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WOW, thats 1 expensive repro!


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One small flaw, due to the fact that many Parker cases are impossible to open

Just slap a "now digitally remastered" sticker over it and you will be fine. :lol:


Don't use THX when you can use CPZ instead. :D


Back in the day, they would have probably slapped the "Q.C. Passed" sticker right there. LOL

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What mystifies me is what appears to be a complete lack of quality control. It's so simple even a trained monkey could do it:


1 ) Burn your EEPROM

2 ) Place EEPROM into socketed test board (ZIF socket would be ideal)

3 ) Insert test board into Atari

4 ) test/play to verify that everything is okay.

5 ) solder EEPROM into final board

6 ) assemble cartridge

7 ) test again for functionality

8 ) apply labels

9 ) ship

10) profit! :D


You may even be able to omit 2-4 if your programmer is reliable about comparing the loaded code to the EPROM. Regardless, a final test should occur before the item ships out. otherwise you are going to have crap like this occurring.


Since it's clearly not that hard... I gotta ask, "Whatr'e YOU doing!?"



[ This post has been brought to you via me channeling my test engineering powers. Thank you. ]

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Does this all mean we aren't going to be treated to pictures of the insides of it after all?


Sadly no. I'd like the C-Bill my wife spent on it back. So I shipped it out UPS. Tracked, Insured; I took photoes of myself putting the carts in and shipping it off, the whole 9 yards. I did consider having my neighbor's chihuahua leave a present int here, but decided against it at the last instant.

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What mystifies me is what appears to be a complete lack of quality control. It's so simple even a trained monkey could do it:


1 ) Burn your EEPROM

2 ) Place EEPROM into socketed test board (ZIF socket would be ideal)

3 ) Insert test board into Atari

4 ) test/play to verify that everything is okay.

5 ) solder EEPROM into final board

6 ) assemble cartridge

7 ) test again for functionality

8 ) apply labels

9 ) ship

10) profit! :D


You may even be able to omit 2-4 if your programmer is reliable about comparing the loaded code to the EPROM. Regardless, a final test should occur before the item ships out. otherwise you are going to have crap like this occurring.


Since it's clearly not that hard... I gotta ask, "Whatr'e YOU doing!?"



[ This post has been brought to you via me channeling my test engineering powers. Thank you. ]


Frankly, I think he only did steps 5,6,8 and 9. And attempted to do step 10.


Like I said on the other forum..


"Frankly, I think he smelled "Star Wars Collector" and figured she'd never actually try the carts. And he woulda probably been right if the Midnight Magic weren't junk as well."


There's a few people over there saying I and my wife did something bad by immediately documenting this with Paypal. That's ridiculous. If he resolves it before mediation kicks in (September 8) then nothing happens to him except the neutral feedback he will be getting. I also shipped the return back UPS, and insured it. You know why? Because these are the intelligent things to do when dealing with a situation like that. It costs a little extra, but ensures everything goes properly.


Why do so many people blame the victim when all the victim is doing is protecting themselves?

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What mystifies me is what appears to be a complete lack of quality control. It's so simple even a trained monkey could do it:


1 ) Burn your EEPROM

2 ) Place EEPROM into socketed test board (ZIF socket would be ideal)

3 ) Insert test board into Atari

4 ) test/play to verify that everything is okay.

5 ) solder EEPROM into final board

6 ) assemble cartridge

7 ) test again for functionality

8 ) apply labels

9 ) ship

10) profit! :D


You may even be able to omit 2-4 if your programmer is reliable about comparing the loaded code to the EPROM. Regardless, a final test should occur before the item ships out. otherwise you are going to have crap like this occurring.


Since it's clearly not that hard... I gotta ask, "Whatr'e YOU doing!?"



[ This post has been brought to you via me channeling my test engineering powers. Thank you. ]


No offense Hex, but I'd like you to try to make a Parker repro, seriously. ;) And no cheating, like asking me for a PCB. :P

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What mystifies me is what appears to be a complete lack of quality control. It's so simple even a trained monkey could do it:


1 ) Burn your EEPROM

2 ) Place EEPROM into socketed test board (ZIF socket would be ideal)

3 ) Insert test board into Atari

4 ) test/play to verify that everything is okay.

