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New controller question


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I have two semi-working controllers that I use. For the most part they work fine, but I do have some problems. I can't get either controller to get off the vine in Pitfall! So I was thinking of getting a couple of the gold controllers from Best Electronics. I know these controllers fix the button problem, but what about joystick problems? Is there a chance I could end up with two new controllers with the same problem?

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Well for the most part the stick part of the controller can be tricky to get working correct. Sometimes the pots become out of alignment and need to be zeroed. This is a common problem with the stick part. Even with new pots you still would have to align them. It's not too bad. When you open the controller the top pot should be turned toward the 9 o'clock position and the bottom pot should be in the 6 o'clock position. It can be tricky to get the controller to start the game but when the controller is open and you have started a game their are little marks to the left and right of the pots. If the action on the screen doesn't move in the corresponding direction in which you moved the tab on the pot to one of those marks then you need to slightly move the tab (either left or right depending on which direction you are going) to the other direction completely until it stops then turn it with a pair of pliers very slightly and then repeat the process. Most pots have a problems going right and down after many hours of use and then they need zeroed the best you can get it. Miner 2049er is the best game I know of to make sure your controller will work correctly. I hope I explained this to where it can be understood but sometimes hands on is all I know. Don't toss em'. Sell them to me. :D

Edited by ninermaniac
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I have two semi-working controllers that I use. For the most part they work fine, but I do have some problems. I can't get either controller to get off the vine in Pitfall! So I was thinking of getting a couple of the gold controllers from Best Electronics. I know these controllers fix the button problem, but what about joystick problems? Is there a chance I could end up with two new controllers with the same problem?

The Best Electronics sticks are great, definitely the best you can buy, better than new, not say that they will never stop working, but well worth the $

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There's also a controller adjustment potentiometer inside the 5200. If its not calibrated correctly it can cause issues like you've described with Pitfall. I've mostly noticed problems with Super Breakout not allowing the paddle to go all the way over to one edge or the other and problems using MasterPlay/Redemption type devices. The 5200 sticks usually work even when the buttons are failing so buying rebuilt ones may not help with your problem.


If you take the top off your 5200 and put in a game like Super Breakout or Missle Command, center your joystick then adjust the pot until the paddle/cursor is centered on screen you'll likely fix your problem.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I went ahead and bought two gold controllers from Best. I can get off the vine with one of them, but not with the other. So I guess the pots in the one controller is not calibrated correctly. How hard is it to fix this problem? When you have to use pliers is it easy to break that tab off by bending it too much? I'll probably try this on one of my old ones first. One cool thing I did learn is that the bottom fire button makes Harry jump straight up. I thought both did the same.

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Well I went ahead and bought two gold controllers from Best. I can get off the vine with one of them, but not with the other. So I guess the pots in the one controller is not calibrated correctly. How hard is it to fix this problem? When you have to use pliers is it easy to break that tab off by bending it too much? I'll probably try this on one of my old ones first. One cool thing I did learn is that the bottom fire button makes Harry jump straight up. I thought both did the same.



From experience, if you adjust the controller pots for a specific game, you may end up throwing off the response in other games. This is because different games were programmed differently, and they interpret the pot inputs differently.


When adjusting those white arms, I usually like to move the pot to an extreme left or right position until it doesn't move any more, and then just use your thumb and forefinger to force it a little bit more. A little goes a long way. You can also take the pot arms off and reposition as needed, but for small adjustments this should not be necessary.


You can use Missile Command to get the cursor centered on screen and try to line up the pot arms as such: top pointing to 9 o'clock and bottom pointing down to 6 o'clock. This is what I usually use, some people say 10 o'clock on the top but I prefer 9.


I have also seen pots that have a decreased range, and usually when I test controllers with the diagnostic cart, if the range doesn't pass my extreme limit test, I would look to replace the pot.

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