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Hi my name is Isaiah Fulford Davis and I have sever Cerebral Palsy. Alot of you might know my Uncle Shawn "Sr". For almost 2 years now I've really wanted a Nintendo Wii. My Mommy doesn't have alot of money as she doesn't work so she can stay at home with me as I need 24 hour care. I am 8 years old and my Uncle Shawn says I'm the cutest kid in the world and I can beat all the odds cause I have surgey after surgery to loosen my leg muscles that I only have about 20 percent control of and it takes a big toll on my little muscles but I keep smiling the whole time. I am in a wheelchair and most likely will be so for my whole life as my muscles are not strong enough to support my body weight. I have limited use of my hands also but that doesn't stop me from loving video games like any other kid. My left hand I have about 60 percent use of and my right hand is what they call "fisted" but I still have a little use of it, about 10 to 15 percent the doctor says.




My family says I find very unique ways to internact and play every day toys and games. You should see me use a video game controller, sometimes using the controller with one hand and jumping back and forth from the D-pad to the action buttons is quite the task! Well when the wii came along my Uncle got one and I showed alot of intrest in it. My family was worried I wouldn't be able to play it do to the motion controls but low and behold I proved everyone wrong agian cause I tried my best and found a way to play and enjoy the Wii. Using my better hand for the wiimote and my "fisted" hand on the nunchuck. I would really like a Wii of my own but my mommy is unable to afford one for me. So I had an idea that I would make a game like Uncle Shawn does so I colored a label for a game and it will now be for sale to help raise money so I can save up for a Wii.


HERE IS THE LINK TO THE AUCTION ON CTCW: http://www.chasethechuckwagon.com/item.cgi...item=0000012502








The actual game is TRAVI THE TRAVELLER.. This one is a one off, hand wire wrapped version only for the 7800. Only reason I made this cart was to go with the awesome label that my nephew made.


Lets see some big hearts and even bigger wallets help my nephew get a Wii. This is the only copy as the label was actually hand drawn by Isaiah for this project and thats no small task for him to color and then write his own name on the label ands he did it all by himself with no help at all.

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I think I'm a little confused. I understand the part about helping your nephew get a WII, but how does this help? I'd be all for donating $10-20 to help the kid out, but he will only get as much as the highest bid, and that bidder ends up being the only one that actually helps out right?


Am I missing something?

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I think I'm a little confused. I understand the part about helping your nephew get a WII, but how does this help? I'd be all for donating $10-20 to help the kid out, but he will only get as much as the highest bid, and that bidder ends up being the only one that actually helps out right?


Am I missing something?


sounds like you got it! :) as to how does it help! the more people that bid the higher the bid goes (the more the winner has to pay)



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Well, it looks like it will go pretty high (putting it out of my reach) but I'd still like to help out, even if I don't get a game out of it. If you consider taking up a collection, let us know! :)


I second that as well. Set up a paypal for the absolutely adorable kid and I am sure he'd get enough for a whole collection of games. :)

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Well, it looks like it will go pretty high (putting it out of my reach) but I'd still like to help out, even if I don't get a game out of it. If you consider taking up a collection, let us know! :)


I second that as well. Set up a paypal for the absolutely adorable kid and I am sure he'd get enough for a whole collection of games. :)


you got my vote as well! :)



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Well, it looks like it will go pretty high (putting it out of my reach) but I'd still like to help out, even if I don't get a game out of it. If you consider taking up a collection, let us know! :)


I second that as well. Set up a paypal for the absolutely adorable kid and I am sure he'd get enough for a whole collection of games. :)


you got my vote as well! :)





That would be so awesome you guys. I'm actually sitting here crying as I write this. You have no idea how much this means to me, my sister Stacey and my Nephew Isaiah. Anyone thats wants to chip in is more than welcome to shoot me a pm and let me know whatever you want to do. I'm not the type to ask for charity but when it's offered for Isaiah I'm not gonna turn it down as the smiles and enjoyment that will follow with such donations are all going towards his happiness and something to take his mind off life and just play like a "normal" kid.

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Well, it looks like it will go pretty high (putting it out of my reach) but I'd still like to help out, even if I don't get a game out of it. If you consider taking up a collection, let us know! :)


I second that as well. Set up a paypal for the absolutely adorable kid and I am sure he'd get enough for a whole collection of games. :)


you got my vote as well! :)





That would be so awesome you guys. I'm actually sitting here crying as I write this. You have no idea how much this means to me, my sister Stacey and my Nephew Isaiah. Anyone thats wants to chip in is more than welcome to shoot me a pm and let me know whatever you want to do. I'm not the type to ask for charity but when it's offered for Isaiah I'm not gonna turn it down as the smiles and enjoyment that will follow with such donations are all going towards his happiness and something to take his mind off life and just play like a "normal" kid.


Good. Every kid deserves a chance to be happy and there are a lot of people here who agree. Even if it's not a lot, many want to help in any way they can. :love:

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Pm sent, but we better get some pics of him playing it, maybe one of him opening it up! :D


Does he know all about this or is it a surprise?



A little of both. He knows about making the game obviously but he has no clue about the donations or how much the game he made is going for. You guys are so awesome. And yes there will be a video of him getting the Wii and thanking everyone for this selfless act. I'm gonna make some kinda "Xmas in September" BS up for him cause he still 100 percent believes in Santa and all that jazz. He's gonna freak I tell ya, Also this way he will be able to get a Wii before they are all sold out or selling for twice what they are worth like they are gonna be come november.


Once agian thanks everyone for helping out my little angel. It means soooo much.

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Good, I can't wait to see his face! :D

IMHO - there is a Santa and it's the spirit of giving inside people who do selfless acts to help others without any gain. Everyone here helped me and it was like a dream come true and beyond anything I could have wished for. Santa may not be a person but 'he's' still real to me.


Here is where RT would say something about people being possessed or some such crap but hey I believe that what you get what you give in life and vice a verse and karma definitely has to be female, lol. :P

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Shawn, all this has got me wondering if you've shown your nephew how great old school gaming can be. I mean, the Wii will be fantastic for him, but with the right controller he could have a lot of fun with an Atari or other classic system due the the one joystick/one or two fire button configuration. I'll bet a really nice controller with oversized fire buttons and a nice arcade quality joystick could be custom built to clamp right on to his chair. Frankly, I have a hard time with games that use more than two buttons! :ponder: :D


Just food for thought!


Holy cow, I see it's up to $102 already, and it's still 6 days to go! :-o :thumbsup:

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