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Raffle to raise donations for Shawn's nephew with Cerebral Palsy.


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***LOL I had to change the title of this thread first I put "Raffle for Shawn's nephew on the CW" , my wife was like "um, it sounds like your raffling off his nephew." :D






This is for Isaiah Shawn's nephew who has severe cerebral pulsey to get him a WII and some games. Plus if you haven't tried the Chuckwagon yet its a great time to sign up and get a user id and some quick easy feedback... ;-)






I set up a raffle on the chuckwagon with Shawn and Socal Mikes approval if you would like to purchase a ticket here it is:


I wanted to set this up for people that wanted to donate something but were unable to be in the bidding for the one of a kind game. Plus you get a chance at a nice little package.


Also some questions and answers you may have:



1. How much of what I donate actually goes to Isaiah?


A: 100%, I am donating this system and paying for free shipping within the US. Once you buy a ticket or number of tickets, I will email you an invoice and supply you with Shawn’s paypal address so you can send payment directly to him, so the money is never actually to be in my possession and so Paypal doesn’t double dip in the donation.



2. Will you ship outside the US if I win the raffle?


A: Yes international donations are welcome, the only thing I ask is that you cover any cost above 25.00 for shipping ie. Shipping cost 50.00, I cover 25.00 you pay 25.00.



3. I already sent a donation to Shawn before I saw this auction am I still eligible?


A: Yes if you already paypaled Shawn an amount, simply buy that many tickets and make sure you let me know you already paid Shawn, I will check with him and add your tickets to the til.



4. What will happen to excess money made over the price of a WII?


A: The excess if any will go to purchase some games or other items Isaiah may need.




Any other questions just shout me a PM.


Edited by brucebidder
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I set up a raffle on the chuckwagon with Shawn and Socal Mikes approval if you would like to purchase a ticket here it is:



Your link isn't direct for some reason so here's the direct one:




I'll be buying a ticket Thursday for this cause. This is a good cause. Thanks! :)

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I set up a raffle on the chuckwagon with Shawn and Socal Mikes approval if you would like to purchase a ticket here it is:



Your link isn't direct for some reason so here's the direct one:




I'll be buying a ticket Thursday for this cause. This is a good cause. Thanks! :)


That is odd I corrected it I will have to check the other ones now thanks for the heads up and for donating...

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For those of us who still want to make a difference for that adorable kid, this is perfect! Just wanted to remind everyone there's still time and it's still running through September 18th! :)



ps - Thinking about it, I would rather lose this auction because so many tickets were sold then to win because so few were.

Edited by Chickybaby
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ps - Thinking about it, I would rather lose this auction because so many tickets were sold then to win because so few were.


$65 bucks in tickets sold so far, will go a long way to help Isaiah for sure! Thanks guys

for buying the tix & Thanks to Bruce for making this raffle!


They are 'only' $5 each too. Which made it nice at least for a broke ass bugger like me cause I can afford that. While I don't smoke, for me it's the equivalent to buying some junk food at the corner convenience store or dare I say a beer at a bar including tip since specials are usually 2-3$. Kids especially with disabilities should be taken care of and find some joy a lot more then I need a beer or more junk in my trunk. :D :P

Edited by Chickybaby
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ps - Thinking about it, I would rather lose this auction because so many tickets were sold then to win because so few were.


$65 bucks in tickets sold so far, will go a long way to help Isaiah for sure! Thanks guys

for buying the tix & Thanks to Bruce for making this raffle!


i count 24 tickets sold! 24x5=$120 :ponder:


or am i missing something?



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ps - Thinking about it, I would rather lose this auction because so many tickets were sold then to win because so few were.


$65 bucks in tickets sold so far, will go a long way to help Isaiah for sure! Thanks guys

for buying the tix & Thanks to Bruce for making this raffle!


They are 'only' $5 each too. Which made it nice at least for a broke ass bugger like me cause I can afford that. While I don't smoke, for me it's the equivalent to buying some junk food at the corner convenience store or dare I say a beer at a bar including tip since specials are usually 2-3$. Kids especially with disabilities should be taken care of and find some joy a lot more then I need a beer or more junk in my trunk. :D :P


Well said Chicky but I still love the junk in your trunk :grin: :P

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ps - Thinking about it, I would rather lose this auction because so many tickets were sold then to win because so few were.


