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Missing pin in 5200 report- can it be fixed easily?


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I have a working 4 port, but unfortunately the left port is missing a single pin.


Is there any way to easily repair this? I prefer to avoid soldiering jobs.


I'm pretty awful at soldiering, although I guess if it was straightforward it might be a project for me to improve my skills. (Can anyone suggest a good source of soldiering instruction on the 'net?)

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There's no good way to repair a damaged port such as you described; it must be replaced. Replacing a port is a job I would not recommend to a soldering novice. However, if you can get a replacement port there may be a "cheat" way to remove the old one easily - using some small diagonal cutters (dikes), snip each pin (if you can reach them all), then remove the old port when all pins have been cut, then heat each pin remnant with the soldering iron and remove it with pliers, one at a time. At this point you may be ready to install the replacement port, if you're lucky enough to have all the holes clear of solder. If they aren't, you will have to clear them using either a desoldering iron, or the regular soldering iron again, along with desoldering braid or a suction bulb, or a dental pick, etc. Once all holes are clear, simply insert the replacement port, tape it in place if needed, then solder all its pins to the board.

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