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Very Greatful for this Forum and the Life GOD Gave me


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HI everyone



I figure since I am into 8 bit computers this is where this belongs with all the friends I have made on this form. I am goind to tell you about

two mirracles that happen inmy life or I would not even be able to sit here and talk to you. It has taken me an incredable amount of time to even

be able to talk about this. For one thing I had to learn alot over again..


Back in 1995 I was in the Marine Corps and had a very bad head trama, so bad I was declared dead. I was told that the amballance people could not

find a pulse on me at all... I want no one to feel sorry for because to much good has happen to me since this time. I just want you to hear my story

and see why I love life and find it a complete blessing to be able to even do anything with atari systems. Ok when I reached the hospital a doctor

would not give up on me..Well he got me breathing after 15 minutes they say. Well after four minutes with no oxegen to the brain I was told I should

have had total brain dammage...Well I did get some brain damage but not total,and yes I had to relearn to walk/Talk/and even try to do the simple

things people take for granted everyday. I spent a year and half in one hospital relearning and dealing with very bad migraine head-aches..I also

had short term and long term memory problems. I spent six months in a wheel chair,and was getting shots every four hours everyday let me tell

you the first week not so bad by the second week you don't want to be stuck with no more needles because it really starts to hurt. I was sick to

my stomaches all the time. I made it home by April of 1996 to see my parents with doctor notes saying I would be parolize or may still die. I also

was diagnose with MS. the thing you saw with Jerry KIDS along time ago. It had no cure ,but I can tell you I have it no more. Anyways I could have put

this in a different forum,but I felt that everyone who has treated me so nice needed to know this. And how much I appreciate everything you have all done.

I still have short term memory problems and my long term memory of my childhood is pretty well fried for a few things not much at all. The doctors

say I have Amnesia to my Childhood.




Well as most of you know I was in a car wreck that took my wife and other family members.....Again my life was spared and my daughters.

I was on life support for three weeks with a machine breathing for me,and I broke all my ribs and so many other bones too. I also had another

head injury but this one did not make anything worse,so that was good. My daughter suffer bad she had her stomache cut open by the seat belt,

had to have total reconstructive surgery on her stomache.For one who don't what that is . they put her a sleep and took all her intestons out of

her body and went inch by inch looking for the bad ones. They cut out the bad ones and sewed up the good ones. She also had bladder surgery since

it was injured too. Well all I am trying to say I am glad to be alive and meet such great people on this form. My daughter and I have both been

trying to recover from the loss of out family and it been hard but we are making it. I am sorry if I made anyone mad buy puting this in this

forum, but I feel at home at the 8 bit forum, and have made so many friends in this forum. I am so greatful the Lord gave me the abillity to write

and talk again and that really a big thing for me because I should have had no brain function left. Anyaways I wanted everyone to know the story

behind me and not to feel sorry for me but just to know why I am the way I am.....I really and truly feel blessed to be even up on this forum.


So everyone knows this is not made up here is the official sites from the police....



This is From NCN NEWS


This Was in Nov. 2006,so don't send cards anymore......


Well Thank you everyone for your great friendships I have made on this site...Also to the ones who have helped me with so much.

The pictures are what was left of the Car. This will be my last post for a while because I feel that there are a lot of smart people

on this forum and I just no longer have that abillity anymore to add usefull information. I will read the forum When I can, but I know very litttle about computers anymore since the wreck....Don't get me wrong either people up are great,but I am not very smart anymore...My IQ drop more than

anyone could ever guess. Trust me it low now....At one time it was at 189...I will not tell my IQ because it that low now,so it hard for me to learn.

Well take care and GOD BLESS YOU ALL..Maybe one of these days I will be able to understand theses things again.....



Your Friend,

REV. Sean39




Edited by Sean39
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Hi Sean,


I had read your Bio on your profile before and I've just read this and I really don't know what to say. I am impressed with your optimism and positive outlook as I feel if something like this happened to me I'd be angry with life for so long. I have been fortunate not to have to endure a loss of your scale so anything else I could say would appear weak and empty.


However, the great thing with a forum like this and Atari is that is crosses so many spectrums of life for all parts of the world. The common factor for most here is a computer that was basically designed over 30 years ago. Life experiences, nationality, religion, colour, etc are not relevant in these discussions, instead we work on the development of this computer. It's a great place to be.


Take care of your daughter and yourself.



