immediately, I will not sell them anything once the sale begins.


edit: does = goes

Edited by lemoncurry
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It's always fascinating to see someone rationalizing a slip in morals. Everybody cheats on their taxes, everybody sends stuff parcel post in inside out Priority boxes and the like.


eBay ought to be more strident in the text they add to all messages: besides the warnings about dealing off eBay, Western Union etc, they should first say that offers on collectibles are almost always an attempt to take advantage of a seller's ignorance.


A completely moral person would have emailed the seller to inform them how collectible their item was, explain how collectors wait to bid and snipe, and let them know that if they ignore such offers (or in this case, relist) they would surely do better than any offers they may have gotten or will get. I have sent such emails probably a hundred times.


Finding a good deal in a Buy It Now, or at a thrift store, or a garage sale is a legitimate thrill. Conning someone ought not to be.


I just hope that side dealers feel a big burst of pride every time they see that rare item they actively suckered a seller out of.


I did not fucking con someone.

I'm not rationalizing, I'm not suckering a seller. I bought an item.


So to even suggest that... and suggest that of me... you did nothing but call me a fucking con artist. Congrats. I'll take you off of my Christmas card list. Holly shit! It is a fucking videogame.



LOL Aside from that... did everyone have a good 4th of July? I enjoyed my time, I hope everyone here did as well: Even those that accuse me of not having morals.


:) Don't let a videogame deal come in between friendships. I understand the hierarchy of the rare atari games is sometimes cut-throat... but man... it doesn't need to spark into this. Certain powers to be have certain videogames that none of us will get a chance to see at all. All it takes is for certain games to be copied (as they have in the past)... and more of us can enjoy it. (EotB-Atari Lynx). But that is the way things are now. And I understand that. Trust me... if certain games came on the market, the guy will generally get 5 or so side offers right away. If a Boston Clean Sweep for Vectrex shows up in a lot, do you think we'll get a real chance to see the end of the auction? I doubt it. Sorry... but that is the way the cookie crumbles. Regardless... I enjoyed my holiday, I'm glad I have a few great games coming to me (great... as in rare... NOT playability). I don't want any other issues about these two. If you don't like how I obtained them, don't bid or offer anything when/if they come up for sale later down the road.


Cause according to a few of you: it is not morally correct as in how I obtained them.


I could give a rat's ass either way. I know what I did, and well... I slept very well.

Edited by EricDeLee
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Morals ain't black and white. I was describing a slip, where one does from thinking, acting and even talking one way and then rationalizes doing the opposite.

Gotcha -- and of course I agree that morals ain't b&w, hence my question. :)

And when I have a garage sale, I will be taking pictures of early birds and letting them know that if they don't leave immediately, I will not sell them anything once the sale begins.

A few years ago I threw out some early birds -- they came at 6AM, the sale was advertised for 9AM.

I told them they were being docked an hour and couldn't come back until 10AM. Boy were they pissed (they came back at about 9:40 anyway.) But that's nothing. Record collectors are fuckin' nuts. When I have a garage sale and put "100s of LPs" in my ad, people start ringing the doorbell days early (usually with some bs story about how they're gonna be out of town 'cuz their Grandma needs a kidney or something.) Now that's just plain rude.

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You may not believe that you conned a seller, but you certainly cheated the system, ebay, and everyone else who had an legitimate interest in these items--and that's unethical. No amount of rationalization or raving indignation at being confronted with this simple fact will ever change it.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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It's always fascinating to see someone rationalizing a slip in morals. Everybody cheats on their taxes, everybody sends stuff parcel post in inside out Priority boxes and the like.


Finding a good deal in a Buy It Now, or at a thrift store, or a garage sale is a legitimate thrill. Conning someone ought not to be.


I just hope that side dealers feel a big burst of pride every time they see that rare item they actively suckered a seller out of.


I did not fucking con someone.

I'm not rationalizing, I'm not suckering a seller. I bought an item.


