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I'm so ashamed to be an eBay user


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eBay's a big bully, but we already knew that:


MSN article eBay vs Craigslist


This article on slate maintains some neutrality...


I appreciate the presence of choices like chasethechuckwagon.com, but I can't go selling my music and random non-game crap there. eBay is monopolistic- gobbling up all viable competitors like half.com and trying to get rid of craigslist.org... Grrr!


I'll still be forced to use eBay to sell the predominance of my stuff. eBay overhead alone runs 10-15%.


Never trust a publicly traded company.

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I'm through with eBay.


The feedback fiasco, the Buy.com fiasco, the PayPal fiascos, and now this. I just can't use that site, as a buyer or seller, knowing my money would fund such deplorable behavior.

Edited by skunkworx
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Here is a little secret that Ebay does not want people to know about. Yes the listings on Ebay are about the same, but since alternative sites like comiclink, and Chase the Chuckwagon have popped up, many of the higher end items are being sold on these sites. Ebay may be winning the war of listings but when it comes to higher end stuff they are starting to get trounced. The NWC auction is a good example of that.

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Yeah, deal with it or list somewhere else. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing sellers whine about ebay like mollycoddled children.




Ironic. Everyone hates Ebay but still uses them. That would be like me with my bitching about shipping and knowingly paying a 400% markup.


If you have convictions great. Stand behind them or stfu about it.

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I for one don't hate eBay. It's still the best game in town for selling collectibles or used, easily shipped items.

As long as I can continue making 500-1000% profit on stuff, I won't complain.


(The BS with Buy.com chafes my ass though!)


It is sad that, as a corporation, a lack of sustained growth is deemed a failure. That's just the nature of the beast in corporate America.

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Yeah, deal with it or list somewhere else. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing sellers whine about ebay like mollycoddled children.


Silence is bliss! Messageboards are only for required commentary. Please stop talking, it hurts my ears!


Complaining about complaining doesn't make too much sense, although I'm sure I've done it. See, I'm complaining about complaining about complaining.



I for one don't hate eBay. It's still the best game in town for selling collectibles or used, easily shipped items.

As long as I can continue making 500-1000% profit on stuff, I won't complain.


(The BS with Buy.com chafes my ass though!)


It is sad that, as a corporation, a lack of sustained growth is deemed a failure. That's just the nature of the beast in corporate America.


I'm frustrated because it's still the best option.


My point wasn't that you don't make any money, or that you can't find good stuff on eBay.


It's just that for 10% or more of my sales, I think I should be getting a heck of a lot more. Maybe some community? Some customer service? Some choices? Less niggling fees for every last option? I've always hated how auctions go offline in 90 days, now 60. They could have made a 10 year archive of sales for research. That would have been such fun.


The design is one dimensional. It's hardly changed since 1997. And they've done nothing to inspire community or attachment to the site. The reason they will eventually crash and burn is because there has been absolutely no innovation since the site started. They are merely making improvements to an old concept, rather than inventing new ones.


I say "Down with eBay." Now pardon me, I have some eBay listings to set up.

Edited by ianoid
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Ironic. Everyone hates Ebay but still uses them. That would be like me with my bitching about shipping and knowingly paying a 400% markup.


I am not everybody. Do not speak for me. I repeat: I am through with eBay.


But even if I weren't, why shouldn't I complain? Complaining helps me learn whether my opinions are shared by others. Feedback from my complaints helps me decide what actions I should take, if any. And if the company or person I am complaining about cares one iota about their public image (which eBay better), then these complaints just might help them get off their laurel-padded butts and actually fix something. In this particular case, though, I'm not holding my breath.


If you like eBay, great. Provide some constructive feedback. Telling people to STFU is not constructive feedback.

Edited by skunkworx
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Ironic. Everyone hates Ebay but still uses them. That would be like me with my bitching about shipping and knowingly paying a 400% markup.


I am not everybody. Do not speak for me. I repeat: I am through with eBay.


But even if I weren't, why shouldn't I complain? Complaining helps me learn whether my opinions are shared by others. Feedback from my complaints helps me decide what actions I should take, if any. And if the company or person I am complaining about cares one iota about their public image (which eBay better), then these complaints just might help them get off their laurel-padded butts and actually fix something. In this particular case, though, I'm not holding my breath.


If you like eBay, great. Provide some constructive feedback. Telling people to STFU is not constructive feedback.


Absolutely fair assessment/critique.

Bear in mind, Ebay was much like like craigslist at inception. Not meant to substitute a real job, only a way to get rid of crap and make a buck doing it. Much like an online garage sale. Over time, Ebay AND sellers got fucking greedy. MoneyMoneyMoney. Both ebay and sellers demanded what was "owed" to them. The whole cry of "monopoly" is a pussy-whiney-crybaby-I'm owed shit that I'm really not owed gimmie-my-shit my-idea-first like of crap. Don't like the listing/final value/whateverthefuck fees? Get a job, and sell your garage sale crap at....well...a garage sale and get over it.

Best of luck to craigslist, chasehechukwagon, bidiots, all of them. Fun, cheap, and reasonable for a time. The greedy will eventually, ruin it for everyone.

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Best of luck to craigslist, chasehechukwagon, bidiots, all of them. Fun, cheap, and reasonable for a time. The greedy will eventually, ruin it for everyone.


I can't argue with that. I hope you're wrong, but I won't be surprised if you're right.


In the meantime I'll enjoy the ride. At least craigslist's leadership is more respectable than eBay's, if only at the moment.

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