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Sean, don't underestimate or put limits on what you can do. As you said above, if what neurologists believe to be true was alwayse the case, you should have been completely brain dead.. The fact is that medical science really does not even begin to understand the potential of the human brain, and this includes its ability to recover from serious injury. You are right to have a positive outlook. Youve come a long way since your injuries.. Theres no reason you cant fully recover. The only person who places limits on that is you. If you really do believe and trust in God, you should never have a doubt. Also realize that nothing happens outside of God's will.. God has a plan for you, or you would most certainly have been dead.. Just put forth your best effort every day, and you will accomplish more than you ever would have thought possible.. If you believe in God, then you should believe in yourself.. He does..

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HI everyone



I figure since I am into 8 bit computers this is where this belongs with all the friends I have made on this form. I am goind to tell you about

two mirracles that happen inmy life or I would not even be able to sit here and talk to you. It has taken me an incredable amount of time to even

be able to talk about this. For one thing I had to learn alot over again..


Back in 1995 I was in the Marine Corps and had a very bad head trama, so bad I was declared dead. I was told that the amballance people could not

find a pulse on me at all... I want no one to feel sorry for because to much good has happen to me since this time. I just want you to hear my story

and see why I love life and find it a complete blessing to be able to even do anything with atari systems. Ok when I reached the hospital a doctor

would not give up on me..Well he got me breathing after 15 minutes they say. Well after four minutes with no oxegen to the brain I was told I should

have had total brain dammage...Well I did get some brain damage but not total,and yes I had to relearn to walk/Talk/and even try to do the simple

things people take for granted everyday. I spent a year and half in one hospital relearning and dealing with very bad migraine head-aches..I also

had short term and long term memory problems. I spent six months in a wheel chair,and was getting shots every four hours everyday let me tell

you the first week not so bad by the second week you don't want to be stuck with no more needles because it really starts to hurt. I was sick to

my stomaches all the time. I made it home by April of 1996 to see my parents with doctor notes saying I would be parolize or may still die. I also

was diagnose with MS. the thing you saw with Jerry KIDS along time ago. It had no cure ,but I can tell you I have it no more. Anyways I could have put

this in a different forum,but I felt that everyone who has treated me so nice needed to know this. And how much I appreciate everything you have all done.

I still have short term memory problems and my long term memory of my childhood is pretty well fried for a few things not much at all. The doctors

say I have Amnesia to my Childhood.




Well as most of you know I was in a car wreck that took my wife and other family members.....Again my life was spared and my daughters.

I was on life support for three weeks with a machine breathing for me,and I broke all my ribs and so many other bones too. I also had another

head injury but this one did not make anything worse,so that was good. My daughter suffer bad she had her stomache cut open by the seat belt,

had to have total reconstructive surgery on her stomache.For one who don't what that is . they put her a sleep and took all her intestons out of

her body and went inch by inch looking for the bad ones. They cut out the bad ones and sewed up the good ones. She also had bladder surgery since

it was injured too. Well all I am trying to say I am glad to be alive and meet such great people on this form. My daughter and I have both been

trying to recover from the loss of out family and it been hard but we are making it. I am sorry if I made anyone mad buy puting this in this

forum, but I feel at home at the 8 bit forum, and have made so many friends in this forum. I am so greatful the Lord gave me the abillity to write

and talk again and that really a big thing for me because I should have had no brain function left. Anyaways I wanted everyone to know the story

behind me and not to feel sorry for me but just to know why I am the way I am.....I really and truly feel blessed to be even up on this forum.


So everyone knows this is not made up here is the official sites from the police....



This is From NCN NEWS


This Was in Nov. 2006,so don't send cards anymore......


Well Thank you everyone for your great friendships I have made on this site...Also to the ones who have helped me with so much.

The pictures are what was left of the Car. This will be my last post for a while because I feel that there are a lot of smart people

on this forum and I just no longer have that abillity anymore to add usefull information. I will read the forum When I can, but I know very litttle about computers anymore since the wreck....Don't get me wrong either people up are great,but I am not very smart anymore...My IQ drop more than

anyone could ever guess. Trust me it low now....At one time it was at 189...I will not tell my IQ because it that low now,so it hard for me to learn.

Well take care and GOD BLESS YOU ALL..Maybe one of these days I will be able to understand theses things again.....



Your Friend,

REV. Sean39



that's rough Sean, I admire your optimism. It's nice that our love of a computer platform that has been out of the mainstream for almost 20 years can bring us together for other reasons too. I was wondering what is your first language?




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If you really do believe and trust in God, you should never have a doubt. Also realize that nothing happens outside of God's will..


