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Even more Ebay shenanigans


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Cut and pasted from a post over on Digital Press:


As of 9/16, FVF for BIN for Books, Music, DVDs & Movies and Video Games will follow the following sceme:

$1.00-$50.00: 15.00% (was 8.75%).

$50.01 - $1000.00: 15.00% of the first $50, 5% for the rest (was 8.75%, 3.5%).

Over $1000.01: 15.00% for the first $50, 5% for 50-1000, and 2% for everything above that (was 8.75%, 3.5%, 1.5%).


They are lowering the insertion fee though to a flat $0.15...

Books, Music, DVDs & Movies and Video Games

$1.00 - $9.99 was $0.25

$10.00 - $24.99 was $0.35

$25.00 - $49.99 was $1.00

$50.00 - $199.99 was $2.00

$200.00 - $499.99 was $3.00

$500.00 or more was $4.00


Plus, they are instituting a maximum shipping charge. You MUST offer one shipping option that is less than the following:

Accessories Accessories $6.00

Games Games $4.00

Internet Games Games > Guild Wars $6.00

Games > World of Warcraft $3.00

Software & PC Versions $6.00

Other Other $4.00

Systems Systems $15.00

Vintage Games Vintage Games $6.00

Wholesale Lots Accessories $10.00

Console Systems $50.00

Games $9.00

Other $9.00


But wait, there's more:

"...checks and money orders will no longer be accepted on eBay..."

"So starting in late October, 2008, we are moving to 100% electronic payments - credit cards, ProPay, or PayPal."


So, selling a $50 game on eBay used to cost $6.375. Now it will cost $7.65. Don't forget, you have to accept PayPal, so you have to add on an additional fee of $1.75, bringing the new total to $9.40. Say goodbye to 18.8% of your money...

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Cut and pasted from a post over on Digital Press:


As of 9/16, FVF for BIN for Books, Music, DVDs & Movies and Video Games will follow the following sceme:

$1.00-$50.00: 15.00% (was 8.75%).

$50.01 - $1000.00: 15.00% of the first $50, 5% for the rest (was 8.75%, 3.5%).

Over $1000.01: 15.00% for the first $50, 5% for 50-1000, and 2% for everything above that (was 8.75%, 3.5%, 1.5%).


They are lowering the insertion fee though to a flat $0.15...

Books, Music, DVDs & Movies and Video Games

$1.00 - $9.99 was $0.25

$10.00 - $24.99 was $0.35

$25.00 - $49.99 was $1.00

$50.00 - $199.99 was $2.00

$200.00 - $499.99 was $3.00

$500.00 or more was $4.00


Plus, they are instituting a maximum shipping charge. You MUST offer one shipping option that is less than the following:

Accessories Accessories $6.00

Games Games $4.00

Internet Games Games > Guild Wars $6.00

Games > World of Warcraft $3.00

Software & PC Versions $6.00

Other Other $4.00

Systems Systems $15.00

Vintage Games Vintage Games $6.00

Wholesale Lots Accessories $10.00

Console Systems $50.00

Games $9.00

Other $9.00


But wait, there's more:

"...checks and money orders will no longer be accepted on eBay..."

"So starting in late October, 2008, we are moving to 100% electronic payments - credit cards, ProPay, or PayPal."


So, selling a $50 game on eBay used to cost $6.375. Now it will cost $7.65. Don't forget, you have to accept PayPal, so you have to add on an additional fee of $1.75, bringing the new total to $9.40. Say goodbye to 18.8% of your money...

Boy with all the changes on Ebay do you know of another place where one can buy and sell games. :ponder:























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But wait, there's more:

"...checks and money orders will no longer be accepted on eBay..."

"So starting in late October, 2008, we are moving to 100% electronic payments - credit cards, ProPay, or PayPal."

No more money orders, I guess they don't want my business. That along with the massive rate increases ought to hurt their sales quite a bit. Greedy bastards.

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I like this quote "Today, items paid with check or money order are 80% more likely to result in an item not received (INR) than those paid with credit card or PayPal. Also, buyers who pay with check or money order are 50% more likely to leave negative feedback than those who pay with electronic methods. So starting in late October, 2008, we are moving to 100% electronic payments - credit cards, ProPay, or PayPal."


Yea, sure. They should have just said "Today, items paid with check or money order are 1,000,000,000,000,000% more likely to result in an item not received (INR) than those paid with credit card or PayPal."


So when they say you can use"credit cards, ProPay, or PayPal.", does that mean you can use a credit card and not have to use Paypal? Or are they just thinking if they say the same thing twice but in different words, they can trick the government into thinking they are not forcing people to use Paypal.


It's almost like they are trying to commit suicide. Pretty scary.



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I just posted a thread about this, sorry, mods feel free to delete that one.


