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Interesting 130xe on eBay


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Why? Not like its useful for anything.. Its just some company's custom kludge that lets the atari control their custom hardware (not included) through the serial port..


The "PBI device" is just some ROMs...


It's an interesting piece of history.. It totally sucks compared to simillar functions commonly done on the AMIGA at the time.. Probably came from some low-budget or third-world TV station....

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Yep, those two threads have great pics/info. Cool that they dumped the cart roms. But too bad nobody scanned the custom board at high res to document the components/trace-layout.


Interesting, historically, for Atari aficionados, but I don't see what possible use someone would have for this in 2008 except to take up space and collect dust...

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Interesting, historically, for Atari aficionados, but I don't see what possible use someone would have for this in 2008 except to take up space and collect dust...

Like most collections...




I guess I'm one of those weirdos who keeps classic computers to use them... :D

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