So to even suggest that... and suggest that of me... you did nothing but call me a fucking con artist. Congrats. I'll take you off of my Christmas card list. Holly shit! It is a fucking videogame.



LOL Aside from that... did everyone have a good 4th of July? I enjoyed my time, I hope everyone here did as well: Even those that accuse me of not having morals.


:) Don't let a videogame deal come in between friendships. I understand the hierarchy of the rare atari games is sometimes cut-throat... but man... it doesn't need to spark into this. Certain powers to be have certain videogames that none of us will get a chance to see at all. All it takes is for certain games to be copied (as they have in the past)... and more of us can enjoy it. (EotB-Atari Lynx). But that is the way things are now. And I understand that. Trust me... if certain games came on the market, the guy will generally get 5 or so side offers right away. If a Boston Clean Sweep for Vectrex shows up in a lot, do you think we'll get a real chance to see the end of the auction? I doubt it. Sorry... but that is the way the cookie crumbles. Regardless... I enjoyed my holiday, I'm glad I have a few great games coming to me (great... as in rare... NOT playability). I don't want any other issues about these two. If you don't like how I obtained them, don't bid or offer anything when/if they come up for sale later down the road.


Cause according to a few of you: it is not morally correct as in how I obtained them.


I could give a rat's ass either way. I know what I did, and well... I slept very well.


I did not specifically call anyone anything, but hey, if the shoe fits...

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You may not believe that you conned a seller, but you certainly cheated the system, ebay, and everyone else who had an legitimate interest in these items...

Aren't "the system", "ebay" and "everyone else..." all the same thing, i.e. eBay?

'Cuz without question, you're absolutely right that eBay was cheated, but I'm at a loss who else was. The only possibility that springs to mind is potential bidders, but really, how were they cheated? Life's full of missed opportunities, after all.

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You may not believe that you conned a seller, but you certainly cheated the system, ebay, and everyone else who had an legitimate interest in these items...

Aren't "the system", "ebay" and "everyone else..." all the same thing, i.e. eBay?

Not really... unless one wants to cavil about it.


... I'm at a loss who else was. The only possibility that springs to mind is potential bidders, but really, how were they cheated?
Whom else would I be referring to? Are you seriously saying that you can't see how other bidders are affected? Isn't that the very topic of this thread--auctions being "rooked"?


Life's full of missed opportunities, after all.
Opportunity!?! What opportunity remains for anyone else to win an item once it has been "rooked"? Edited by Christophero Sly
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What opportunity remains for anyone else to win an item once it has been 'rooked'?


None is the answer. Not when they bitch and moan, call the person unethical and say he has no morals. Those people will not be a part of any future chance to buy the items as far as I'm concerned. Pretty damn sad if you ask me.


It's a done deal. Quit sitting at your computer and calling me unethical. At this point, it doesn't bother me, but it does show exactly how cut-throat things are towards the top of the collecting ring. And that is kind of sad. Here we are, two days after the fact, and we are still seeing people calling me unethical, and saying I have no morals. All for a piece of 30 year old plastic and cardboard. That is just crazy! Do I have that to look forward the next time I run into another Rarity 10 in the wild? It happened a few years ago with that Xante cart, it's happening now... and I'm sure it will happen later. It is just a hobby, have fun, fire up your Atari and play a game of Thrust. We all know the BOMB games suck ass anyways. And well.. in particular I'm sure these will suck even more as I'll be looking at a black screen when I try to fire these particular carts up. LOL


C'mon.... drop the crap. No one bitched about the first auction posted. Good boxed games were in that one!


If you don't like these unethical Bomb carts and docs, wait until more ethical ones come around. Just do me a favor.... don't sit their and question my morals, and my ethics. I'm a good guy, good rep, lovely family and I love Atari just like you guys. I crossed over into Canada's Ebayland and grabbed a great game or three. Sorry. Don't ask what I got coming from Mexico Ebayland. I'm sure that will piss off others as well.