This topic may be in danger of being moved to P&R, but I believe in the mystery of God's sovereignty as well. We don't understand the reasons why things happen, but I believe it all happens for a reason and I will one day see the big picture. Sometimes we get a glimpse when when we see good come out of tragedy, but usually we never know.


back on topic: I also know the Atari 8-bit is a blast! :)



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My brother had a similar thing happen. Massive head trauma from a motorcycle accident. Right after it happened, I could really tell the difference. As time passed, he changed some for the better.


Once we had a conversation about the lower IQ test scores he posted up after the accident. The end result of that was that he was smart enough. Past that, it's a function of time and will power to get things done. He believed this and...


10 years later, I'm not sure I would know he had that accident, if I had just met him. He just started doing stuff, and that's that. I think part of that is the brain healing, adapting, building like it always does. Part of it also is those tests do depend on learned things, meaning what they say now is highly likely to not be true over time, unless you are somehow convinced of that fact.


If you asked him about this, he would tell you that for a time he was obsessed over what he lost. Nothing good happened during that time. At some point, what he could be doing ended up being more important than what he used to do or used to know, and that's when he just started healing for the better.


Good stuff can happen, as long as you think it can. Stay strong and love your daughter. She is lucky to have a strong father.


We've had some tough stuff happen to our family. It's nothing like what you have experienced. Man, if that isn't perspective, I don't know what is.


You should check in once in a while and let people know how things are. 8 bit computers are as much about the people involved with them as they are the tech bits within them.


Stay strong, and thanks for telling your story. It made me think today. It made me think hard about how it could easily be worse and that matters to me right now.


Edit: There is one other thing I think I would share about watching my brother. He never did have a lot of inhibition. You are where you are because sometimes stuff happens. Don't feel shame --or at least work hard to battle it. You have no reason to feel shame and it can only diminish what is possible. You are who you are and that's something special, period. Who you can be is still on the table, like it was for my brother, like it is for anybody. Don't take that the wrong way. What I mean is that each of us is most limited by our own inhibitions and fears. If you don't entertain those, you will grow and prosper over time, and it will be good.

Edited by potatohead
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I've read many of Sean's posts, and have found his story to be quite compelling, if somewhat curious. I know Sean said that would be his last post, but I'm really interested in how he came be be a regular poster on these forums, and what draws him to Atari equipment -- especially given that his memories of childhood are lost. I know that I, like many of us, continue to be interested almost purely for nostalgia, but I suppose that's because I'm lucky to be able to remember my first Atari, my second, trading carts and then later disks with other users, first BBS encounters (XM301), Carina bboards, first download, first SysOp experiences, and so on...

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Sean, you have many friends in this forum so feel free to post your opinions; you don't have to be a skilled programmer, you don't have to have an high IQ to post here!

In this way we will know that you are OK.

If you don't remember to do it... ask your daughter to remind you! ;)

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HI guys


What got me interested in Atari was my father... He started in the 1960's with computers, and even earlier he was one of the first to ever be trained

on how to use transistors when no one really understood them. My father Started his own computer company around 1996 and built computers for

companies in Texas and my brother can remember him bringing home computer chips from the 1970's....My mother said he did work for a contractor who did work for Atari Corp...

I don't know what kind of work, but I know from my brother he brought home Atari computers, and I can only guess that it was to do with the

Electronic side since he was an Electronic engineer...Now from 1996 on up I can remember most things,but before 1995 memories are very few.

I think in one post I had that I remember my dad bringing home Atari Cartridge chips on the boards with no cases... My father had so many computers

around the house in 1996 ,and my brother said he remember computers around our house as early as 1975. Don't ask me what type they were because

I could not tell you. My brother said I started programing computers as early as 1977 but he can remember those things and I can't. My brother told

me just yesterday that I use to make up games on the computers, and he said he loved to play them. I have tried to remember all the programing

skills I had at one time and I can't. My mother had my school stuff still. She has my degree from the University of Virginia in Electronics and another

one that said I went to school for Computer Repair and Programing. She also had papers from Raytheon Corporation where they sent me to school on

computers too. So I have all the schools just no memories how to do it anymore, but I want too. Right now I have focus on giving my daughter the best

life I can, and she loves computers....Again The reason I am attracted to Atari the few rare memories I have with my dad is with the Atari Computers,

and my brother has said the same thing to me...My brother has a mind like an elephant he never forgets anything, so he tries to help me with the past stuff.