$65 bucks in tickets sold so far, will go a long way to help Isaiah for sure! Thanks guys

for buying the tix & Thanks to Bruce for making this raffle!


i count 24 tickets sold! 24x5=$120 :ponder:


or am i missing something?




A few people had donated before the raffle directly to SHawn so I allowed them to purchase the equivalent in tickets and a few are either in the process of paying or sending a MO. So the 65.00 is what was paid for up to now after the auction started.

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I decided to extend the auction alittle longer as I recieved a few emails asking if it was still available so I put it back up this is the last round after this I will do the drawing. So far 34 tickets were sold so I lowered the available amount. If anyone is interested that didn't purchase a ticket now is the time.. Thanks to all that have...



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I decided to extend the auction alittle longer as I recieved a few emails asking if it was still available so I put it back up this is the last round after this I will do the drawing. So far 34 tickets were sold so I lowered the available amount. If anyone is interested that didn't purchase a ticket now is the time.. Thanks to all that have...




Cool, I wasn't one of those who asked, but after watching Shawn's videos, I had to kick in for the little fella too. Meant to earlier.


Shawn, if you're reading this, go ahead and cuss all you want in the future, I'm done being offended, you're okay in my book. ;)

(Thanks for the Smurfs game too!)

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Cool, I wasn't one of those who asked, but after watching Shawn's videos, I had to kick in for the little fella too. Meant to earlier.




Shawn, if you're reading this, go ahead and cuss all you want in the future, I'm done being offended, you're okay in my book. ;)



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I decided to extend the auction alittle longer as I recieved a few emails asking if it was still available so I put it back up this is the last round after this I will do the drawing. So far 34 tickets were sold so I lowered the available amount. If anyone is interested that didn't purchase a ticket now is the time.. Thanks to all that have...




Cool, I wasn't one of those who asked, but after watching Shawn's videos, I had to kick in for the little fella too. Meant to earlier.


Shawn, if you're reading this, go ahead and cuss all you want in the future, I'm done being offended, you're okay in my book. ;)

(Thanks for the Smurfs game too!)


Dude, I might be a big "fuckin" ogre but I got a heart too :) Glad you like smurfin' it up, it's a way of life I tell ya :grin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright I have all the tickets in and will be doing the drawing tomorrow night I had hoped to do it last night but wanted to video it, but our Mini DV is flaking out so I am trying to get it up, either way the drawing will be tomorrow evening and I will post some stills of the drawing and post the winner. SO keep an eye out...



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Well I did the drawing and added a few extra prizes of 5 and 10 dollar store credit with me while not those aren't that exciting I will be listing alot of new cool stuff this week so they could be nice...


THe grand prize winner was:



THe second prize winners of 5.00 store credit were





And the winner of the reverse raffle for 10.00 store credit(a revers raffle is when you draw all tickets one at a time til one is left, this is sometimes called an unlucky raffle) was:



to see pics of the drawing and the thread over at CTCW here is the link:




Thanks to all that participated it was really nice to see the outpouring of support. THanks guys... In the end though the real winner was Shawn's nephew congrats for helping to make it possible.... :D

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Well I did the drawing and added a few extra prizes of 5 and 10 dollar store credit with me while not those aren't that exciting I will be listing alot of new cool stuff this week so they could be nice...


THe grand prize winner was:



THe second prize winners of 5.00 store credit were





And the winner of the reverse raffle for 10.00 store credit(a revers raffle is when you draw all tickets one at a time til one is left, this is sometimes called an unlucky raffle) was:



to see pics of the drawing and the thread over at CTCW here is the link:




Thanks to all that participated it was really nice to see the outpouring of support. THanks guys... In the end though the real winner was Shawn's nephew congrats for helping to make it possible.... :D


Thanks to you Bruce for running this raffle for Isaiah. It helped alot.

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