5 ) solder EEPROM into final board

6 ) assemble cartridge

7 ) test again for functionality

8 ) apply labels

9 ) ship

10) profit! :D


You may even be able to omit 2-4 if your programmer is reliable about comparing the loaded code to the EPROM. Regardless, a final test should occur before the item ships out. otherwise you are going to have crap like this occurring.


Since it's clearly not that hard... I gotta ask, "Whatr'e YOU doing!?"



[ This post has been brought to you via me channeling my test engineering powers. Thank you. ]


No offense Hex, but I'd like you to try to make a Parker repro, seriously. ;) And no cheating, like asking me for a PCB. :P



Well he could go threw a couple thousand 8k parker games and hope he might find 1 eprom board. :ponder:

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There's a few people over there saying I and my wife did something bad by immediately documenting this with Paypal. That's ridiculous. If he resolves it before mediation kicks in (September 8 ) then nothing happens to him except the neutral feedback he will be getting. I also shipped the return back UPS, and insured it. You know why? Because these are the intelligent things to do when dealing with a situation like that. It costs a little extra, but ensures everything goes properly.

Why do so many people blame the victim when all the victim is doing is protecting themselves?

Let's back up a bit. The "What're you doing?" is directed at the seller in this case. I also picked something up off of him a while ago, so I know his QC is non-existent. I'm waiting on another tool for my arsenal of stuff to simplify my work on this "victim" board.


Now, to address the other thing, which was you going from zero to dispute in 30 seconds...

Since you clearly felt taken because the guy does have quality control issues you filed a PayPal dispute. That's fine if the seller is dragging their feet and/or isn't responding to your messages that something is wrong. However, a _reasonable_ amount of time for the seller to correct an error should be given. If you have to saber rattle and say "this is your deadline or I start the dispute process", that's okay. If the seller is willing to work to fix the problem, you should never have to go to the dispute mechanism.


I had one recently myself with a seller who just thought that he wouldn't ship out an item. I gave him a ton of time and multiple warnings, so i filed a dispute. That finally woke him up. I then documented on EBay and PayPal the messages I sent him. Eventually he sent the item out and it arrived and all was better. Obviously I don't want to deal with that seller again though.


I admit, that mostly I like to buy stuff, but on the Chuckwagon I've been trying to sell pretty heavily too. If I had a buyer file a dispute right out of the gate on one of my sales, I would be hella-pissed at them if only because there was no window to even attempt to troubleshoot the problem. In my mind the seller has the responsibility to represent an item as clearly as possible, and let the buyer decide if it is worth the purchase. Of course we could discuss what is the scope of that due diligence and where do you draw the line when that effort is really not worthwhile.


For example: A playstation game has a scratched surface. I fired up the game in my playstation and it worked just fine, it got through the startup cutscenes and I played one or two rounds of the game. I have at least tested it, but there is no guarantee that the level 4 cutscene doesn't have a problem. It becomes wildly impractical to force any seller to test to that level for every game they sell. You just can't expect that. Now, if I attempt to show the media side of the disc, that mitigates some concern because now at least you can (hopefully) see what you're getting.


As for the method you used to ship the item back, I think that is very appropriate for the situation. You definitely don't want a "I never got the item back" excuse. As long as you packed it well, it's doubtful that he can give you grief on that.


I also just had a close call on a fairly high dollar item where the postal service screwed up. I was the first to catch it, so I alerted the buyer that something was wrong and I'd work with him to get it dealt with. I told him the 'current plan' on resolving stuff and he would get the item of his desire. The good news is that the post office figured out how to read and he got his item the next day, and life was good. This could have been much uglier if I hadn't noticed the status update from the post office and it arrived back at my house. Now I have to explain that the box bounced back for some reason and resend it again (very likely at my cost) and make extra sure that I have the address right so I don't see it again. I'd be pretty annoyed in general if all that was happening and then that person filed a dispute on top of it all.