Don't worry, I won't take it personal from this point further, but don't make this into more than it really is. Don't give me the 'ebay lost out on money' crap. Don't make me out to be a bad guy because I took an opportunity the seller agreed to. Keep one thing in mind: HE (not I) decided to end the auction early, and HE is the one that suggested to end the auction. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

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Are you seriously saying that you can'-t see how other bidders are affected?
I'm seriously saying that if you really meant to suggest the affect on bidders is something actually measurable. We all know sometimes auctions end in great steals and other times they explode in bidding wars. Since there's never any guarantee on eBay, what's one more auction you didn't win here or there? In the end, what's really the affect on bidders? Wasted time? Heightened expectations? A burst of anger? A momentary wisp of sadness?


Life's full of missed opportunities, after all.
Opportunity!?! What opportunity remains for anyone else to win an item once it has been "rooked"?

None, of course. That was my whole point: Not every seeming opportunity actually comes a-knockin'. You win some and you lose some and life ain't fair and sometimes blah blah blah. I just don't see how you've been cheated of anything. You didn't have something, then you thought, "Ooo! Maybe I'll get one of those," and then the chance to get it evaporated. So essentially, you're exactly where you were before the "Ooo!" part. C'est la vie, y'know?
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Eric don't even bother responding to the haters. It's all cock envy my friend :cool:


Don't worry, I won't take it personal from this point further, but don't make this into more than it really is. Don't give me the 'ebay lost out on money' crap. Don't make me out to be a bad guy because I took an opportunity the seller agreed to. Keep one thing in mind: HE (not I) decided to end the auction early, and HE is the one that suggested to end the auction. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
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What opportunity remains for anyone else to win an item once it has been 'rooked'?


None is the answer. Not when they bitch and moan, call the person unethical and say he has no morals. Those people will not be a part of any future chance to buy the items as far as I'm concerned. Pretty damn sad if you ask me.


It's a done deal. Quit sitting at your computer and calling me unethical. At this point, it doesn't bother me, but it does show exactly how cut-throat things are towards the top of the collecting ring. And that is kind of sad. Here we are, two days after the fact, and we are still seeing people calling me unethical, and saying I have no morals. All for a piece of 30 year old plastic and cardboard. That is just crazy! Do I have that to look forward the next time I run into another Rarity 10 in the wild? It happened a few years ago with that Xante cart, it's happening now... and I'm sure it will happen later. It is just a hobby, have fun, fire up your Atari and play a game of Thrust. We all know the BOMB games suck ass anyways. And well.. in particular I'm sure these will suck even more as I'll be looking at a black screen when I try to fire these particular carts up. LOL


C'mon.... drop the crap. No one bitched about the first auction posted. Good boxed games were in that one!


If you don't like these unethical Bomb carts and docs, wait until more ethical ones come around. Just do me a favor.... don't sit their and question my morals, and my ethics. I'm a good guy, good rep, lovely family and I love Atari just like you guys. I crossed over into Canada's Ebayland and grabbed a great game or three. Sorry. Don't ask what I got coming from Mexico Ebayland. I'm sure that will piss off others as well.


Don't worry, I won't take it personal from this point further, but don't make this into more than it really is. Don't give me the 'ebay lost out on money' crap. Don't make me out to be a bad guy because I took an opportunity the seller agreed to. Keep one thing in mind: HE (not I) decided to end the auction early, and HE is the one that suggested to end the auction. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.



It is one thing to do side deals it is another thing to be a total punk about it. Your coming off with the if you don't like my ethics than screw you attitude. I also like how you almost brag about it as well. Also, nice job being a punk to Gospeedee. One of the better members in this community. I am glad that my most cherished Atari 2600 possession I have is because you fell asleep at the wheel. Who knows maybe you can wait until more unethical Atlantis II with docs come up.

Edited by homerwannabee
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What opportunity remains for anyone else to win an item once it has been 'rooked'?


None is the answer. Not when they bitch and moan, call the person unethical and say he has no morals. Those people will not be a part of any future chance to buy the items as far as I'm concerned. Pretty damn sad if you ask me.


