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More eBay BS! Money Orders no longer accepted!


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Listen to this shit!


Faster, more reliable checkout on eBay

Starting this fall, we're moving to an electronic checkout process that's faster and more reliable for sellers and buyers. As part of this move, checks and money orders will no longer be accepted on eBay, although buyers can still use these payment methods for item pick-up, at the seller's discretion. In addition, the electronic payment methods will be fully integrated into eBay checkout. For example, if a seller has an internet merchant account, a buyer will be able to directly enter a credit card and never have to leave the site.


Today, items paid with check or money order are 80% more likely to result in an item not received (INR) than those paid with credit card or PayPal. Also, buyers who pay with check or money order are 50% more likely to leave negative feedback than those who pay with electronic methods. So starting in late October, 2008, we are moving to 100% electronic payments - credit cards, ProPay, or PayPal.


This means that sellers will be able to offer credit card payments through their own merchant accounts, and payments through ProPay and/or PayPal, with all payment methods integrated into the checkout process on eBay. Seller will also get paid faster and be able to ship items quicker. And remember, for those buyers and sellers who use PayPal, we're backing every eligible transaction with our buyer and seller protections. (See more information on paperless payments and more on terms for the PayPal Buyer and Seller Protection plans.)


I have to step onto my soapbox for a minute.



1. Not everyone in the world owns a credit card. Especially with the high interest rates, who the hell wants one?

2. It's funny, when I got ripped off on eBay, IT WAS PAYPAL! I only had problems with a money order not arriving ONCE. PayPal? EIGHT TIMES!

3. PayPal is anything but safe. They put you through the damn ringer when filing a claim and even if you win, YOU ARE NOT GUARANTEED YOUR MONEY BACK!!!

4. People like me, who DO have a credit card, use it for bills and emergencies. We shouldn't have to spend $200 on our card just because eBay wouldn't take a money order, and when you NEED the card, you can't use it!

5. The ONLY reason why eBay wants to switch to PayPal is that 80% of people use money orders. eBay owns PayPal and when people use money orders instead of PayPal, eBay loses money. GODFORBID, if eBay's greedy ass loses money. LORD KNOWS THEY REALLY FUCKING NEED IT!

6. What about the people who WANT a credit card but can't get one because of either no or bad credit. Which is HALF of America! What the hell do you expect them to do?


So, Howard Beale rant aside, it is now confirmed that eBay isn't only screwing the sellers, they're screwing the BUYERS now, too. I CAN understand the whole "sellers cannot leave negative feedback", as it allows buyers to be more honest, as some might be scared to leave a neg or neutral because the seller might get pissed and neg them back, screwing up the buyer's rating, when the buyer was simply being honest and didn't do anything wrong.



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I admit eBay ignorance, but what is to stop you from just listing as "item pick-up" and still accepting a money order?

Nothing at all.


Regarding credit cards, if you have a checking account you very likely have a Mastercard/Visa debit card. You can use those just as easily as a normal credit card. I do agree that this is simply a cash grab by eBay since that's 2-3% per transaction they are losing out when you don't use a PayPal account. And yes, this is just another nail in eBay's eventual coffin. I love how eBay tries to sell this move as a means of protecting buyers and sellers. I bet there are some wonderful threads on eBay's discussion forum about this boneheaded move.



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Listen to this shit!


Faster, more reliable checkout on eBay

Starting this fall, we're moving to an electronic checkout process that's faster and more reliable for sellers and buyers. As part of this move, checks and money orders will no longer be accepted on eBay, although buyers can still use these payment methods for item pick-up, at the seller's discretion. In addition, the electronic payment methods will be fully integrated into eBay checkout. For example, if a seller has an internet merchant account, a buyer will be able to directly enter a credit card and never have to leave the site.


Today, items paid with check or money order are 80% more likely to result in an item not received (INR) than those paid with credit card or PayPal. Also, buyers who pay with check or money order are 50% more likely to leave negative feedback than those who pay with electronic methods. So starting in late October, 2008, we are moving to 100% electronic payments - credit cards, ProPay, or PayPal.


This means that sellers will be able to offer credit card payments through their own merchant accounts, and payments through ProPay and/or PayPal, with all payment methods integrated into the checkout process on eBay. Seller will also get paid faster and be able to ship items quicker. And remember, for those buyers and sellers who use PayPal, we're backing every eligible transaction with our buyer and seller protections. (See more information on paperless payments and more on terms for the PayPal Buyer and Seller Protection plans.)


