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CX-77 Touch Tablet?


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Ok.. I apologize for being such a smart-ass.. But that was hilarious..

I gotta admit, I got a giggle out of it too.


Plus its really not worth shelling out cash for hard to find software just to see if the damn thing works.


Insert BASIC cartridge, at READY prompt type:


10 ? PADDLE(0), PADDLE(1)

20 GOTO 10



Move the stylus (or your finger?) around on the pad, you should see the numbers changing. IIRC, the first number will get smaller as you move towards the left of the pad, and the 2nd gets smaller as you move towards the top... I may have that backwards, but anyway the numbers should change as you move on the pad.

Okay,ill try that tonight,someone else above mentioned that also,ill let you know if it works,Thanx!!!!

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