I have few old Antic Magazines but not alot and my daughter and I sit at the computer and she copies them in and saves them to tape..She has played

a few games she coppied from them. She think the Atari computer more interesting than this new one,so she plays and programs on it more than getting

on this one. This one not is not new it a 2003 computer, but it way newer than the Atari. Anyways I am keeping a positive outlook on life.. The only reason

I said that I was not going to post anymore was that I felt realy lost in some of the topics,and I need to relearn the basics again about computer programing. At one time my brother said my programs looked like all machine language programs instead of basic,and I know that ability for me is

lost.....I have been reading alot to force my mind to learn again,and the doctors told me that would be good.....I read all the Antic magazines I have but

I don't have that many. I only have a few programing books and I read those too.... I also use to preach in many Churches before the car wreck but

memory problems keep me fromthat now...I read the Bible to learn but also to improve my memoy skills too. I am having to to relearn alot, and I

did goto school to become a Preacher many years ago and passed all my courses. Then I did preach at many churches. Right now the Church

I go to knows what happen to me, and they are helping me to get some of this back... I will get to go back to a school to relearn what I have forgot,

but it will be taught to me at my own pace....The church and seminary Schools have already approved this, and I just received my school book for this.

Someone ask me what my first language was??? It is English, but I use to speak In Spanish/Japanese/Korean/ and some French. Those are gone for me

to. I just speak in english now and that good for me since learning to talk over again was hard. I am an American Born here but moved everywhere as a child .( the moving part came from my brother who fill me in on all the moves we had as children)... I lived in Japan and Korea and that how I learned to

speak those languages,but again I cannot do it anymore. Well I hope that this does not sound all messed up because it hard for me to keep track of

what I am writing,but I am trying to keep on track here....Anyways Thank you everyone. If any of this sounds confusing and some of it makes no sense at

all please forgive me my mind seems to jump around then I forget what I was even writing. Anyways I will check in, and read what you all have to write

about.... At this point I don't even know a subject or topic that I could start. Well if some of what I wrote does not make any sense please let me know and I will do the best to clear it up...........Again Thanks Everyone




Your Friend,


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I have few old Antic Magazines but not alot...

I only have a few programing books and I read those too....

Here are a couple of sites that will give you plenty of Atari reading material:

Classic Computer Magazines

Atari Archives/Books


As far as not understanding what topics/posts are about... don't worry, there are many who attend here who know little or nothing about programming. They are just interested in Atari hardware and software usage, and emulation. You can just hang out and absorb what you're able to. Plus, people here are almost always happy to answer questions, as you have already seen. There's really no better place to be than here, when it comes to Atari community and information sharing.

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Here is one simple question does anyone have any extra Antic Magazines they want to get rid of or just sell... I can't read to long on they LCD screen

Computers because they give me bad head-aches and it way easier for me to read them out of the magazines without getting a head-ache... This

is so true. With LCD TV's coming in I cannot even watch those TV's and this computer I am on even gives me bad head aches....The Veterain Administration did testing on me and found out that scan rates and certain lighting give me head aches and seizers. I have special TV that has filters

in it ,but it was made for me in the year 1999 or 2000.....So I have to keep that TV going or I am up the creek for TV... RCA made that TV for me it

is really one of a kind. It Cost over $5000.00 for that TV back then to be made. That not a retail price either,but a price just for the parts and labor that

went in to it. RCA said they would repair it if it ever goes down and even offer me a special Warranty for $1300.00 for three years coverage. The

Lenses and parts cost way more than $1300.00 that filter out the light that hurt me and the scan rate is set up different for me too. Don't ask me

how they do it,but it is the only TV that does not give me a head aches all other types do. It will not be able to receive the digital signal in 2009 that the FCC

set up ,but I was sent a coupon from the US government for a digital converter box. That should make it where I can get the local stations that are about

50 miles from me.


Well if anyone has some good Antic or Atari type magazines I sure like reading them.


Thanks Sean

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I can't read to long on LCD screen Computers because they give me bad headaches
Hi Sean. I find that all TV's and computer monitors can be pretty tiring to look at.


Lets hope the new generation of LED-LCD monitors can provide us all with something more natural.



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Hi Carmel,



Hey did you ever find anything on my Family.


Here some of the information I can give you.



Sir Simon De Whitacre was listed as the Land Proprietor of Whitacarfield in Warwicshire......




Simon De Whitacre of LEICESTERSHIRE IN 1272-1307 AD


JOHN DE Whitacre of Lancashire in 1317 AD


Rogerus or Roger Whiteacre in Yorkshire in 1379 AD


This is some of the information my dad left me.


