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Question about AR the City armour


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While playing AR: City, I've come across treasures in the form of armour a few times, but have trouble deciding if I should give up new armour in favor of old becuase I'm not sure which is better. Basically I want to know which is better between chainmail/ringmail(?), plate armour and banded armour. I most recently traded chainmail for banded armour but am not sure if I should have... :ponder:

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Can't find my hint book, but Banded is way down the list - pretty sure chainmail is best, then plate. The others are all pretty ordinary.


Sorry, I'm pretty sure that is wrong. I think this is the ranking for armor (lowest to highest). Wasn't there also an Elvin Chain? Maybe that was the dungeon. I know you can't buy Crystal Plate, you have to find it as treasure.













Crystal Plate



Edited by bfollett
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Thanks for the replies, guys. I'm hoping that list is right, since I discarded my chainmail for banded(!). I have the hint books, but I moved a couple of months ago and they are still buried in a box somewhere, and I don't feel like searching through dozens of boxes to find them right now, so I just thought I'd ask here. I know the survival handbook is online, I downloaded and printed it out a while back (found this version easily in my boxes), but there are two books and the survival book doesn't have armour info, it's in the other hint book...


By the way, after about 2 dozen starts, I finally have a character that has survived for a while, it's level seven now, with about 75 hitpoints...his name is 'The Doctor' ;) I figured if anyone could survive AR the City it would be Doctor Who... :twisted:


I tried the character name of James Tyberious Kirk for a while, but I just couldn't get him to survive and I got tired of killing off Captain Kirk! :_(

Edited by Gunstar
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You should ask to AA user Xebec's Demise!

Alternate Reality: The City by Philip Price +Links thread


Thanks for the attempt, but I checked through those links and no hint guides. Even the address printed on the survival handbook I have no longer works. Anyone have a link to the AR guides if they exist on the net any more?

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Thanks for the attempt, but I checked through those links and no hint guides. Even the address printed on the survival handbook I have no longer works. Anyone have a link to the AR guides if they exist on the net any more?

Not the guides, but this might help: http://www.gamesurge.com/pc/strategy/pc_wt...e_reality.shtml.

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Thanks for the attempt, but I checked through those links and no hint guides. Even the address printed on the survival handbook I have no longer works. Anyone have a link to the AR guides if they exist on the net any more?

Not the guides, but this might help: http://www.gamesurge.com/pc/strategy/pc_wt...e_reality.shtml.


Hmm. As I recall, the Dungeon was a good ways in progress from Price when it was "lost". It was that coupled with other issues that led to his leaving.

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Thanks for the attempt, but I checked through those links and no hint guides. Even the address printed on the survival handbook I have no longer works. Anyone have a link to the AR guides if they exist on the net any more?

Not the guides, but this might help: http://www.gamesurge.com/pc/strategy/pc_wt...e_reality.shtml.


Hmm. As I recall, the Dungeon was a good ways in progress from Price when it was "lost". It was that coupled with other issues that led to his leaving.


What was lost? AR: The Dungeon?!? If that's what you meant, it was never "lost" it was finished and released. I own it. If you are refering to strategy guides, those too, where released for both AR games, I own them, their just "lost" to me at the moment. Otherwise, please explain a little better what you are refering too. If you are refering to the 3rd game in the series that was to come out, I'm pretty sure that was the 'Arena' that was going to be the next installment. But if it existed in any form, it would have surfaced by now...


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Thanks for the attempt, but I checked through those links and no hint guides. Even the address printed on the survival handbook I have no longer works. Anyone have a link to the AR guides if they exist on the net any more?

Not the guides, but this might help: http://www.gamesurge.com/pc/strategy/pc_wt...e_reality.shtml.


Hmm. As I recall, the Dungeon was a good ways in progress from Price when it was "lost". It was that coupled with other issues that led to his leaving.


What was lost? AR: The Dungeon?!? If that's what you meant, it was never "lost" it was finished and released. I own it. If you are refering to strategy guides, those too, where released for both AR games, I own them, their just "lost" to me at the moment. Otherwise, please explain a little better what you are refering too. If you are refering to the 3rd game in the series that was to come out, I'm pretty sure that was the 'Arena' that was going to be the next installment. But if it existed in any form, it would have surfaced by now...



I'm referring to the Dungeon as originally coded and written by Price himself for the Atari 8bit.

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Thanks for the attempt, but I checked through those links and no hint guides. Even the address printed on the survival handbook I have no longer works. Anyone have a link to the AR guides if they exist on the net any more?

Not the guides, but this might help: http://www.gamesurge.com/pc/strategy/pc_wt...e_reality.shtml.


Hmm. As I recall, the Dungeon was a good ways in progress from Price when it was "lost". It was that coupled with other issues that led to his leaving.


What was lost? AR: The Dungeon?!? If that's what you meant, it was never "lost" it was finished and released. I own it. If you are refering to strategy guides, those too, where released for both AR games, I own them, their just "lost" to me at the moment. Otherwise, please explain a little better what you are refering too. If you are refering to the 3rd game in the series that was to come out, I'm pretty sure that was the 'Arena' that was going to be the next installment. But if it existed in any form, it would have surfaced by now...



I'm referring to the Dungeon as originally coded and written by Price himself for the Atari 8bit.


Ahh, thanks. Yeah, I remember reading about that somewhere, and as I recall, it wasn't very far along at all actually, just the basic game engine (which of course was 100% compatible with AR:C engine, none of this character transfer crap). I think there's either an interview or just Philip's own writing somewhere on the net where he talks about it. Too bad too, while I do love the released version, it would have been better with Philip in control...

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