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someone getting hosed out of $150


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The guy pulled his E-Bay account. He is now "no longer a registered user". I hope Bayniac did'nt get HOSED.


Well thats never a good sign. :roll:

Yeah, interesting turn of events.




Not really surprisingly! After my offer I have never heard anything from him..........

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Alright so I have to tell my funny story about this. I decided to be evil and jsut see if the guy was still trying to screw people with this so I asked what happened to the game and if he sold it.


He replied to me, "I still have it and its still for sale if your interested."


I asked him what happened with the buyer and he replied, " I still got it. But im not accepting paypal at the moment. Someone got a hold of my password and stuff and took all my money"


SO I got no straight answer about the buyer..


So I asked what he wanted for it, he replied "I don't know what its worth make me an offer. We can do a MO"


I replied if I could see some REAL pictures of the item. He replied with the same photo from the Auction which is the pic from here.


I replied I needed to see a REAL pic not someone else's. He then stopped repling to me. Now he hasn't responded to 6 emails. So its funny now he still has it and only wants MO's how funny. I really hope that if Lemoncurry is the buyer that he did not actually pay the guy... Anyway thought I would throw that out there...


Bruce :ponder:

Edited by brucebidder
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The bad news is that if the guy closed his PayPal account then lemoncurry will not recieve his money back. $hit like this pisses me off. Sorry lemoncurry. I believe you did get hosed. :x

Nope, I'm covered even if he closed it.


First off, there is Paypal Buyer Protection:


# PayPal Buyer Complaint Policy - Our best efforts program to reimburse Users for losses only to the extent we are able to recover the funds from sellers.

# PayPal Buyer Protection Policy - Our program to reimburse Users for losses for up to (i) $2,000.00 USD (Top Tier Coverage Amount) for eligible items purchased on eBay and (ii) up to $200.00 USD (Basic Tier Coverage Amount) for all other eligible items purchased on eBay and for eligible items purchased on eBay. (And the ad was listed as covered, the seller was even PayPal verified!)


Then if that falls through somehow there's always a credit card chargeback.


I think PayPal probably held his funds anyway, given the category, the amount and his feedback, so it's no big deal. I think his real angle was to play dumb and hope for someone trying to do a side deal with a MO... He didn't even bother sending an empty box or anything.


I should have listened to you guys, but I'm only out a little time and inconvenience. But it was fun for a while there, thinking I had possibly made a major score. It's probably the closest I'll ever get to owning A2, I'm sure not going to plunk down anything like a grand for it!


But my Atari karma has rewarded me with a nice thrift store find: a nice 4 switcher setup, with 2 boxed Atari controllers, a boxed Slik Stick, two Blaster sticks, paddles, a pair of driving controllers, and 18 games with instructions, all working and very very clean, for 15 bucks!

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The bad news is that if the guy closed his PayPal account then lemoncurry will not recieve his money back. $hit like this pisses me off. Sorry lemoncurry. I believe you did get hosed. :x

Seriously? That seems pretty damn lame if that's the case. That would surely be quite an easy way to rip people off--setup a PayPal account, run a bunch of auctions for stuff with Immediate Payment Required, and when all the auctions end and you've been paid for everything, pull the money out of PayPal and close the account. I haven't seen anything about Buyer Protection being void if the seller closes his or her PayPal account..



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I should have listened to you guys, but I'm only out a little time and inconvenience. But it was fun for a while there, thinking I had possibly made a major score. It's probably the closest I'll ever get to owning A2, I'm sure not going to plunk down anything like a grand for it!

Can you post the seller's name so if he shows up with another eBay account in the future we'll have some advance warning?





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The bad news is that if the guy closed his PayPal account then lemoncurry will not recieve his money back. $hit like this pisses me off. Sorry lemoncurry. I believe you did get hosed. :x

Seriously? That seems pretty damn lame if that's the case. That would surely be quite an easy way to rip people off--setup a PayPal account, run a bunch of auctions for stuff with Immediate Payment Required, and when all the auctions end and you've been paid for everything, pull the money out of PayPal and close the account. I haven't seen anything about Buyer Protection being void if the seller closes his or her PayPal account..



Lemoncurry is right it all depends on where it falls in coverage and if it was covered he should be safe. That guy was a tool... Oh well nice score LC at the thrift store.. Sorry for all the crap you had to go through. DId he at least email you anything or just vanish after the fact?



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Sorry for all the crap you had to go through. DId he at least email you anything or just vanish after the fact?




Yeah, that was the weird thing, and kept me hoping - I paid Thursday, and he emailed me Monday to say he couldn't get to the PO Friday, I kept thinking he would just disappear if it was bogus. Quite a head trip.


Live and learn!

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Can you post the seller's name so if he shows up with another eBay account in the future we'll have some advance warning?






His name was listed as Philip Craig, which he apparently lifted from an author I had never heard of until I tried Googling him. (Wonder how he got PayPal Verified if that was a fake name?)

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Can you post the seller's name so if he shows up with another eBay account in the future we'll have some advance warning?






His name was listed as Philip Craig, which he apparently lifted from an author I had never heard of until I tried Googling him. (Wonder how he got PayPal Verified if that was a fake name?)

I was really hoping that you would of had your "Ha, showed you guys!" moment. But it has become 100 percent clear that this guy was a huckster. Just hope you get you money back in a timely manner.

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I wonder if he hosed a few people trying to do a side deal with this too? That is something we will never know.


Well I can tell you he tried to work out a deal with me and tried to get me to send him an MO. SO if anyone went that route yikes they are pretty much screwwwed. Of course I had no intention of dealing with him I was jsut curious if he was trying to screw lemoncurry or not. What's funny is how as soon as you asked for some real pics he suddenly disappeared....



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