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Let the Gavel Fall - A true Video Game auction site

Guest gamegavelpromotion

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Guest gamegavelpromotion

Hello everyone,


Tired of EBAY FEES to sell your games??? I'm a promotion specialist at WWW.GAMEGAVEL.COM please come and visit... You can buy & sell your nostalgic or new video games without having to dish out all the EBAY FEES...


If you use EBAY, then you will find WWW.GAMEGAVEL.COM easy to use...


I operate the VGSLOKI store on WWW.GAMEGAVEL.COM


Hope to see you !!! Let the Gavel Fall~!!!


TELL your friends about and send this link about and register to sell or buy video games!!! http://www.gamegavel.com/?nrs2=100406




NOTE* EBAY is not an affiliate of WWW.GAMEGAVEL.COM

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I hope I can answer a few of the questions above.


GameGavel.com was officially launched February 24, 2008. As the site owner I can say that discussions to the start of it started as early as December 2007 internally, hence the copyright. Externally, the site was discussed as a potential new resource openly at DigitPress in January 2008. Atari Age is a very large untapped resource for www.GameGavel.com, despite being free for everyone to use it seems the Atari crowd hasn't warmed up to it. I feel there is probably a few mitigating factors:


1. I didn't promote the site early enough here, mainly because of my ignorance of the site and the relatively lenient moderators. I posted the site up in the screw ebay thread to avoid spamming, etc. Until recently I haven't done much with Atari so I didn't want to come forth and just post up without contributing something to the conversation to the Atari Age forums. Now that I have a 2600 under my belt, and a Lynx on the way I will be more reliant on knowledge of the collective group so I hope to add more to the conversation.


2. GameGavel.com's name is meant to get the point of the site across, I don't have the benefit of a relatively rare/famous Atari Game for attraction. Seeing as how Atari Age would have a lean to the name of CtCW I can see why many people were early adopters for that site.


3. CtCW is a member here and self admitted Atari Fan, so it would seem that many would want to support a fellow Atari Nut.


I think the big draw for GameGavel.com is that there are no fees, that being said we may have fewer auctions going at this moment but over 300 have closed in the past 30 days, so if items are selling then they are selling, I can't argue with that! As with any venture, there is competition, but I think the service and the price GameGavel.com offers can't be beat. There are all the features of eBay, with a great layout and back end but none of the associated costs, not even a fraction of the cost.


In any case, the above poster is a promoter for the site and he can answer many of the questions (could you tell by his name?) and he operates a great store on the site which I have bought some great items for my collection. So not only is he a promoter, but a real life user too.

Edited by Dragon Warrior Jasen
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3. CtCW is a notorious member here and self admitted Atari Fan, so it would seem that many would want to support a fellow Atari Nut.


I am not sure how much of an Atari nut Parrothead really is. You have been registered here longer than he has. It seems to me that registering here and promoting Chuckwagon here have sparked an interest in Atari for Parrothead, and it seems he has just really started to get serious about collecting for it. People support the site because it is a good site, not out of some kind of blind loyalty to Parrothead.

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I hope I'm not alone here. I really don't want to see a feud start between GG and CTCW. That would only hurt both sites.


I have bought from a couple of good sellers on GG and have always had a good experience.


I am currently very active on CTCW and have bought and sold a lot there with no problems at all, in fact everything has been great.


The real focus is to provide viable alternatives to Little Johnny Donohoe and the Fastest Shrinking auction site on the Web!


I hope both sites continue to promote themselves here and on as many other places as they can. With the latest fee increases and shipping price restrictions imposed by evilbay, we need sites like these to keep the hobby fun instead of a giant hassle!


:cool: :thumbsup:

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you know this petty bickering is what's going to keep people going to e-bay and not trying out any new auction services. If the little guys can't pull together when going after a giant, then they've already lost.


I first heard of gamegavel when I was at a NES collectors forum promoting CTCW. No one in that thread saw one as a threat against the other, but more like 2 alternatives to e-bay. I have passed along the information of both sites when suggesting alternatives to e-bay in a few forums I visit.


Perhaps instead of jumping one guy for for promoting a site, causing the owner to get defensive and attack the competition's site, why not figure out a way for both sites to equally maintain their goal of becoming an alternative to e-bay...

