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WTF is going on with this playfield?!


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I'm not sure but it seems that the pfpixel command doesn't work when you use the pfheights option.

The playfield doesn't screw up when i remove this line from your code:

pfpixel a b off


And removing a pfpixel works when i don't use the pfheights option.

Yes, it does, because when I do this, it works OK.


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I'm not sure but it seems that the pfpixel command doesn't work when you use the pfheights option.

The playfield doesn't screw up when i remove this line from your code:

pfpixel a b off


And removing a pfpixel works when i don't use the pfheights option.

Yes, it does, because when I do this, it works OK.

Since the code is kind of moved around, it's hard to compare, but I do know one thing about your first program that isn't working correctly. If I put rem in front of the following, the program works OK:


  if collision(player0,playfield) then score=score+1 : goto eat_pf


That seems to be the problem area. So testing further, the problem goes away if I move score=score+1 under eat_pf so it looks like this:


  if collision(player0,playfield) then goto eat_pf
 goto main

 if player0x>30 && player0x<38 then a=4
 [and so on]


I don't know why that fixes the problem. It can't be that the line is too long. It must be something else I'm not seeing at the moment.

Edited by Random Terrain
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Now I need help on the enemies (the yellow blocks.) They ignore the walls.

Might help if you added some comments to the program that say what the different sections are supposed to do. The larger the program gets without comments, the more it starts to look like an incomprehensible rat's nest.

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Updated with comments. The enemies are missile0, player1, and missile1.

I have used bit operations for small things, but I haven't used it to that extent since it would be too confusing and hard to track down problems. Have you been able to see what the problem is yet?

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