It's a done deal. Quit sitting at your computer and calling me unethical. At this point, it doesn't bother me, but it does show exactly how cut-throat things are towards the top of the collecting ring. And that is kind of sad. Here we are, two days after the fact, and we are still seeing people calling me unethical, and saying I have no morals. All for a piece of 30 year old plastic and cardboard. That is just crazy! Do I have that to look forward the next time I run into another Rarity 10 in the wild? It happened a few years ago with that Xante cart, it's happening now... and I'm sure it will happen later. It is just a hobby, have fun, fire up your Atari and play a game of Thrust. We all know the BOMB games suck ass anyways. And well.. in particular I'm sure these will suck even more as I'll be looking at a black screen when I try to fire these particular carts up. LOL


C'mon.... drop the crap. No one bitched about the first auction posted. Good boxed games were in that one!


If you don't like these unethical Bomb carts and docs, wait until more ethical ones come around. Just do me a favor.... don't sit their and question my morals, and my ethics. I'm a good guy, good rep, lovely family and I love Atari just like you guys. I crossed over into Canada's Ebayland and grabbed a great game or three. Sorry. Don't ask what I got coming from Mexico Ebayland. I'm sure that will piss off others as well.


Don't worry, I won't take it personal from this point further, but don't make this into more than it really is. Don't give me the 'ebay lost out on money' crap. Don't make me out to be a bad guy because I took an opportunity the seller agreed to. Keep one thing in mind: HE (not I) decided to end the auction early, and HE is the one that suggested to end the auction. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.



It is one thing to do side deals it is another thing to be a total punk about it. Your coming off with the if you don't like my ethics than screw you attitude. I also like how you almost brag about it as well. Also, nice job being a punk to Gospeedee. One of the better members in this community. I am glad that my most cherished Atari 2600 possession I have is because you fell asleep at the wheel. Who knows maybe you can wait until more unethical Atlantis II with docs come up.



Look ... again... I have no problem with anyone. I'm not bragging, I'm not being a little bitch about it. I'm just saying: GET THE FUCK OFF MY BACK.

I don't know who Gospeedee is, and I don't care. I have not had a problem with you in the past, and if you got a problem with me, again, I don't care. If you are going to whine and bitch because I made a side deal, and be pissed off at me for doing that, then fine... go ahead. Either way, I don't give a fuck. I never came off as BRAGGING. I never INSULTED anyone here like I was insulted. You do not accuse someone of not having MORALS or ETHICS over a fucking atari sidedeal on ebay. If you do, you have got some serious fucking problems. I honestly don't know who pissed in your fucking cheerios Homer. take a look back and see that I was the one insulted. I admitted to being the one that pulled the trigger on the side deal. Big whoop! My attitude about this is very simple: I understand some of you don't agree with side deals. That is your opinion and I respect that. Others here do side deals ALL of the time. Again, that is their opinion, and I respect that. I have that right to that opinion. But the second someone fucking says I have no morals, I'll jump right on his back and become a monkey. I have not spent 13 years in the military to fucking have someone attack my personal rights that I fucking fight for and have served for. You have every right to come here and be pissy with me and say I'm acting like a punk... and blah blah blah. You have that right. But... I don't agree with it. Don't call me a fucking punk, and think I'm pissed off at the world as that is not the case. I only have issues with those that question my integrity and morals... all over an atari game. Perhaps I should just wipe my ass with the instruction manual the next time I eat mexican food. Give me a break man, this is nonsense and just plain silly.


Next time, question someone who is suppisingly one of the 'better members of the community' on why he decided to accuse/attack/insult me. He more or less insulted me, you attacked. And in my opinion, that is not cool.


But... what the hell... I guess I'm not a 'better member of the community'. even though I've been here years and have not had many issues. Thanks for making me feel real welcome in a place I called home for many years.


Btw... which deal did I fall asleep on? Was it that Atlantis II cart that was in a lot with a T-handled game? Great deal you got there! Perhaps someone should have mentioned what the value was to the owner.

Edited by EricDeLee
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