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It's been a while since I had a good rant here at AA (a week at least LOL) :D


What is the FREAKING deal with everyone expecting their items to be sent the SAME DAY THEY PAY.


On my listings, I say that I ship out within 3 business days. Now, other than a few AA members that have had the misfortune to learn with me about the new concatenated delivery confirmation system and Shawns international extra postage ounce, you all know I'm pretty dern fast.


When an eBay buyer pays me on a Friday, I send their item on MONDAY. This week I had TWO people complain that I didn't ship on Saturday last weekend. Now, I know that they didn't neg me, but the freaking attitude about QUOTE (and one with a 100+ rating, really did say this) "MOST EBAY SELLERS SEND THE SAME DAY" is just UNREAL.


As you may know I buy WAYYYYYY MORE than I sell. I've had maybe... MAYBE 10% of seller ship the same day, then 20% within 48 hours, usually 50% send the same week, and the final 20% either send the second week or NEVER.


On a Buy It now listing, how can you be so self centered that you think people are sitting around waiting on the IF chance that you are going to buy their item with a "buy it now" jump in the car and go to a post office that moment, on a Friday Night / Saturday!?




Sure, I can understand expecting faster service on regular auctions. Then the seller has listings closing on a specific time and date, you can plan your time. You list 200 listings with buy it nows, they close all week long. You deal with them ASAP and in the order they come in. Heck, that's why you put your expected ship time of 3 business days on the listing in the first place. Right?!


In both instances, the item was delivered less than 7 days after the payment was rendered. So, I'm a slow seller. Shame on me.




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I think that this is due to the Detailed Seller Rating that eBay started last year. Now buyers expect faster shipping. I do my best to ship out either the same day or the next day after I receive payment. Sometimes I will ship out a couple of days later. I ship 95% of my items Priority mail. I still only have a 4.8 out of 5.0 for my shipping time. It is pretty frustrating.


If I receive a payment on Friday morning I will usually ship on Friday afternoon. Most of the payments that I get on Friday afternoon I will ship on Monday. The weekends are for family time. I rarely ship on Saturdays.

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I think that this is due to the Detailed Seller Rating that eBay started last year. Now buyers expect faster shipping. I do my best to ship out either the same day or the next day after I receive payment. Sometimes I will ship out a couple of days later. I ship 95% of my items Priority mail. I still only have a 4.8 out of 5.0 for my shipping time. It is pretty frustrating.


If I receive a payment on Friday morning I will usually ship on Friday afternoon. Most of the payments that I get on Friday afternoon I will ship on Monday. The weekends are for family time. I rarely ship on Saturdays.


AMEN to that brother!


You know I never gave you a chance because you have some high prices. Other forum members have been saying your an okay guy, and you do deals. I don't think we are so different. This past month I had several high prices because simply put I didn't have any basis to compare my items to, and I was the only one.


Today due to these unrealistic buyers, my DSR went down from 4.9 to 4.8 on speed, and I dropped from high search ranking to standard. They don't realize that their crummy little star ratings do hurt sellers, who really didn't do anything wrong.


If I didn't spend time with my four kids on Saturday, I think they would break my computer(s) while I sleep.




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I always hope they will ship the same day they receive payment, but if it's a couple or three days, I'm not too worried. As long as it gets here in one piece and wasn't shipped in just the retail box, I think it's all good. Just don't try waiting a week to ship, and we'll be fine.

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On a similar note, I recently made a sale to someone in California (I'm in Wisconsin.) They paid in the evening and I shipped the next morning around 8:30. Four days later I got an e-mail from them complaining because "it took a day longer than it usually does." First of all, "a day longer" is a complaint? Secondly, what the heck am I supposed to do about it? I sent them a picture of the receipt with the date and time and explained that any complaint they had was with the Post Office (and again, what the heck were they complaining about?) Their response was that I "should have told them it would take an extra day." Huh?


As a buyer, I'm not usually in much of hurry*, although I certainly appreciate promptness. What does annoy me is when sellers send me a "your item has shipped" notice when actually, it's just sitting around waiting to be picked up and may not actually ship for another few days. The time to tell me the item has shipped is... well... when the item has shipped. Since both 1st Class and Priority Mail only take a few days, this practice sometimes means I'm expecting something to arrive that hasn't actually been mailed yet! That's a pretty goofy business practice if you ask me. It's the equivalent of a pizza place saying they'll have your order over in 30 minutes but really taking 2 hours.



