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Xbox Live Arcade Classics


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I blew some money on some classic arcade title on Xbox Live last night and so far I'm not terribly impressed. The games look good, but the controls for many of the games just feels 'off' due to the 360's floaty joystick and crappy directional pad. Dig Dug was one of the worst offenders in this regard as my guy always seemed to want to go up then over rather than just over, and I couldn't seem to quickly turn around and hit the pump without him going left or right for some reason. Galaga was alright control-wise, but Tron is nearly unplayable as the controls are awkward and the dial arm turns waaaay too slow. I could bearly make it to level three on the xbox, but I can regularly reach level 12 in the arcade without dying.


The games themselves seem 'off' as well. It's either that they're turned up to maximum difficulty, or they're moving too fast for some reason. Does anyone know if the speed of the emulation is off on the arcade games? And before anyone says that I just suck, I've played all these games in the arcade or on MAME and I've never had this much trouble. Maybe it just is the controller?


Oh well, at least they're good for some quick gamer points. I maxed out Galaga and almost maxed Dig Dug last night (just can't do the dig all the dirt one with these crappy controls).



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I blew some money on some classic arcade title on Xbox Live last night and so far I'm not terribly impressed. The games look good, but the controls for many of the games just feels 'off' due to the 360's floaty joystick and crappy directional pad. Dig Dug was one of the worst offenders in this regard as my guy always seemed to want to go up then over rather than just over, and I couldn't seem to quickly turn around and hit the pump without him going left or right for some reason. Galaga was alright control-wise, but Tron is nearly unplayable as the controls are awkward and the dial arm turns waaaay too slow. I could bearly make it to level three on the xbox, but I can regularly reach level 12 in the arcade without dying.


The games themselves seem 'off' as well. It's either that they're turned up to maximum difficulty, or they're moving too fast for some reason. Does anyone know if the speed of the emulation is off on the arcade games? And before anyone says that I just suck, I've played all these games in the arcade or on MAME and I've never had this much trouble. Maybe it just is the controller?


Tron is definitely off.. especially the sound. It's a non-purchase for sure.. but yeah if you play it, change to control C.


As far as the rest of the stuff, it's not the games, but rather the D-Pad on the 360 that you're having problems with. EVERYONE has problems with it :lol: But supposedly MS is releasing a new controller with a much improved D-Pad which everyone has been clamoring for.


You try out Pacman CE yet? Forget about the cheap ports of Tron and Tempest and go for that.


Oh well, at least they're good for some quick gamer points. I maxed out Galaga and almost maxed Dig Dug last night (just can't do the dig all the dirt one with these crappy controls).


Well yes but what is your score in the game on your friends leaderboards is the big question ;)

Edited by NE146
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Tron gets better if you use control method C, which sets the right analogue stick to point where you want to aim.

Oh that would be sooo much better. I might actually be able to make some headway in the game with that kind of setup.



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I also agree about Pac-Man CE. Probably the best 800 points I ever spent.


I don't spend any money on XBLA buying straight ports of old arcade games. Why would I when there is quite a bit of good original content? If I want to play an emulated version of an old arcade game, I'll just play MAME.



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I don't spend any money on XBLA buying straight ports of old arcade games. Why would I when there is quite a bit of good original content? If I want to play an emulated version of an old arcade game, I'll just play MAME.

Well I figured it might be fun to play some arcade games on my big TV to blow off some steam, but they just make me more angry. I'm mostly interested in playing some of them online such as Gauntlet since it's not all that fun solo.



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I also agree about Pac-Man CE. Probably the best 800 points I ever spent.


I don't spend any money on XBLA buying straight ports of old arcade games. Why would I when there is quite a bit of good original content? If I want to play an emulated version of an old arcade game, I'll just play MAME.




Some are definitely worth it.. Robotron, because it's ROBOTRON :) And of course you can challenge for high scores.

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There's really no good reason for anyone to get burned on a Live arcade game.

Every single game available has a FREE demo you can try out before you make a purchase.

Anyone that has played an Activision Anthology or a Namco Museum game in the past knows that classic video games play differently with modern controllers (usually worse) Knowing all this...Why would you blindly purchase these games when you didnt have to? :cool:


Remember folks. Try...before you buy.

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There's really no good reason for anyone to get burned on a Live arcade game.

Every single game available has a FREE demo you can try out before you make a purchase.

Anyone that has played an Activision Anthology or a Namco Museum game in the past knows that classic video games play differently with modern controllers (usually worse) Knowing all this...Why would you blindly purchase these games when you didnt have to? :cool:


Remember folks. Try...before you buy.

You can't get achievements with demos though... :)



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Well tonight I tried Time Pilot, Yie Ar Kung Fu, Gyruss, and Rush n Attack. Talk about night and day difference! Not only do they play well, but the floaty joystick is actually an asset on some of the games such as Time Pilot. I was able to really rack up some achievements too, some of them were pretty fun to try and get (like the not killing anyone in Rush n Attack one). The enhanced graphics in the games are hit and miss, sometimes they can be too distracting, other times they're really nice. They bastardized the sound in Gyruss though, and when you put it to original it sounds like they didn't get the emulation right.


Tron is still unplayable even with control scheme C and D, it just doesn't work right without the spinner. Sometimes you can get around unique controls and sometimes you can't , Tron is just one of those games where you can't...



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I liked Gyruss as well.

I never really played that game much back in the day, but I enjoyed it!

You should check out JetPac Refueled as well. Thats a great retro game brought up to date. I never played that game back in the day either, but it's pretty decent.

Really though the newer games like Assault Heroes and Geometry Wars is where it's at.

Hell it's free, and you have 120 Gig....download em all.

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Really though the newer games like Assault Heroes and Geometry Wars is where it's at.

Hell it's free, and you have 120 Gig....download em all.

Those are free? I didn't notice that. What games are free?


One thing I noticed with the arcade classics is that you only get one credit. I'm pretty good at Rush n Attack, but I don't think I can make it through the whole game on one credit. Don't they have continues? I seem to remember being able to continue in the arcade, but I might be mistaken.



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Really though the newer games like Assault Heroes and Geometry Wars is where it's at.

Hell it's free, and you have 120 Gig....download em all.

Those are free? I didn't notice that. What games are free?


One thing I noticed with the arcade classics is that you only get one credit. I'm pretty good at Rush n Attack, but I don't think I can make it through the whole game on one credit. Don't they have continues? I seem to remember being able to continue in the arcade, but I might be mistaken.




I think he's referring to the fact that the demos are free. You can set your 360 to DL new XBLA games automatically as they become available.

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Verizon Wireless needs to take a cue from this and allow free demos of every game. Instead only some games have free 5 minute or 2 minute demos and such and you need to physically click on every game to find which one has a demo or not. I have personally bought over 50 games on my Verizon Wireless phone (yeah I'm an idiot) and a few of them suck.


I like some of the classic arcade games (such as Tapper) but don't like the stupid borders they put around them.

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I played Robotron this afternoon, and promptly got my ass kicked. Did they turn up the difficulty on this one or what? At first I thought I was just rusty when I couldn't get past level 9, but then I went to my MAME cab and tried Robotron on the default difficulty and got to level 23. There's something screwy about the 360 version, it's almost like they cranked the difficulty up for some reason.



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With robotron, I think its the controller. Something about the throw of the sticks just doesn't feel right to me. I'm way better with my mame cab as well.

It's more than that though, the red circles seem to spit out the little drone guys within seconds of appearing and the boxes also pop out the robots after only one or two seconds of being on the screen. That's not how the default difficulty is, they should wait much longer than that.



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