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WOW, thats 1 expensive repro!


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very ridiculous, also the label looks crappy to me.

"Help to complete your Star Wars Collection" LOL

That is why I bought a nice one from Shawn Sr for like $25-30 bucks.

If anyones looking for one of those, ask one of the good guys around here ;)

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If you check the buyers feedback, it looks like he recently bought a copy of this same game from Hozer's store. I guess he didn't like the quality.


Is there anybody who likes the quality?? Look at Hozer´s label!! It´s CRAPPY like hell.......eck06.gif

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If you check the buyers feedback, it looks like he recently bought a copy of this same game from Hozer's store. I guess he didn't like the quality.


Is there anybody who likes the quality?? Look at Hozer´s label!! It´s CRAPPY like hell.......eck06.gif

Where the hell do you guys get all these fun lil Smiley dudes barfing on each other and stuff?

Do you make them yourselves or can you point me in a direction of a safe site that has them available for use? They are always so freaking cool! :cool:

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If you check the buyers feedback, it looks like he recently bought a copy of this same game from Hozer's store. I guess he didn't like the quality.


Is there anybody who likes the quality?? Look at Hozer´s label!! It´s CRAPPY like hell.......eck06.gif

Where the hell do you guys get all these fun lil Smiley dudes barfing on each other and stuff?

Do you make them yourselves or can you point me in a direction of a safe site that has them available for use? They are always so freaking cool! :cool:


Just for you, Phantom! ;)



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I bet it's pretty odd inside too, since this person didn't get Parker PCB's from me.



Well when you get your carts from sub par sellers like atarimaster26 or spudsatarigames AKA Hozer your bound to get junk. Everyone knows the carts and labels they have to sell are bottom of the barrel.

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If you check the buyers feedback, it looks like he recently bought a copy of this same game from Hozer's store. I guess he didn't like the quality.


Is there anybody who likes the quality?? Look at Hozer´s label!! It´s CRAPPY like hell.......eck06.gif

Where the hell do you guys get all these fun lil Smiley dudes barfing on each other and stuff?

Do you make them yourselves or can you point me in a direction of a safe site that has them available for use? They are always so freaking cool! :cool:


Just for you, Phantom! ;)



thank you :) Now I can be as :twisted: as you guys ;):P
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All of you have a big problem with judging people. I make quality repro carts. Not with a little ink jet printer like those other guys. If you haven't seen them in person, why judge? You're going to tell me my carts are pieces of crap when you're looking at a small 300x300 picture on ebay? These carts are one of a kind.. not made in my grandma's basement with my hamster and pokemon cards. You guys should get a life and find something else to bitch about. You guys are like old women bickering. wow...

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All of you have a big problem with judging people. I make quality repro carts. Not with a little ink jet printer like those other guys. If you haven't seen them in person, why judge? You're going to tell me my carts are pieces of crap when you're looking at a small 300x300 picture on ebay? These carts are one of a kind.. not made in my grandma's basement with my hamster and pokemon cards. You guys should get a life and find something else to bitch about. You guys are like old women bickering. wow...

These carts are NOT one of a kind except for in your mind. :roll:


This is one of a kind!


Edited by Phantom
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All of you have a big problem with judging people. I make quality repro carts. Not with a little ink jet printer like those other guys. If you haven't seen them in person, why judge? You're going to tell me my carts are pieces of crap when you're looking at a small 300x300 picture on ebay? These carts are one of a kind.. not made in my grandma's basement with my hamster and pokemon cards. You guys should get a life and find something else to bitch about. You guys are like old women bickering. wow...

Tell me is "Ewok Adventure Producted into One Original Parker Brothers Cart!" the new slang term for repo? :ponder:

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All of you have a big problem with judging people. I make quality repro carts. Not with a little ink jet printer like those other guys. If you haven't seen them in person, why judge? You're going to tell me my carts are pieces of crap when you're looking at a small 300x300 picture on ebay? These carts are one of a kind.. not made in my grandma's basement with my hamster and pokemon cards. You guys should get a life and find something else to bitch about. You guys are like old women bickering. wow...

Tell me is "Ewok Adventure Producted into One Original Parker Brothers Cart!" the new slang term for repo? :ponder:



I'm not sure any of us could decipher exactly what it means for sure homer as we are typing in english where as that werido "atarimaster26" only communicates in that odd dialect of "dirtholediverish" or so I've been told.

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Were the pictures from that ewok cart from the TV show? Just curious.



Pic is from one of the ewok movie called 'Caravan Of Courage". There was two ewok movies and both are kinda lame, not xmas special lame but still pretty rough. The one staring Wilford Brimley is the better of the two.

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Okay, couldn't place it. I netflixed the one with Wilford Brimley, and yeah, it was a bit lame. I remembered I watched it when it came out way back when, hoping to at least see a few real blasters, not that flamethrower thing in an open window (???) on his ship. Thanks for clearing that up.



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I make quality repro carts.


Wow, why did you ask me to make you a Ewok cart for you then? I knew I was right, when I turned you down, all you wanted was the label. :cool:


I like the fact it's in a parker bros shell, but the game title's orientation bothers me.


Yeah, it should look a little more like the one in my picture. :D




P.S. I made this one, only to prove a point, if anyone wants it (IT'S THE LAST ONE IN STOCK!!!111!!!!!WOW) shoot me a PM. :ponder:




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