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Can't find old 8-bit demo


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or remember much about it...


I think it was called "AWESOME" or maybe that was a series or just a loading screen.


It was a multi-part demo for the XL/XE. I first saw it in the very early 90s.


One of the scenes had the music from "Major Tom" and showed a little pixelated band playing the song.


I *think* I have the disc file for it, but I personally cannot coax any emulator to get past the loading screen.


Anyone else have any idea what I'm talking about? I feel senile!

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Can some one post that demo here please? I remember that one too (if it's the same) and one other similar (Compy Shop too). Both multipart (4 parts iirc). In some part there was that band, in other some music from Bach or Mozart I think with scrolling field where were 4 players indicating what note was playing (vertical stripes), in other part the water was dripping from ceiling, in other colorfull rainbow text lines horizontally stretching with some text, next horizontall shaded tube (gtia mode) presenting piano end what note was playing that key jumps up and down...


Nah, just found it. Had to misstype it in search on Fandal site on first try. Here it is: http://atari.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=3727. It contains both "demos" with four parts each. The playing band is third part of second demo. Press START to skip parts.

Edited by MaPa
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Gosh, I am a retard... I tried to play this on the emu, and didn't realize it was PAL, nor needed 128k. Fortunately someone was kind enough to point this out for me. :)


I really like the music! :) Thanks for sharing.

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the older version of the "Graphic & Sound Demo" should have been released via the german Computer Kontakt magazine (as PD software), but it wasn`t. Note the pseudonym Dendrit Software in this demo, think Peter Sabath never used that again. This version works on 64k computers (and maybe 48k computers too).


The later Compyshop version works with 64k and 128k machines, on 64k machines its a multiload/multistage demo loading from diskette, on 128k machines it will copied to XRAM and then load from there...


Think all parts of this demo can be found nowadays as single file demos... -Andreas Koch.

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