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Auction for Isaiah (7800 Traveller cart)


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I'm too poor right now to chip in cash for Isaiah (Shawn's nephew with cerebral palsy) but I would still like to help out so I decided to auction off this cart that Shawn Sr. made for me. There are not too many of these around. It is in good condition. The picture is fuzzy because I am not very good at photography. If you would like to bid on this cart send me a pm and then I will post the bid in this thread. The payment should be sent directly to Shawn Sr. by the highest bidder. I think he would like it to be made with paypal. When Shawn Sr. lets me know the payment has been received I will send out the cart. Shipping will be free in the United States. Would somebody like to start the bidding at $20?


Edit: I forgot to mention how long the auction would last. 7 days is a normal length so I guess I will go with that unless I am somehow persuaded otherwise.



Edited by accousticguitar
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