This is one of my Great Grandfathers


(Sir) John Whitaker. Knighted 1262; Confirmer of the Magna Carta; The Whitaker family is one of the oldest family in








Well I hope this helps you some since I know a while back ago you were trying to help me find information on my family..

Thanks Again... This is some information my dad left me before he passed on.



Your Friend,


Edited by Sean39
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If and when i get a chance Mr Sean, I might take a looksie at the metropolitan archives (Rosebery Avenue)....Problem is though, the metropolitan archives only covers those born in London and what used to be Middlesex (which amalgamated/merged into London in the 60's)


What i'll do in the meantime to try and help is use the yahoo search to find Family records offices in the parts of the UK you mention, if they've got a website/weblink i'll PM it for you so that you can instigate contact and it might speed things up a bit

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Thanks that would be a big help....Since I have lost all contact with any family in the UK, and it would be nice to find out what happen to my family..


Thanks for the help





Sean Whiteacre

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HI everyone



I figure since I am into 8 bit computers this is where this belongs with all the friends I have made on this form. I am goind to tell you about

two mirracles that happen inmy life or I would not even be able to sit here and talk to you. It has taken me an incredable amount of time to even

be able to talk about this. For one thing I had to learn alot over again..


Back in 1995 I was in the Marine Corps and had a very bad head trama, so bad I was declared dead. I was told that the amballance people could not

find a pulse on me at all... I want no one to feel sorry for because to much good has happen to me since this time. I just want you to hear my story

and see why I love life and find it a complete blessing to be able to even do anything with atari systems. Ok when I reached the hospital a doctor

would not give up on me..Well he got me breathing after 15 minutes they say. Well after four minutes with no oxegen to the brain I was told I should

have had total brain dammage...Well I did get some brain damage but not total,and yes I had to relearn to walk/Talk/and even try to do the simple

things people take for granted everyday. I spent a year and half in one hospital relearning and dealing with very bad migraine head-aches..I also

had short term and long term memory problems. I spent six months in a wheel chair,and was getting shots every four hours everyday let me tell

you the first week not so bad by the second week you don't want to be stuck with no more needles because it really starts to hurt. I was sick to

my stomaches all the time. I made it home by April of 1996 to see my parents with doctor notes saying I would be parolize or may still die. I also

was diagnose with MS. the thing you saw with Jerry KIDS along time ago. It had no cure ,but I can tell you I have it no more. Anyways I could have put

this in a different forum,but I felt that everyone who has treated me so nice needed to know this. And how much I appreciate everything you have all done.

I still have short term memory problems and my long term memory of my childhood is pretty well fried for a few things not much at all. The doctors

say I have Amnesia to my Childhood.




Well as most of you know I was in a car wreck that took my wife and other family members.....Again my life was spared and my daughters.

I was on life support for three weeks with a machine breathing for me,and I broke all my ribs and so many other bones too. I also had another

head injury but this one did not make anything worse,so that was good. My daughter suffer bad she had her stomache cut open by the seat belt,

had to have total reconstructive surgery on her stomache.For one who don't what that is . they put her a sleep and took all her intestons out of

her body and went inch by inch looking for the bad ones. They cut out the bad ones and sewed up the good ones. She also had bladder surgery since

it was injured too. Well all I am trying to say I am glad to be alive and meet such great people on this form. My daughter and I have both been

trying to recover from the loss of out family and it been hard but we are making it. I am sorry if I made anyone mad buy puting this in this

forum, but I feel at home at the 8 bit forum, and have made so many friends in this forum. I am so greatful the Lord gave me the abillity to write

and talk again and that really a big thing for me because I should have had no brain function left. Anyaways I wanted everyone to know the story

behind me and not to feel sorry for me but just to know why I am the way I am.....I really and truly feel blessed to be even up on this forum.


So everyone knows this is not made up here is the official sites from the police....



This is From NCN NEWS


This Was in Nov. 2006,so don't send cards anymore......


Well Thank you everyone for your great friendships I have made on this site...Also to the ones who have helped me with so much.

The pictures are what was left of the Car. This will be my last post for a while because I feel that there are a lot of smart people

on this forum and I just no longer have that abillity anymore to add usefull information. I will read the forum When I can, but I know very litttle about computers anymore since the wreck....Don't get me wrong either people up are great,but I am not very smart anymore...My IQ drop more than

anyone could ever guess. Trust me it low now....At one time it was at 189...I will not tell my IQ because it that low now,so it hard for me to learn.

Well take care and GOD BLESS YOU ALL..Maybe one of these days I will be able to understand theses things again.....



Your Friend,

REV. Sean39

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