*Anyone ever have someone need their item overnighted or some such superfast delivery? In my record business, I occasionally get a customer who just has to get a copy of Thriller in time for their Halloween party or something, and that makes sense to me, but I once sold a laserdisc copy of Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore to a guy who was so excited to see it again for the first time in 15 years that he paid $15 to have his $5 movie overnighted. Who's just gotta see that movie no later than tomorrow!?

eBay's a strange place.

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I think that this is due to the Detailed Seller Rating that eBay started last year. Now buyers expect faster shipping. I do my best to ship out either the same day or the next day after I receive payment. Sometimes I will ship out a couple of days later. I ship 95% of my items Priority mail. I still only have a 4.8 out of 5.0 for my shipping time. It is pretty frustrating.


If I receive a payment on Friday morning I will usually ship on Friday afternoon. Most of the payments that I get on Friday afternoon I will ship on Monday. The weekends are for family time. I rarely ship on Saturdays.



I think you hit the nail on the head. The DSR is crazy.


I had a guy buy from me once on a Friday a vectrex boxed and 3 games. I went to the PO on Monday to drop it off as I printed shipping on Saturday and the a$$hole opened an item not recieved dispute in paypal on Monday while I was at the PO and froze my account for a week. Lots of a$$holes out there... :x

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*Anyone ever have someone need their item overnighted or some such superfast delivery? In my record business, I occasionally get a customer who just has to get a copy of Thriller in time for their Halloween party or something, and that makes sense to me, but I once sold a laserdisc copy of Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore to a guy who was so excited to see it again for the first time in 15 years that he paid $15 to have his $5 movie overnighted. Who's just gotta see that movie no later than tomorrow!?

eBay's a strange place.



:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

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As an eBay buyer, I'm happy if the items show up in 3 weeks (if at all). I'm ecstatic if they show up in a week, spastic if they show up in 3 days.


As a seller, I hate having things "hanging over my head." I ship everything ASAP, priority mail. If I'm getting rid of it, I made the decision to get rid of it weeks ago and I want it gone yesterday -- so even priority mail isn't soon enough.


Every month in the last year I have grown to dislike eBay more. Now I try to do everything, both buying and selling, through other sources. I don't like getting scammed, being accused of scamming others when I know they weren't (with proof), and the overall newer eBay/PayPal fees and structure. I'd rather buy/sell something on Craigslist for a few dollars less and not deal with the eBay frustration.... but that's just my experience. Others have had much better experiences...

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It's been a while since I had a good rant here at AA (a week at least LOL) :D


What is the FREAKING deal with everyone expecting their items to be sent the SAME DAY THEY PAY.


On my listings, I say that I ship out within 3 business days. Now, other than a few AA members that have had the misfortune to learn with me about the new concatenated delivery confirmation system and Shawns international extra postage ounce, you all know I'm pretty dern fast.


When an eBay buyer pays me on a Friday, I send their item on MONDAY. This week I had TWO people complain that I didn't ship on Saturday last weekend. Now, I know that they didn't neg me, but the freaking attitude about QUOTE (and one with a 100+ rating, really did say this) "MOST EBAY SELLERS SEND THE SAME DAY" is just UNREAL.


As you may know I buy WAYYYYYY MORE than I sell. I've had maybe... MAYBE 10% of seller ship the same day, then 20% within 48 hours, usually 50% send the same week, and the final 20% either send the second week or NEVER.


On a Buy It now listing, how can you be so self centered that you think people are sitting around waiting on the IF chance that you are going to buy their item with a "buy it now" jump in the car and go to a post office that moment, on a Friday Night / Saturday!?




Sure, I can understand expecting faster service on regular auctions. Then the seller has listings closing on a specific time and date, you can plan your time. You list 200 listings with buy it nows, they close all week long. You deal with them ASAP and in the order they come in. Heck, that's why you put your expected ship time of 3 business days on the listing in the first place. Right?!


In both instances, the item was delivered less than 7 days after the payment was rendered. So, I'm a slow seller. Shame on me.





Watch out, now ebay is enforcing DSR ratings, it you get more than 5% buyer dissatisfaction.(the star system) then they are now going to suspend your account. So some douchebag decides you didn't ship fast enough and you have only sold 5 or so things that month. Bam you'll be suspended.

Total crap, no appeal no nothing. We had our ebay rep call us explaining the program and though it did not apply to us he wanted to tell us how great it was. We told him we did not thing is was great and that we were already looking for other venues. Say goodbye ebay to $50k per month that you could have soaked me on.

Edited by atarian63
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