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Atari 5200 problem -- crackling, static sound?


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Hello, everybody. I'm a long time listener, first time caller (or third time caller, I guess, if you look at my post count). I wasn't sure whether to put this in the 5200 forum or the Hardware forum, so please forgive me if I chose the wrong spot.


After finally collecting together all the needed parts for my Atari 5200, I plugged it in for the first time the other day. I put the RF lead in my regular switchbox, and the power adaptor into the Atari itself (it's a two-port model, so it doesn't need the proprietary switchbox). Turned it on, and...was greeted by a loud static noise. Picture looks fine, but there is no [normal] sound coming out at all, just a loud "crackling" noise. I can wiggle the RF lead and the switchbox around to make it softer, but I can't get rid of it as a whole and I can't hear the actual sounds, either.


I took apart the system and sprayed the insides thoroughly with canned air. I found where the RF lead was connected, and replaced it with a known working lead. I even removed the RF shielding from the system, thinking that might be involved somehow. No dice. I get the same results -- a more or less good picture, but unbearable static for sound. I even tested the RF lead that was originally in the Atari that I thought was "bad" and it works fine with my other consoles.


At this point, I'm stumped. I've not familiarized myself with the 5200 long enough to know of any other solutions. Does anybody have any ideas as to what the problem might be? Thanks in advance!

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Actually, if you just remove pokey from its socket, bend up pin 37 and put it back in its socket, you should be able to tell if its a bad chip or not. If you get no static with pin 37 out of the socket, then the static is coming from inside Pokey. If you still get static with the pin out of the socket, its coming from the RF section.



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