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Video Games not Media Mail?


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They did simplify the international classes last year, but domestic shipping is a mess.

Sure, by eliminating the cheapest method! :x


I can't tell you how much revenue I've lost in my record store because of this change.

LPs are expensive and overseas customers make up the bulk of my sales.

So when shipping charges TRIPLED for some folks, suddenly my goods weren't as attractive anymore...

Yeah, I was a bit surprised when "Surface mail" went away. But not too surprised, since the USPS has been steadily increasing their prices for years, especially for packages. This is only going to get worse if fuel prices continue to rise, and even at their current levels I would expect large rate increases next year.




Like Food costs and everything else. The Govt better find a solution to the fuel problem because people are fed up already and you can only push them so far. EVERYTHING has gone up with fuel charges and steadily continue to. Everythings gone up but wages! :mad:

Edited by Phantom
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Like Food costs and everything else. The Govt better find a solution to the fuel problem because people are fed up already and you can only push them so far. EVERYTHING has gone up with fuel charges and steadily continue to. Everythings gone up but wages! :mad:

Yeah, that's true, however the bulk of the rising costs of everything isn't completely due to things being more valueable or more expensive. Its simply the thing we use to get those goods and services has been greatly devalued; the US dollar.


I think it will continue to fall given the rate at which we print them to make up for Federal budget shortfalls. For every dollar that is created (with no new wealth to back its value) then the collective value of ALL dollars in circulation are worth a little bit less.


Sorry to get a bit off topic, but this is one of my biggest gripes about our monetary policy in the US. :x

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Yeah, that's true, however the bulk of the rising costs of everything isn't completely due to things being more valueable or more expensive. Its simply the thing we use to get those goods and services has been greatly devalued; the US dollar.


I think it will continue to fall given the rate at which we print them to make up for Federal budget shortfalls. For every dollar that is created (with no new wealth to back its value) then the collective value of ALL dollars in circulation are worth a little bit less.


Sorry to get a bit off topic, but this is one of my biggest gripes about our monetary policy in the US.


Oh absolutely but the food costs, which everybody feels regardless, seems to be more influenced by the fuel crisis, a crisis that doesnt need to be if the US Govt decided to make some key decisions instead of sitting on their hands.

The Dollar has has been in the crapper as well and keeps tanking. Thank the mortgage brokers for that one and the US govt. May as well have the Mafia running things as it couldnt be much worse or different. Bear n Sterns gets bailed out yet people are losing their homes left and right.

These crooked mortgage compaines and allowing anyone with a part time job to buy a house they couldnt afford with inflated prices in the market at the time they wrote these worthless mortagages have a huge hand in the dollar dwindling. No accountablilty is the number one problem, whether it be government or financial institutions and it wont get fixed anytime soon. ;)

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dammit, I'm new to shipping stuff and I just sent a package to someone media mail it was 3 pds 6 oz and was not a big box at all ,,, I taped the thing up like a OCD person that I am LOL.


would they have opened it at the place were i mailed it or can any post office open it on its journey?????


because the guy in my post office just asked it it was hardware and i was like no (i was thinking computer hardware)


he seemed like a ex-hippy with long hair and he was slow as a snail im sure he wouldnt have bothered. but could someone else open it??


how long does media mail take it says 2-9 days??? Its only going from maine to new jersey.

Edited by AJ_Maine_Man
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dammit, I new to shipping stuff and I just sent a package to someone media mail it was 3 pds 6 oz and was not a big box at all ,,, I taped the thing up like a OCD person that I am LOL.


would they have opened it at the place were i mailed it or can any post office open it on its journey?????


because the guy in my post office just asked it it was hardware and i was like no (i was thinking computer hardware)


he seemed like a ex-hippy with long hair and he was slow as a snail im sure he wouldnt have bothered. but could someone else open it??


how long does media mail take it says 2-9 days??? Its only going from maine to new jersey.

Do you have tracking on it? You should regardless.

I bet it makes it to NJ in 5 business days from there as I live here in NJ.

99% of the time, unless they got unlazy at USPS, they arent even going to check but you should have tracking on it for future ref if you dont now. Its like less than a buck, goodluck with it

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A lot of CD based stuff is also disqualified because it contains advertisements. I was informed, that advertisements are also not allowed media mail. Doesn't really effect me, I just ship 1st class or priority.


This is true. If they ever decided to REALLY uphold this rule, hardly anything would be allowed in Media Mail. I got a couple huge boxes of old Commodore magazines about 5 years ago and one of them was split open due to very poor packaging (another gripe altogether). The Postmaster met me in the lobby with the cart of magazines and really chewed me out for it. I explained that they were 20 year old magazines where most of the companies were out of business, so it was more historical than advertisement. he was not amused at all (actually, he was a prick about it), and I haven't used Media Mail since.

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dammit, I'm new to shipping stuff and I just sent a package to someone media mail it was 3 pds 6 oz and was not a big box at all ,,, I taped the thing up like a OCD person that I am LOL.


would they have opened it at the place were i mailed it or can any post office open it on its journey?????


because the guy in my post office just asked it it was hardware and i was like no (i was thinking computer hardware)


he seemed like a ex-hippy with long hair and he was slow as a snail im sure he wouldnt have bothered. but could someone else open it??


how long does media mail take it says 2-9 days??? Its only going from maine to new jersey.



It's my understanding that any P.O. along the way can inspect it. When I mail diskettes, I always take them in with the box untaped and request that my P.O. inspect the contents. They understand that diskettes qualify, whereas some P.O.'s might see the restriction for cartridges and think it applied to all games. I think once it is inspected, they won't open it again.


That's the big problem. No two post offices interpret the rules the same. Mine allows diskette games while some others probably restrict them. However, mine will restrict baseball cards and I'm sure some others would allow them.

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"This is true. If they ever decided to REALLY uphold this rule, hardly anything would be allowed in Media Mail. I got a couple huge boxes of old Commodore magazines about 5 years ago and one of them was split open due to very poor packaging (another gripe altogether). The Postmaster met me in the lobby with the cart of magazines and really chewed me out for it. I explained that they were 20 year old magazines where most of the companies were out of business, so it was more historical than advertisement. he was not amused at all (actually, he was a prick about it), and I haven't used Media Mail since."



LOL you were right I bet if you tryed to buy anything in those old Magazines you wouldn't be able too. Jesus after hearing how the USPO is I think next time ill just head to UPS and ship my stuff with them from now on.

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That's the big problem. No two post offices interpret the rules the same.



Above we have the most problematic argument with this whole "is it or isn't it Media" when it comes to shipping Media Mail. One post office person thinks this while another thinks that. I'm sure a very few percentage of postal workers actually understand what can actually be sent Media Mail.....then again, I would say the same for the average joe (sender). To be honest, isn't the actual Postal documents on this topic vague at best?


Just order their flat rate Priority boxes and shove all you can into it....that's what it seems they really want. :roll:


F them with their unclear, unrealistic and ill-informed policies and workers when it comes to Media Mail. Most of me says just send the fuckin thing, add the tracking and hope for the best.


On a side note, maybe taping OCD style may not be the best idea....they may see this as someone delibrately trying to hide something. IDK, sometimes I think, just follow the "rules" and other times I say F it and just slap that Media Mail paypal label on it.

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