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Ebay FA: Demon Attack label variations


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Hello all,


Been lurking a little bit and learning about Atari collecting, which I'm a total newbie at - I've been involved in some of the 8-bit computers for a while and am just now expanding my horizons.


I've got a couple label variations of Demon Attack, the "rev. B" and "rev. C" labels, up on Ebay right now. I couldn't find much info about them, and frankly, I have no idea what they're worth to anyone, so I've got them listed at auction for $3.99 opening bid. Neither one's mint, but they're not badly abused - you can see 'em in the pictures.


I've been on Ebay for years and have pretty good feedback (mostly selling music, I used to own a record store) but branching out in to the other areas I love (old computers, books, etc).


Thanks for your interest, and I hope to keep learning from you guys as I embark on my Atari journey (not that Journey...)





Demon Attack, Rev. B:





Demon Attack, Rev. C:



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I guess there's no connection between the label variations and the game variations is there? I am looking to get Demon Attack again since I loved it back in the 80's but the version I used to own was the version that ends (I think it's after 256 waves or something?). But I hear Imagic fixed that and then released an endless version of Demon Attack. I want to buy the version that has an ending. But I can't see how to find that specific version of Demon Attack.

Is there a way to tell other than just buying and playing hundreds of levels?

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I guess there's no connection between the label variations and the game variations is there? I am looking to get Demon Attack again since I loved it back in the 80's but the version I used to own was the version that ends (I think it's after 256 waves or something?). But I hear Imagic fixed that and then released an endless version of Demon Attack. I want to buy the version that has an ending. But I can't see how to find that specific version of Demon Attack.

Is there a way to tell other than just buying and playing hundreds of levels?

I took a look at these a while back. You can see the results here:




No quarantees you'll end up with the right version if they switched roms halfway through a label run, but the earliest "ending" version should be the text label.

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