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Not all the 7800 games suck.


There's a handful of good ones, like Commando or Ikari Warriors, both IMO beating their NES rivals. And there's Food Fight and Ninja Golf. Add another 2-3 individual personal favs, but that's just about it. IMO not worth wasting so much space for so few games, unless you use it as a permanent 2600 replacement and have a CC2 for it.


I could really use someone to volunteer to finish off Death Derby.


So Stellas Debugger didn't finish it for you after all? ;)


The main problem with another 2600 project is that I'm running out of doable Taito Arcades ;)


Try Rastan and target Chimera ;) Or is that too close to Prince of Persia?


Hm... maybe I should rather have a second look at Water Ski instead, that looked a lot more doable than Rastan :)

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Giving up on Balloon Bomber, Wild Western, and Zookeeper? I suppose you never really started any of those, though you had some nice tech demos.


Never started with Wild Western, but I did some demos regarding Galaxy Wars instead. But yes, I've indeed given up plans of porting every Taito game in existance to the VCS ;)


Hm... well, I could imagine going through their library again and see what can be done. Could at least be fun doing some more brainstorming threads :)

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So Stellas Debugger didn't finish it for you after all? ;)


Different priorities. I'm more interested in seeing the game done than putting myself through any more coding bootcamp. I don't really feel the need to earn the badge of honor. If Chimera gets finished, my involvement there gives me enough of a sense of satisfaction. Everyone has to find their niche and know their limits.

Edited by mos6507
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Different priorities. I'm more interested in seeing the game done than putting myself through any more coding bootcamp. I don't really feel the need to earn the badge of honor. If Chimera gets finished, my involvement there gives me enough of a sense of satisfaction. Everyone has to find their niche and know their limits.

Happiness is buying a Chimera or two or three. I moved my room around so now my Atari 2600 is about three feet away from my computer. I'm all ready to go. All I need is Chimera.

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Hi Cyber

Just saw,that Tom wrote "Robot finds Kitten" for the 7800,but this was some time ago.

greetings Walter


When do you people finally learn that it's written together and all in lowercaps, like so: "robotfindskitten"?


Yes, I'm responsible for rfk7800 (and soon a bunch of other rfk ports), and Harry Dodgson wrote Combat 1990.

Hi Tom


Sorry for my mistake;but i like your game.And believe me,i know,that Harry made Combat 1990,because i own the very special number 1.Because it seemed,that i was the first,who wanted to order a copy and so i got a special thing from Video 61.But another thing;how a bout an RFK version for the Atari 2600 and 5200?

greetings Walter

Edited by gambler172
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i used to collect the 7800 and it's games .... but it only took me a few months to complete that collection ... it's not really that exciting to be honest ...


atari 2600 for life! :evil:

Hallo Fish

Nun ja,ich glaube nicht,dass du alle 7800 Spiele hast.Es gibt einige wirklich seltene Teile,speziell wenn man auch Verpackungen sammelt.Zum Bsp. die NTSC Titlematch Wrestling Verpackung oder die PAL Baseball Box,um nur einige zu nennen.

Gruss Walter



i don't collect boxes for the 7800 games, so it was fairly easy to get that collection together ... it's just a few games after all, and i got most of them from buying a whole collection. Mean 18 Ultimate Golf and tank command were a bit harder to get .... i even have the monitor cartridge, some pokey PCBs, the diagnostic test cartridge and those were more expensive. but in general, completing a 7800 collection is no big deal compared to the 2600 system.


only thing i'm missing is a US super system box for the console ...

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Hi Cyber

Just saw,that Tom wrote "Robot finds Kitten" for the 7800,but this was some time ago.

greetings Walter


When do you people finally learn that it's written together and all in lowercaps, like so: "robotfindskitten"?


Yes, I'm responsible for rfk7800 (and soon a bunch of other rfk ports), and Harry Dodgson wrote Combat 1990.

Hi Tom


Sorry for my mistake;but i like your game.And believe me,i know,that Harry made Combat 1990,because i own the very special number 1.Because it seemed,that i was the first,who wanted to order a copy and so i got a special thing from Video 61.But another thing;how a bout an RFK version for the Atari 2600 and 5200?

greetings Walter


The comment about Combat 1990 was geared at PacManPlus, and in fact I love it when people misspell robotfindskitten, because I can correct them then with a loud sigh.


Someone is working on rfk for the 2600 (although I recently asked about its current state - more or less dead). I might be wrong but I think there exists a version for some 8 Bit Atari, so there's not much work to do there. I've got other platforms to catch at the moment :D

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Whatever happened to Sudoku

I've been away from 2600 programming for a while, due to focusing on other stuff. But I keep thinking about Sudoku, and I should be resuming it Real Soon Now. One thing I need to do, though, is figure out which cartridge type I'm going to use. I started it for the E7/MNetwork, then I decided to switch to 4A50/supercat. But if batari and others are coming out with a new cartridge with a lot of extra RAM that should be able to emulate many other formats-- including new formats yet to be invented-- then it might be good to use that. In any case, I'll probably switch the project to 4A50 first, but in the end...?




Edit: ...or Chimera, I forgot about Chimera!

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Why not trying to make something for the Atari 7800?


I've no interest in this machine at all. Its games library sucks, its graphics architecture sucks, its music architecture sucks. It's one of histories dead branches I've no interest to revive. And it holds zero nostalgia value for me - I thankfully never owned one back in the day.




Aw come now....tell us how you REALLY feel. :P


EDIT: I am eventually going to attempt to get back on Tempest 26000 for the 2600.

Edited by Gorf
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