The whole thing with checks and money orders is a total joke. When eBay first started I was getting 20-30 checks a week (pre-PayPal days) and in those years I think I had like one person write me a back check, and that was an accident they cleared up quickly.


Personally I think its just to help get sellers over to PayPal, where they can double their slice of the pie. With checks and money orders they get nada.



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Personally I think its just to help get sellers over to PayPal, where they can double their slice of the pie. With checks and money orders they get nada.

I agree, it's a pretty obvious attempt on their part to get an even larger share of the pie. I've never even heard of ProPay before this came up. Funny that they claim 80% of those problem transactions are with checks and money orders. The only times I've *EVER* had a problem has been with international PayPal transactions. Well, as a seller, at any rate. Back before PayPal I used to pay for everything with postal money orders and never had an issue!



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If eBay wants to completely integrate PayPal then they should just do that already. Why do they insist on making everything so complicated? It's one of the things that's so nice about Amazon -- you can literally make a purchase with one freakin' click! The minimum for a PayPal purchase via eBay is something like five or six screens!* Why? And why can't they just combine the FVF and the PayPal fee into one? Even if it amounted to the same, two fees would piss people off less than three, doncha think? (Not to mention make doing my taxes easier!)


And if they really wanted to encourage sellers to (only) accept PayPal all this time, then why didn't they ever offer us a freakin' discount for doing so? As has been pointed out, they get nada from MOs and checks, so wouldn't something have been better than nothing? I would guess lots of sellers would have opted for a PayPal-only policy if there'd been even a token discount for doing so. My experience tells me that choices and incentives are better ways to get people to do what you want than simply eliminating all other options and assuming they'll stick around to be abused.


*Add two more if you want to pay with a credit card!

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Why is there a difference in maximum shipping charges between "video games" ($4) and "vintage video games" ($6)?


Maybe they are making a distinction videogames on CD/DVD type media can be sent via Media Mail while cartridges can not.


That would make sense if First Class Mail didn't exist.


Stupid eBay.

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Why is there a difference in maximum shipping charges between "video games" ($4) and "vintage video games" ($6)?


Maybe they are making a distinction videogames on CD/DVD type media can be sent via Media Mail while cartridges can not.

Probably, but it would be easier and less confusing to simply make CD/disk vs. cartridges the fundamental distinction there. And as one burned by this "gray area" multiple times, I wish ebay would.


And who determines what is vintage? If ebay doesn't make the definition clear, prepare to see the system abused.


Anyone care to set the over/under on the percentage of future video game auctions whose shipping charge will be less than the maximum. :ponder: :lol:

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Why is there a difference in maximum shipping charges between "video games" ($4) and "vintage video games" ($6)?

I would think that a PS2 game (or even back as far as the SMS) - basically any game that comes in a plastic shell/box - is much more durable just being shoved into a bubble envelope, which is typically how I've received them in the mail, whereas us crazy vintage video game collectors that want valuable carts and/or valuable boxes protected prefer them shipped box, which could bump them into another weight/size category based on the shipping box (and packaging) used.

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Back before PayPal I used to pay for everything with postal money orders and never had an issue!




hehe... the only issue i had was going to the post office EVERYDAY! :lol:


personally i'm glad they are forcing pay pal on everyone, that is my prefer way to pay, and as for a seller (on CTCW) i also prefer pay pal, it's just so much faster!



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Personally I think its just to help get sellers over to PayPal, where they can double their slice of the pie. With checks and money orders they get nada.

I agree, it's a pretty obvious attempt on their part to get an even larger share of the pie. I've never even heard of ProPay before this came up. Funny that they claim 80% of those problem transactions are with checks and money orders. The only times I've *EVER* had a problem has been with international PayPal transactions. Well, as a seller, at any rate. Back before PayPal I used to pay for everything with postal money orders and never had an issue!



Same here no check problems. Seems unfair to those who do not have good credit.

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Don't forget, you have to accept PayPal, so you have to add on an additional fee of $1.75, bringing the new total to $9.40. Say goodbye to 18.8% of your money...


Far be it from me to defend eBay, but pretty much any business has to accept credit cards in order to do any serious volume, and Paypal's fees are actually quite competitive with merchant account fees.


I think the big problem with eBay is that they are becoming unfriendly to non-businesses. Regular people are going to bail in droves the minute a viable alternative pops up, and eBay is shooting themselves in the foot by driving them off.


I think they're blind with greed. They enjoyed a massive percentage of growth each year in their first ten years and when they reached their peak, that growth started to decline, and the stockholders pitched a pissy fit and demanded they maintain that insane growth. So now we're seeing them do insane things to try to keep it going. They're like Ouroboros eating their own tail to satisfy their hunger. They're going to run out of tail. Places like CTCW are going to benefit and grow more popular. A popular alternative is going to come along.


I'll bet eBay tries to buy CTCW if it gets really popular.

Edited by djpubba
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