I have to step onto my soapbox for a minute.



1. Not everyone in the world owns a credit card. Especially with the high interest rates, who the hell wants one?

2. It's funny, when I got ripped off on eBay, IT WAS PAYPAL! I only had problems with a money order not arriving ONCE. PayPal? EIGHT TIMES!

3. PayPal is anything but safe. They put you through the damn ringer when filing a claim and even if you win, YOU ARE NOT GUARANTEED YOUR MONEY BACK!!!

4. People like me, who DO have a credit card, use it for bills and emergencies. We shouldn't have to spend $200 on our card just because eBay wouldn't take a money order, and when you NEED the card, you can't use it!

5. The ONLY reason why eBay wants to switch to PayPal is that 80% of people use money orders. eBay owns PayPal and when people use money orders instead of PayPal, eBay loses money. GODFORBID, if eBay's greedy ass loses money. LORD KNOWS THEY REALLY FUCKING NEED IT!

6. What about the people who WANT a credit card but can't get one because of either no or bad credit. Which is HALF of America! What the hell do you expect them to do?


So, Howard Beale rant aside, it is now confirmed that eBay isn't only screwing the sellers, they're screwing the BUYERS now, too. I CAN understand the whole "sellers cannot leave negative feedback", as it allows buyers to be more honest, as some might be scared to leave a neg or neutral because the seller might get pissed and neg them back, screwing up the buyer's rating, when the buyer was simply being honest and didn't do anything wrong.



You understand and think its a good system if sellers cant leave negative feedback? Ive had 3 buyers in the last month with perfect feedback that havent paid me. I cannot tell if I have a good buyer or not anymore. This new non negative system for sellers sucks! I have no recourse if some dumb buyer wants to leave me a negative out of the blue. Most buyers are good,but anymore Ive had people paying me 10 days late because they know I cant leave netural or negative feedback on them. HOw is tthis system keeping the ebay community safe and informed?

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For a pick up only item, just mention in the listing the item will come with $999 shipping and handling via a fly by night freight company if you pay for shipping, cash on pickup strongly encouraged. (try to mention item is over 100 lbs so USPS and UPS cant be used)


If they come for pick up but still paid by Paypal (bank or fund xfer), send something by mail so Paypal has tracking info. If the buyer paid with credit card and then later charge back through CC you will get shafted no matter how well covered you are in proof of shipping.


I am out almost $100 a month ago because some moron filed charge back on me 2 months after receiving it and leaving me + feedback. I used Click n Ship through Paypal so I got the right address and it was listed as confirmed. Tracking shows it arrived 2 days after I shipped it. Yet Paypal shafted me because CC company claims unauthorized use of CC. (plus Paypal added $10 fee for filing charge back with me)

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This is why I've switched my buying to chasethechuckwagon.com I will probably get a pre paid credit card for hte things that can only be found on ebay. Still, it's going to be one heck of a lot easier for me to look at CTCW first for an item, maybe make an offer, and go get a money order. It will also be cheaper, as the prepaid card will cost $2 to load and $1 per transaction. After I've gone through all that, my next stop will be Amazon. the only thing stopping me from shopping there was the credit card requirement, so if I've got to get one, I'm going to Amazon. A MO, stamp, and envelope cost less than $1, and the post office treats their own money orders just like cash, so they're always gonna be cheaper.


On a side note, I found that many more auctions on CTCW have "make an offer" on them than ebay auctions do. I can make the offer I feel is right and not have to screw with the auction part.

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I am out almost $100 a month ago because some moron filed charge back on me 2 months after receiving it and leaving me + feedback. I used Click n Ship through Paypal so I got the right address and it was listed as confirmed. Tracking shows it arrived 2 days after I shipped it. Yet Paypal shafted me because CC company claims unauthorized use of CC. (plus Paypal added $10 fee for filing charge back with me)


Yeah. If someone really wants to screw you they have 6 months with a CC to do it. That's why I don't like dealing with them when it comes to sales. Debit acccont, cahsiers check, & money order only when it comes to some items. Even if you specify some still do it. I think I would sacrifice a Neg someitmes rather than take a chance on CC payments from a complete and total stranger who you have no trust in their status now since they yanked Neg rights to sellers. I feel for ya. I really do. :x

Edited by ninermaniac
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