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For Tempest Possibly..


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This is maddening. Several people have posted that they got one of the new 60GB 360's, but no one will confirm if it's a Jasper or not. I can understand that people don't want to crack them open, but people won't even list the power requirements which are listed on the transformer. Everytime someone asks, the question is ignored or someone goes off topic about how the Elite has the Falcon board (gee thanks, that's not what was asked).


Sigh, looks like it's going to be awhile before we find out.



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Only a matter of time before someone figures out how to hack those as well..


My bet is on not likely.. we'll see. I'll bet a buck :P If they do it will probably be in some other idea rather than flashing the dvd drive itself.


That being said, RROD has pretty much been solved by the Falcons more or less. And even if it does RROD, the fix is pretty easy if MS won't fix it for you (although their fix isn't really much of a good fix in the first place).

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No word yet. I'm starting to think that these are just plain old Falcon boards or someone would have said something by now. I guess I'll just keep waiting for the Jaspers...




I didn't think the system was offically released until Aug 4th.

How many of these new consoles are in peoples hands?

It might be there is no word because no one has opened one yet.

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Reports are coming in that the current 60GB 360's are simply old stock with new 60GB drives slapped on them. This makes sense actually, you've got to clear out the old stock before you start making new (or at least you should). I wonder how long it will be before the Jaspers hit now? I've heard that it might be a month or two.


I'm at a crossroads here. Since a member here was nice enough to send me a free 120GB drive, the HD size is not an issue for me. So do I save $50 and buy a current 20GB model, or do I wait and get a more reliable model and then sell off the 60GB drive? At this point I'm leaning towards waiting as I've got a hankering to play FF X and X-2 again...



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From what I've read on the official Xbox forums, Jasper chipsets won't be shipped until late August or early Sept.


Plus, add in all the rumors (reported on many web sites) of a new round of price cuts coming in Sept. (Arcade - $199, Pro - $299, Elite - $399) and you might want to hold off a month longer, Tempest.




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Reports are coming in that the current 60GB 360's are simply old stock with new 60GB drives slapped on them. This makes sense actually, you've got to clear out the old stock before you start making new (or at least you should).




My guess is when you start seeing consoles with Aug manufactering dates, hopefully they will have the new chips. I thought I remember reading they were going to start making them in Aug.

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Only a matter of time before someone figures out how to hack those as well..


My bet is on not likely.. we'll see. I'll bet a buck :P If they do it will probably be in some other idea rather than flashing the dvd drive itself.

Yeah, it's called a modchip, like it used to be done in the old days. :P


It's funny tho, I was researching it a bit. Maybe I'm wrong here, but it seems like the 360 is the easiest console to hack yet. With as long as this has been going on, flashing, chips, etc. since the ps1 days, you telling me they couldn't see this comming. After their own Xbox1, and saw how that could simply be reflashed, they just happily use the same flawed technology?


Uh, yeah... :roll: Would almost make you think insiders might be deliberately helping the hacking scene. :ponder: ;)


On that note, what percentage does MS get from 3rd party developer 360 software sales anyways?

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After their own Xbox1, and saw how that could simply be reflashed, they just happily use the same flawed technology?

Board/architecture wise the 360 itself with its TPM is actually quite a secure platform. What the hackers did was go after the weakest link in the chain - namely the unprotected BIOS of the DVD drive.

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After their own Xbox1, and saw how that could simply be reflashed, they just happily use the same flawed technology?

Board/architecture wise the 360 itself with its TPM is actually quite a secure platform. What the hackers did was go after the weakest link in the chain - namely the unprotected BIOS of the DVD drive.

If you want to be technical about it, yeah. But they should have been aware of that weak link given past history.


What did they think hackers were going to do? Go "Oh, can't flash the mobo, guess I'll give up?" :roll:

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BTW: I'd like to add that once again, it really only goes to show how counterproductive anti-piracy measures are and only serve to hurt everyone except the people it's meant to.


The 360 was hacked within months. But, because of the TPM and crap, the ONLY hackability is for piracy and legitimate applications such as homebrew are impossible. Well aside from homebrew games (only), and only if approved by MS to be placed up for sale on Live.


So no Xport emus for 360, or controller test utils, or demos, or XBMC, etc.. Just and only piracy, that's easier done then ever.


Kudos, MS. Well done. :dunce:

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