Hopefully that provides a little perspective on stuff and that while I agree that Atarimaster needs to make things right, I think you reacted too quickly in your response to the problem.



[ May the Buddha be my seller's guide... ]

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No offense Hex, but I'd like you to try to make a Parker repro, seriously. ;) And no cheating, like asking me for a PCB. :P
If I didn't already have a queue of projects, I'd like to try that challenge. :D Trust me CPU, you want me to finish my current (stalled) project first. ;)


Seriously though, I'm not even talking about mechanical issues here, if it's not electrically stable, then I gotta wonder what's going on with this guy.



[ has given blood recently... just not willingly. ]

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Hopefully that provides a little perspective on stuff and that while I agree that Atarimaster needs to make things right, I think you reacted too quickly in your response to the problem.



[ May the Buddha be my seller's guide... ]

Again I kinda stand 100% with my wife on this one. To make it clear, I thought she was overreacting at first as well. If I found she was; I'd have revoked the dispute myself. If there had just been a nonworking reproduction Ewok, it woulda been a matter of asking the seller to resolve. But also coming with a falsified common? That plus the guy's attitude on these boards really sets off the scam alert.


Oh and my wife promises ot make her own ID if she has anything further to directly say about this.

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To add another story, I bought a 2600 and about a dozen games off of Ebay. He made a bunch of excuses about his house and whatnot, and I held in good faith. Do you know why that was? Because this person seemed otherwise reputable. He had low but positive feedback on Ebay, and was a friendly poster in all the communities we had in common. Atarimaster is not friendly, as shown by the tone of his posts on atariage. Someone's past actions account a lot towards how I believe in them.


The Atari I waited 3 weeks for from the other guy? Works perfectly, and he threw in a magazine for my patience. Atarimaster? I will simply never deal with him again.

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i like to think of CTCW is a community, people that work together to make all good, Communication is very important during the entire sale process. this not only applies to sellers!! but to buyers as well! which you did not do at all! just 1 of the MANY problems that infests EBAY!! because we all are just numbers there! but CTCW is different (well i would like to think it is for now) i'm sure as it gets bigger there with be some scambags that get on at times. hopefully they will be handled quickly! ;)


as to his "tone" in posts, there are a lot of hate threads that start here, and if one was about me, my "tone" would not be very happy either! :x this may sound like i'm defending atarimaster26 auctions, which i'm not, just spelling it like i see it. :) it would have been interesting to see how he would of handled this on his own without the threat of a pay pal dispute! :ponder:


ANYONE that files a pay pal claim without contacting (communication) the seller first, PLEASE stay clear from my auctions. (rick63)



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He's had the stuff back since Thursday, and no response of any kind. I figure nothing heard by Wednesday, then I escalate it into a full filing claim, and not just a dispute.


Got the one from CPUWiz... it works.. perfectly. Has a beautiful label, the whole 9 yards. There we have an actual QUALITY seller.

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He's had the stuff back since Thursday, and no response of any kind. I figure nothing heard by Wednesday, then I escalate it into a full filing claim, and not just a dispute.


Got the one from CPUWiz... it works.. perfectly. Has a beautiful label, the whole 9 yards. There we have an actual QUALITY seller.



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Lol. He sent two messages saying the games work perfectly fine and sent me the invoices for the auctions again, along with "payment not yet received" notifications.


What does he think we are, retarded enough to let him touch our money again?

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Weird. :?


P.S. I sent SoheiFox the Ewok cart in good faith, they liked it and then paid me. ;)


Indeed. That there is a seller with integrity. If anyone ever has any doubt about buying something from CPUWIZ, just remember my story here. First (EDITED TO ADD) ALMOST ripped off by a douche, and then CPUWIZ restores my faith in the community... proves me wrong about Parker boards (though seriously, you really CAN bully Sunstone into making more, lol), and ends up making my wife an extremely happy woman.

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