Edited by missioncontrol
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"2. GameGavel.com's name is meant to get the point of the site across, I don't rely on the tactics of an infamous Atari Game to get people to my site. Seeing as how Atari Age would have a lean to the name of CtCW I can see why many people were early adopters for that site."


I can assure you there is much more than our "clever" name that is bringing people to the Chuckwagon :) Like months of constant, daily, dedication to promote and advertise the site to bring traffic so our buyers and sellers see consistant growth. Like cultivating an environment where people want to visit, communicate and buy and sell amongst a collector community. Like the first introduction of forums and podcasts to magnify the fact there is constant activity and growth. Like the creation of an auction site that is inviting and original to draw people in and want to be a part of it. Like constant thinking and brainstorming with members about the bigger picture as it relates to the improvement and promotion of the Chuckwagon. Like maintaining a professional image of the Chuckwagon publically by not taking pot shots at the competition (something I still have never done unless defending the Chuckwagon). Should I go on? Without the dedication mentioned above members and potential members lose confidence and thusly so. That is why the Chuckwagon will surpass 200 members this month and 1,000 members in the next month and a half.


If it weren't for comments like the one above, I would be pulling for you and GG and would support you in any way possible as auction alternatives and more choices for gamers is a good thing. God knows there is enough gaming auction business to go around. Quit making excuses and start taking GameGavel by the reigns, promote a positive image, dedicate yourself to its growth and improvement and the rest will take care of itself. Nuff said.

Edited by Parrothead
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This has gone oftly awry, and I don't think that its particularly a fair assessment. Much like the above poster, Game Gavel has always prided itself on great contests and great new tools/techniques to drive people to the site. In fact I have given over $1000 away in prizes starting since day one that GameGavel.com launched and will continue to do so while keeping the site free. Claiming that CtCW is unique in this fact is simply not true, and is uncalled for. Many of the techniques both sites employ to promote the site are the same as both sites are targeting the same audience with a very similar product. The comment about the name was nothing more than an observation as to why the Atari folks identify more with CtCW, its a game for the Atari. I don't think it was meant to be a jab at any one person or the other site, just a mere comment is all. To take it more than that is silly.


We shouldn't be fighting over which site is better. Both are decent, and both will succeed where others have failed. Each have strong points to drive people to the site, each site has its weaknesses. Game Gavel will continue to ramp up promotion through our new promoter spots and buyers/sellers will all benefit. The comments were stated not to inflame, but just as a means to describe why I think GameGavel.com hasn't caught on here with the Atari folks. Any thing read further into that is simply to invoke argument.


If you like maximizing profit, and want to stand up against fees and rules, check out www.GameGavel.com!

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I personally would like to see this thread removed as I believe it could turn out very ugly. My advice to everyone interested in auction sites is give them both a go around and see what your preference is and go with it. As soon as I saw this thread I thought here we go. So I personally would like to see it removed before it gets out of hand. Just my 2 cents.



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I personally would like to see this thread removed as I believe it could turn out very ugly. My advice to everyone interested in auction sites is give them both a go around and see what your preference is and go with it. As soon as I saw this thread I thought here we go. So I personally would like to see it removed before it gets out of hand. Just my 2 cents.




ready.....set.....nah..... :evil:

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What bickering is everyone talking about exactly? I haven't seen any "negative" comments, just a legimiate question.


A lot of us simply haven't heard of it before, that's all there is to it.


Now we do know, and we're all better off because of that. :)

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If you like maximizing profit, and want to stand up against fees and rules, check out www.GameGavel.com!



Dude your site layout and the GUI all together sucks compaired to CTCW. Just leave it at that cause the way you keep describing it your site should "sell" itself, even though it's yet to do so for some reason.


By the way www.chasethechuckwagon.com rules!

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^-- <facepalm>


@Brucebidder: I agree. Letting the inevitable bickering occur is a bad plan. I have had a couple of looks at Gamegavel and I looked at CTCW. I then picked one and plan to stick with it until further notice.


@Jasen: While I'm obviously not on your site, good luck with it. Let's all not take our eyes of the real prize: taking business away from EBay.


@mods: make the hurting stop.



[ Knows that competition is good. Some people just deal with it better than others... ]

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